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Objetivo: Redefinir el concepto de comportamiento homosexual analizando sus bases apetitivas, precopulatorias, consumatorias y posconsumatorias; así como analizar las bases neurales y el papel del aprendizaje en el comportamiento... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyZoonosesDNA
The effect of allopregnanolone on anxiety induced in rats separated from their young during breastfeeding | Resumen | Antecedentes. La relación madre-hijo y el cuidado parental al recién nacido son fundamentales en el desarrollo... more
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BACKGROUND Poor communication between referring clinicians and specialists may lead to inefficient use of specialist services. San Francisco General Hospital implemented an electronic referral system (eReferral) that facilitates iterative... more
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      Electronic Health RecordsGeneral Internal MedicineMedicineSan Francisco
BACKGROUND Interpersonal trust plays an important role in the clinic visit. Clinician trust in the patient may be especially important when prescribing opioid analgesics because of concerns about misuse. Previous studies have found that... more
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      CommunicationPovertyPrimary Health CareTrust
To assess the association between antiretroviral therapy (ART) and fertility history and desire among HIV-positive Ugandan women, we conducted a cross-sectional study among HIV-positive Ugandan women aged 18–50 years who attended an HIV... more
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      UgandaFertilityHIVAntiretroviral Therapy
Mortality has declined in most HIV-infected populations yet remains high among those with barriers to accessing antiretroviral (ARV) therapy. We sought to determine predictors of death in a group of HIV-infected homeless persons in San... more
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      PovertyHepatitis CAntiretroviral TherapySan Francisco
Background: While the relationship between average adherence to HIV potent antiretroviral therapy is well defined, the relationship between patterns of adherence within adherence strata has not been investigated. We examined medication... more
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While the majority of medical inpatients in Uganda are assumed to be HIV-positive, HIV testing is limited in inpatient settings. This study describes HIV testing practices and risk behavior among medical inpatients at an urban hospital in... more
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      UgandaRisk TakingAdolescentCounseling
Objective: To determine the prevalence of depressive disorder in patients with HIV/AIDS receiving HAART; to determine the effect of depressive disorder on adherence to antiretroviral therapy; and to determine the significance of the... more
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      PsychologyPediatricsDepressionMedication Adherence
Background-Pillbox organizers are inexpensive and easily used; however, their effect on adherence to anti-retroviral medications is unknown.
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      Biological SciencesAntiretroviral TherapyModelsVirus
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      Experiencia EstéticaMontajeHerzog
Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
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Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
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      WittgensteinArteDuchampExperiencia Estética
This paper presents the results of recent flight tests of several anti-windup (AW) compensators on the German Aerospace Centre's (DLR) Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft (ATTAS). The objectives of the tests were twofold: to... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAerodynamicsStabilityActuators
This paper presents the application of a rate saturation compensation scheme to the DLR Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft (ATTAS) and the results of the subsequent flight tests. Details of the design philosophy and the flight tests,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringOscillations
The aim of this paper is to give a novel solution to the full order anti-windup (AW) compensation problem. The main contribution of the procedure proposed is the reduction of the LMI optimisation problem that has generally been solved, to... more
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      Applied MathematicsControlRiccati EquationRobustness
This paper develops an anti-windup scheme for systems with rate-limited actuators. The main results show how a full-order anti-windup compensator can be synthesised using an algebraic Riccati equation and several free parameters. A... more
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      Applied MathematicsControlAttractionFlight Control