Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development
Introduction: Green Airport is an airport development concept designed to be healthy. Excess leve... more Introduction: Green Airport is an airport development concept designed to be healthy. Excess levels of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the room can cause discomfort in the form of headache, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and feeling confused and weak. This study aimed to determine the implementation of CO and CO2 control in rooms to achieve a green airport at Banyuwangi Airport. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, the obtained data were compared with related regulations. The physical and chemical quality of indoor air was measured at 85 points in three main rooms at risk using CO and CO2 detectors. Control was done through observing and measuring ventilation and detection systems in the entire occupied space. Results: The measurement results of CO and CO2 levels have met the specified threshold value below 29 ppm for CO and 5000 ppm for CO2. Physical quality measurements have not met the requirements for indoor temperature above 27.1°C and humidity above 6...
Latar Belakang: Sampah plastik masih menjadi masalah berat di dunia. Sampah plastik adalah akumul... more Latar Belakang: Sampah plastik masih menjadi masalah berat di dunia. Sampah plastik adalah akumulasi benda-benda plastik (misalnya, botol plastik dan banyak lagi) di lingkungan bumi yang berdampak negatif terhadap kehidupan makhluk hidup. Sebagian besar degradasi menghasilkan serat dan mikroplastik berserabut. Mikroplasstik berpotensi menyebabkan gangguan metabolism, neurotoksisitas dan peningkatan risiko kanker pada manusia. Selain itu mikroplastik dapat menimbulakn potensi risiko kesehatn seperti : gangguan kekebalan, neurotoksisitas, gangguan reproduksi serta karsinogenik. Kajian literatur yang akan dilakukan mengenai dampak mikroplastik terhadap lingkungan pesisir, biota serta potensi risiko kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh paparan mikroplastik.Metode: Penelitia ini merupakan sebuah literature Review. Database yang digunakan dalam pencarian artikel ini menggunakan Google Scholar dan ScienceDirect dengan kata kunci "microplastic, plastic waste effect, coastal microplastic, mic...
Jurnal kesehatan lingkungan Indonesia, Sep 4, 2022
ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Karbon monoksida (CO) merupakan gas yang tidak memiliki warna dan bau, ya... more ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Karbon monoksida (CO) merupakan gas yang tidak memiliki warna dan bau, yang dapat membahayakan apabila terhirup dengan jumlah yang besar. Sumber gas CO di udara adalah mobil, truk dan kendaraan lainnya, barang yang ada di rumah seperti pemanas ruangan dengan minyak tanah, cerobong asap, dan tungku yang bocor, kompor gas, asap rokok merupakan benda yang dapat melepaskan gas CO di dalam ruangan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan literature Review. Data base yang digunakan dalam pencarian artikel ini dengan menggunakan google scholar dan Science Direct dengan kata kunci "Karbon Monoksida, COHb, Carbon Monoxide, Health Effect" yang telah dilakukan peneliti sebelumnya baik dari dalam ataupun luar negeri Hasil: Hasil review artikel di dapatkan beberapa data mengenai penyakit, gejala dan juga efek Kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh paparan gas CO yang terjadi di masyarakat. Paparan gas CO dapat menyebabkan naiknya kadar karboksihemoglobin (COHb) pada darah, sakit kepala, pusing, sesak nafas, mata berair, tekanan darah tinggi. Paparan gas CO dapat menyebabkan bronchitis, penyakit jantung coroner, hipertensi, stroke serta dapat menyebabkan Delayed Encephalopathy After Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (DEACMP). Paparan gas CO berhubungan dengan kejadian BBLR, kejadian stunting pada balita serta menyebabkan peningkatan kasus dan peningkatan angka kematian akibat Covid-19. Simpulan: Paparan gas CO dapat mempengaruhi kondisi Kesehatan manusia
countries. The proportionate mortality rate (PMR) due to ARI in children under five in the world ... more countries. The proportionate mortality rate (PMR) due to ARI in children under five in the world is 16%, two thirds of deaths are infant deaths. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors for family behavior with the incidence of ARI in children under five in Indonesia. The method in this study uses meta-analysis to find the effect size value using JASP software version 0.9.2. Sources of data in this study came from Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Pubmed then sorted according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and obtained 37 research articles. The results of secondary data from the meta-analysis method found that the variable using mosquito coils had a 1.094 times greater risk of experiencing the incidence of ARI in toddlers. The conclusion from the results of the meta-analysis that has a higher level of risk on the family behavior variable is the family smoking habit variable. Efforts to control the risk of ARI in toddlers by conducting periodic counseling or p...
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an infection that attacks the lower or upper respiratory tra... more Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an infection that attacks the lower or upper respiratory tract and has the potential to be transmitted to other people. It depends on the causative pathogen and home environmental factors which affect it. The study analyzes the relationship between home environmental conditions, including ventilation, humidity, floors, residential density, and smoking habits, with the incidence of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in Toddlers in Indonesia by conducting a meta-analysis of data from various research articles. The method in this study is a meta-analysis by finding the effect size value using JASP software. Articles performed a meta-analysis of 25 articles. The results of the meta-analysis found that the variable density of residential has 1,135 times larger, 1,665 times greater ventilation, 1.568 times greater, and the floor conditions 1,309 times larger, as well as the habit sapped. The conclusion from the results of this study shows that the condi...
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is a health problem that exists in the world, especially in tod... more Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is a health problem that exists in the world, especially in toddlers. The proportionate mortality rate (PMR) for children under five in the world is 16%, two-thirds of deaths are infant deaths. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors for family behavior with the incidence of ARI in children under five in Indonesia. This study uses the Meta-analysis method. This method is a statistical method that combines several (2 or more) of the results of similar research in order to obtain a combination of quantitative data with the same hypothesis to reach a conclusion. The results of secondary data from the meta-analysis method showed that the use of mosquito coils had a 1.094 times greater risk of causing ARI in children under five. The conclusion from the results of the meta-analysis that has a higher level of risk on the family behavior variable is the family smoking habit variable. Control efforts can be carried out by conducting regular counseling or promotion about the dangers of ARI disease, reducing the factors that influence the incidence of ARI in toddlers, and urging people who have toddlers at home not to smoke or use mosquito coils inside the house.
In 2015, Indonesia was ranked as the second-highest, with a percentage of 12.9%. Open Defecation ... more In 2015, Indonesia was ranked as the second-highest, with a percentage of 12.9%. Open Defecation Free (ODF) in Indonesia is still a problem, 33 out of 34 provinces in Indonesia are still not 100% verified as ODF. The purpose of this study is to make a management control of OD behaviour in Indonesia. This study's literature was collected using Google Scholar and Pubmed search engines by entering keywords open defecation Indonesia, and buang air besar sembarangan. From review of published literature, it is found that several factors cause people to practice OD, namely environmental, socio-cultural, and economic factors. These factors become the basis for making OD model control with a logic model. The program was made with a button-up approach carried out through several activities, namely approaches to community leaders, youth, and local communities, monitoring potential areas for OD practice and cross-sector coordination, and making regional regulations.
Latar belakang: Paparan karbon Monoksida dapat menyebabkan keracunan yang dapat mmembentuk karbok... more Latar belakang: Paparan karbon Monoksida dapat menyebabkan keracunan yang dapat mmembentuk karboksihemoglobin (COHb) dalam darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar CO Udara dengan Kadar COHb pada pedagang kaki lima.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan rancangan studi cross sectional. Sampel yang diambil berjumlah 28 pedagang kaki lima. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik Purposive Sampling. Pengujian kadar COHb dilakukan menggunakan spektofotometri yang dilakukan di Laboratoriaum Biokimia Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember. Pengambilan sampel udara dilakukan menggunakan alat CO Monitor. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini uji korelasi spearmen dan Chi Square.Hasil: Hasil pada penelitian ini diketahui bahwa ada beberapa titik yang memiliki kadar CO udara diatas baku mutu yaitu pada pagi hari di traffic light Jalan Gajah Mada serta pada pagi dan malam hari di traffic ligh...
Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development
Introduction: Green Airport is an airport development concept designed to be healthy. Excess leve... more Introduction: Green Airport is an airport development concept designed to be healthy. Excess levels of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the room can cause discomfort in the form of headache, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and feeling confused and weak. This study aimed to determine the implementation of CO and CO2 control in rooms to achieve a green airport at Banyuwangi Airport. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, the obtained data were compared with related regulations. The physical and chemical quality of indoor air was measured at 85 points in three main rooms at risk using CO and CO2 detectors. Control was done through observing and measuring ventilation and detection systems in the entire occupied space. Results: The measurement results of CO and CO2 levels have met the specified threshold value below 29 ppm for CO and 5000 ppm for CO2. Physical quality measurements have not met the requirements for indoor temperature above 27.1°C and humidity above 6...
Latar Belakang: Sampah plastik masih menjadi masalah berat di dunia. Sampah plastik adalah akumul... more Latar Belakang: Sampah plastik masih menjadi masalah berat di dunia. Sampah plastik adalah akumulasi benda-benda plastik (misalnya, botol plastik dan banyak lagi) di lingkungan bumi yang berdampak negatif terhadap kehidupan makhluk hidup. Sebagian besar degradasi menghasilkan serat dan mikroplastik berserabut. Mikroplasstik berpotensi menyebabkan gangguan metabolism, neurotoksisitas dan peningkatan risiko kanker pada manusia. Selain itu mikroplastik dapat menimbulakn potensi risiko kesehatn seperti : gangguan kekebalan, neurotoksisitas, gangguan reproduksi serta karsinogenik. Kajian literatur yang akan dilakukan mengenai dampak mikroplastik terhadap lingkungan pesisir, biota serta potensi risiko kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh paparan mikroplastik.Metode: Penelitia ini merupakan sebuah literature Review. Database yang digunakan dalam pencarian artikel ini menggunakan Google Scholar dan ScienceDirect dengan kata kunci "microplastic, plastic waste effect, coastal microplastic, mic...
Jurnal kesehatan lingkungan Indonesia, Sep 4, 2022
ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Karbon monoksida (CO) merupakan gas yang tidak memiliki warna dan bau, ya... more ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Karbon monoksida (CO) merupakan gas yang tidak memiliki warna dan bau, yang dapat membahayakan apabila terhirup dengan jumlah yang besar. Sumber gas CO di udara adalah mobil, truk dan kendaraan lainnya, barang yang ada di rumah seperti pemanas ruangan dengan minyak tanah, cerobong asap, dan tungku yang bocor, kompor gas, asap rokok merupakan benda yang dapat melepaskan gas CO di dalam ruangan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan literature Review. Data base yang digunakan dalam pencarian artikel ini dengan menggunakan google scholar dan Science Direct dengan kata kunci "Karbon Monoksida, COHb, Carbon Monoxide, Health Effect" yang telah dilakukan peneliti sebelumnya baik dari dalam ataupun luar negeri Hasil: Hasil review artikel di dapatkan beberapa data mengenai penyakit, gejala dan juga efek Kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh paparan gas CO yang terjadi di masyarakat. Paparan gas CO dapat menyebabkan naiknya kadar karboksihemoglobin (COHb) pada darah, sakit kepala, pusing, sesak nafas, mata berair, tekanan darah tinggi. Paparan gas CO dapat menyebabkan bronchitis, penyakit jantung coroner, hipertensi, stroke serta dapat menyebabkan Delayed Encephalopathy After Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (DEACMP). Paparan gas CO berhubungan dengan kejadian BBLR, kejadian stunting pada balita serta menyebabkan peningkatan kasus dan peningkatan angka kematian akibat Covid-19. Simpulan: Paparan gas CO dapat mempengaruhi kondisi Kesehatan manusia
countries. The proportionate mortality rate (PMR) due to ARI in children under five in the world ... more countries. The proportionate mortality rate (PMR) due to ARI in children under five in the world is 16%, two thirds of deaths are infant deaths. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors for family behavior with the incidence of ARI in children under five in Indonesia. The method in this study uses meta-analysis to find the effect size value using JASP software version 0.9.2. Sources of data in this study came from Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Pubmed then sorted according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and obtained 37 research articles. The results of secondary data from the meta-analysis method found that the variable using mosquito coils had a 1.094 times greater risk of experiencing the incidence of ARI in toddlers. The conclusion from the results of the meta-analysis that has a higher level of risk on the family behavior variable is the family smoking habit variable. Efforts to control the risk of ARI in toddlers by conducting periodic counseling or p...
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an infection that attacks the lower or upper respiratory tra... more Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an infection that attacks the lower or upper respiratory tract and has the potential to be transmitted to other people. It depends on the causative pathogen and home environmental factors which affect it. The study analyzes the relationship between home environmental conditions, including ventilation, humidity, floors, residential density, and smoking habits, with the incidence of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in Toddlers in Indonesia by conducting a meta-analysis of data from various research articles. The method in this study is a meta-analysis by finding the effect size value using JASP software. Articles performed a meta-analysis of 25 articles. The results of the meta-analysis found that the variable density of residential has 1,135 times larger, 1,665 times greater ventilation, 1.568 times greater, and the floor conditions 1,309 times larger, as well as the habit sapped. The conclusion from the results of this study shows that the condi...
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is a health problem that exists in the world, especially in tod... more Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is a health problem that exists in the world, especially in toddlers. The proportionate mortality rate (PMR) for children under five in the world is 16%, two-thirds of deaths are infant deaths. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors for family behavior with the incidence of ARI in children under five in Indonesia. This study uses the Meta-analysis method. This method is a statistical method that combines several (2 or more) of the results of similar research in order to obtain a combination of quantitative data with the same hypothesis to reach a conclusion. The results of secondary data from the meta-analysis method showed that the use of mosquito coils had a 1.094 times greater risk of causing ARI in children under five. The conclusion from the results of the meta-analysis that has a higher level of risk on the family behavior variable is the family smoking habit variable. Control efforts can be carried out by conducting regular counseling or promotion about the dangers of ARI disease, reducing the factors that influence the incidence of ARI in toddlers, and urging people who have toddlers at home not to smoke or use mosquito coils inside the house.
In 2015, Indonesia was ranked as the second-highest, with a percentage of 12.9%. Open Defecation ... more In 2015, Indonesia was ranked as the second-highest, with a percentage of 12.9%. Open Defecation Free (ODF) in Indonesia is still a problem, 33 out of 34 provinces in Indonesia are still not 100% verified as ODF. The purpose of this study is to make a management control of OD behaviour in Indonesia. This study's literature was collected using Google Scholar and Pubmed search engines by entering keywords open defecation Indonesia, and buang air besar sembarangan. From review of published literature, it is found that several factors cause people to practice OD, namely environmental, socio-cultural, and economic factors. These factors become the basis for making OD model control with a logic model. The program was made with a button-up approach carried out through several activities, namely approaches to community leaders, youth, and local communities, monitoring potential areas for OD practice and cross-sector coordination, and making regional regulations.
Latar belakang: Paparan karbon Monoksida dapat menyebabkan keracunan yang dapat mmembentuk karbok... more Latar belakang: Paparan karbon Monoksida dapat menyebabkan keracunan yang dapat mmembentuk karboksihemoglobin (COHb) dalam darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar CO Udara dengan Kadar COHb pada pedagang kaki lima.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan rancangan studi cross sectional. Sampel yang diambil berjumlah 28 pedagang kaki lima. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik Purposive Sampling. Pengujian kadar COHb dilakukan menggunakan spektofotometri yang dilakukan di Laboratoriaum Biokimia Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember. Pengambilan sampel udara dilakukan menggunakan alat CO Monitor. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini uji korelasi spearmen dan Chi Square.Hasil: Hasil pada penelitian ini diketahui bahwa ada beberapa titik yang memiliki kadar CO udara diatas baku mutu yaitu pada pagi hari di traffic light Jalan Gajah Mada serta pada pagi dan malam hari di traffic ligh...
Papers by addin rizaldi