Papers by Trias Mahmudiono

Journal of physical activity & health, Jan 13, 2015
Sedentary time is an independent risk factor for chronic diseases and mortality. It is unknown wh... more Sedentary time is an independent risk factor for chronic diseases and mortality. It is unknown whether active adults alter their dietary and/or physical activity behaviors in response to imposed sedentary time, possibly modifying risk. The aim of this study was to determine whether imposed sedentary time would alter typical behaviors of active adults. Sixteen physically active, young adults were randomized to the no-intervention control (CON, n=8) group or the sedentary-intervention (SIT, n=8) group. SIT participants attended monitored sedentary sessions (8 wks,10 hrs/wk). Assessments including diet and physical activity occurred at baseline, week 4, and week 9. There were no differences (p>0.05) between CON and SIT for step counts or time spent in sedentary, light, moderate, or vigorous physical activity when comparing a week during imposed sedentary time (week 4) to baseline and week 9. At week 4, caloric intake was not different from baseline (p>0.05) in either group. Calor...

Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020
Background: Food has to be nutritious and safe to eat for all people. However not many people kno... more Background: Food has to be nutritious and safe to eat for all people. However not many people know how to prepare and cook food safely. Aimed: This research aimed to analyze the influence of nutrition education about food hygiene and sanitation towards knowledge, attitude and behavior of food handlers in Universitas Airlangga canteens. Methods: A quasi-experimental study with pre-and posttest measurement involving 72 food handlers were selected by simple random sampling with inclusion works as permanent food handlers in faculty canteen in Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia. The intervention group was given nutrition education using leaflet and the control group was given leaflet without education. Intervention conducted for 2 months with 5 sessions. Collected data was analyzed using SPSS and calculated by Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results: There was a significant difference among knowledge (p<0.001), attitude (p<0.001) and behavior (p<0.001). Conclusion: Nutrition education showed positive association towards better knowledge, attitude, and behavior about food hygiene and sanitation in food handlers.
Food Science & Nutrition, 2022

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: Pencak Silat is a self-defense exercise originated from Indonesia and categorized as ... more BACKGROUND: Pencak Silat is a self-defense exercise originated from Indonesia and categorized as a high-intensity exercise. AIM: This research was intended to identify the acute response of Pencak Silat basic exercise toward interleukin-6 (IL-6) as an immune system biomarker on students of Perguruan Pencak Silat Perisai Diri Tulungrejo, Bojonegoro. METHODS: A number of 26 students (10 boys and 16 girls) of Perguruan Pencak Silat Tulungrejo, Bojonegoro, were participated in this study. The students did the 2 h Perguruan Pencak Silat Perisai Diri, Bojonegoro, training program with 75–85% intensity. The IL-6 serum was measured using ELISA method. RESULTS: The result of this study showed that the IL-6 serum level in post-2 (12 h after training) (6.2981 pg/mL) was higher compared with the IL-6 serum level in post-1 (shortly after training) (6.11981 pg/mL) and before training (4.5146 pg/mL). The result also showed that there was a significant difference of IL-6 levels between pre-training...

Chemotherapy, 2021
OBJECTIVES Emergence and prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have be... more OBJECTIVES Emergence and prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have become a major universal health concern, limiting therapeutic options. METHODS A total number of 37 MRSA isolates, including 19 clinical isolates from hospitalized patients and 18 colonizing isolates from health care workers were identified from 3 hospitals, in Gorgan, North of Iran. Antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed using the disk diffusion method and E-test. The presence of virulence and antibiotic resistance determinants were evaluated by PCR. The genotypical characterization was further analyzed using multi-locus sequence, spa, staphylococcal cassette chromosome, mec (SCCmec), and agr typing. RESULTS The frequency of MRSA among S. aureus isolates was 38.14% (37/97). The most frequent S. aureus resistant isolates were found to be obstinate against penicillin (98%) and gentamicin (82.5%). Additionally, the lowest resistance rates were found against daptomycin (0%), vancomyc...

Media Gizi Kesmas, 2021
ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Prevalensi remaja putri yang mengalami anemia defisiensi besi di Indonesia... more ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Prevalensi remaja putri yang mengalami anemia defisiensi besi di Indonesia masih tinggi. Di Indonesia angka kejadian anemia pada remaja putri mencapai 21.7%. Anemia pada remaja dapat mempengaruhi konsentrasi dalam belajar, rendahnya produktifitas, dan mudah terkena infeksi. Pemerintah menjalankan program pemberian tablet tambah darah untuk menanggulangi anemia defisiensi besi pada remaja,. Tablet tambah darah diberikan pada remaja putri Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA, dilakukan satu minggu sekali. Namun, program ini dirasa kurang efektif karena kepatuhan konsumsi tablet tambah darah pada remaja putri masih rendah. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi adalah rendahnya pengetahuan remaja tentang anemia. Rendahnya pengetahuan tentang anemia berhubungan erat dengan konsumsi dan kesadaran dalam mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah Tujuan: Untuk mendiskusikan hubungan pengetahuan dan kepatuhan konsumsi tablet tambah darah dengan kejadian an...

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022
The sheer complexity of the factors influencing decision-making has required organizations to use... more The sheer complexity of the factors influencing decision-making has required organizations to use a tool to understand the relationships between data and make various appropriate decisions based on the information obtained. On the other hand, agricultural products need proper planning and decision-making, like any country’s economic pillars. This is while the segmentation of customers and the analysis of their behavior in the manufacturing and distribution industries are of particular importance due to the targeted marketing activities and effective communication with customers. Customer segmentation is done using data mining techniques based on the variables of purchase volume, repeat purchase, and purchase value. This article deals with the grouping of agricultural product customers. Based on this, the K-means clustering method is used based on the Davies–Bouldin index. The results show that grouping customers into three clusters can increase their purchase value and customer life...

Phenolic compounds, such as ferulic, caffeic and p-coumaric acids and rutin, are commonly present... more Phenolic compounds, such as ferulic, caffeic and p-coumaric acids and rutin, are commonly present in natural resources, for example plants (e.g. eggplant), cereals (e.g. rice), vegetables (e.g. beans) and fruits (e.g. oranges). Several studies have already demonstrated their potential on the pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields, as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer. However, these compounds have a low aqueous solubility, restricting their applicability. Ionic liquids (ILs) can act as multifunctional excipients, namely, to enhance drug solubility and incorporation into various delivery systems. In this work six ILs containing natural amino acids, (2-hydroxyethyl)trimethylammonium phenylalaninate were prepared and their impact on the incorporation of the four phenolic compounds, in O/W emulsions, was evaluated. The use of ILs allowed the incorporation of higher amounts of the studied drugs, since their solubility was enhanced. They also led to more viscous emulsions, improving the stability of the formulations.

Health Science Journal of Indonesia, 2021
Background: In Indonesia, the prevalence of smoking is increasing from year to year and can cause... more Background: In Indonesia, the prevalence of smoking is increasing from year to year and can cause various health problems, such as sleep disorders and affect a person's nutritional status. So, in this study, the relationship between smoking duration, sleep disturbances, and nutritional status in men aged 26–45 years will be investigated using secondary data from the 2014 Indonesia Family Live Survey (IFLS). Methods: The 2014 secondary data from the fifth waves of the IFLS were used for analysis. All 5,379 data of men aged 26–45 years who provided anthropometric, smoking duration, and sleep disorders were included in the study. The Chi-Square test was used to examine the relationship between smoking duration, sleep disorders, and nutritional status in men aged 26 – 45 years. Furthermore, the Multinomial Logistics Regression test is carried out to determine the variables that have the strongest influence. Results: Based on the results of statistical tests conducted, it was found t...

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022
BACKGROUND: Management of prediabetes patients is essential to reduce the increased prevalence of... more BACKGROUND: Management of prediabetes patients is essential to reduce the increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes prevention strategies have been widely carried out with traditional medicine by the community. AIM: This study aims to assess the effect of Artocarpus altilis extract on reducing fasting blood glucose of the patients in Maros Regency, Indonesia. METHOD: The study was a double-blind, randomized controlled trial, dividing participants into intervention groups who received A. altilis extract (n = 37) and the control group who received placebo (n = 37). The assessment of fasting blood glucose through screening with a simple enzymatic method. A fasting blood glucose was then validated using the spectrophotometric method. The fasting blood glucose measurement was performed again after 28 days of intervention, besides physical activity, food intake, and education of prediabetes/diabetes prevention measurements. The A. altilis extract was developed after the cold ma...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of behavioral-based nutrition education to increase... more This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of behavioral-based nutrition education to increase fish consumption among school children using a raised bed pool. This was a randomized control trial study with a 3-months nutrition education intervention using a raised bed pool, as a medium to improve their internalization to increase fish consumption behavior. A paired t-test was used to calculate the difference in the increase of fish consumption, knowledge, attitude, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm, and intention. This study took place in a majority of low to medium urban households in Surabaya in Sidotopo Wetan I and Sidotopo Wetan II elementary school. Elementary school children at 4th and 5th grade and mother of elementary school children with 104 children were eligible and willing to participate. After the completion of interventions, significant improvement in delta-mean and effectiveness observed in attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, intent...

Science & Sports, 2022
Objectifs : Le but cette étude était de mener une revue de la littérature actuelle évaluant les d... more Objectifs : Le but cette étude était de mener une revue de la littérature actuelle évaluant les différents éléments disponibles en termes d'épidémiologie, de physiopathologie et de présentation clinique de l’atteinte cardio-vasculaire du COVID-19. Une attention particulière sera donnée aux lésions myocardiques dans la population des athlètes, à la fois de niveau professionnel et amateur, qui s'apprêtent à reprendre la compétition, dans le but de garantir une sécurité maximale dans la reprise des activités sportives. Actualités : La pandémie de COVID-19 a entraîné l'annulation inévitable de la plupart des activités sportives, pratiquées à la fois à un niveau professionnel et amateur, afin de minimiser le risque de propagation de l'infection. Le nombre d'athlètes testés positifs étant plutôt élevé, les répercussions cardiaques potentielles dans cette population particulière de sujets contractant la maladie sous une forme légère (asymptomatique, légèrement symptomatique) ou modérée, a récemment soulevé des inquiétudes suite à l'observation de cas de lésions myocardiques, de myocardites, d’arythmies et d’un premier cas signalé de mort subite chez un basketteur professionnel de 27 ans. De plus, plusieurs études semblent confirmer la possibilité d'une altération permanente du système cardiorespiratoire suite à l'infection. Les antécédents médicaux, les biomarqueurs, les caractéristiques électrocardiographiques et à l’imagerie cardiaque semblent ainsi être des éléments cruciaux pour pouvoir distinguer les altérations cardiovasculaires liées à l'infection au COVID-19 des adaptations typiques à l'exercice des cœurs d’athlètes. Perspectives et projets : Des précisions et des données prospectives basées sur des suivis à long terme sur des populations plus importantes d'athlètes sont encore nécessaires pour exclure le développement de lésions myocardiques capables d'affecter négativement le pronostic et d'augmenter le risque cardiovasculaire chez les athlètes en rémission d’une infection au COVID-19 asymptomatique (positivité simple au SARS-COV-2) ou sous une forme légère. Conclusion : D'un point de vue clinique, une extrême prudence est nécessaire lors de la planification du retour au sport des athlètes en rémission d’une forme légère ou asymptomatique de COVID-19 : une évaluation médico-sportive minutieuse de ces patients doit être effectuée afin d'évaluer le développement potentiel de lésions myocardiques qui augmenteraient leur risque cardiovasculaire. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to conduct a review of the current literature evaluating the available evidence to date in terms of epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical presentation of COVID-19 in relation to cardiovascular involvement, with a special focus on the myocarditis model, in the population of athletes (professional and recreational) who are preparing to return to competitions, with the ultimate aim of guaranteeing maximum safety for resuming sports activities. News: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the inevitable cancellation of most sports activities, practiced at both a professional and amateur level, in order to minimize the risk of spreading the infection. Since the number of athletes who tested positive was rather high, the potential cardiac involvement in this peculiar population of subjects contracting the disease in a mild (asymptomatic, slightly symptomatic) or moderate form, has recently raised concerns following the observation of cases of recorded myocardial damage, myocarditis, arrhythmias and a first reported case of Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) in a 27-year-old professional basketball player. Several studies even seem to confirm the possibility of permanent impairment of the cardiorespiratory system following the infection. Medical history, biomarkers, electrocardiographical and cardiac imaging features appear to be crucial in distinguishing cardiovascular alterations related to COVID-19 infection from typical adaptations to exercise related to athletes’ heart. Prospects and Projects: Clarifications and prospective data based on long-term follow-ups on larger populations of athletes are still needed to exclude the development of myocardial damage capable of negatively affecting prognosis and increasing cardiovascular risk in athletes recovered from COVID-19 in asymptomatic (simple positivity to SARS-COV-2) or in a mild form. Conclusion: From a clinical point of view extreme caution is necessary when planning the return to sport (Return To Play - RTP) of athletes recovered from a mild or asymptomatic form of COVID-19: a careful preliminary medical-sports evaluation should be carried out in order to assess the potential development of myocardial damage that would increase their cardiovascular risk.

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022
BACKGROUND: The increase of high anemia prevalence among pregnant women in Indonesia can reflect ... more BACKGROUND: The increase of high anemia prevalence among pregnant women in Indonesia can reflect the raise of anemia potential in pregnancy. Food insecurity might influence the ability of households to meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women. AIM: This research aimed to find out the relationship between household food security status and anemia in pregnant women in Bektiharjo Village, Semanding District, Tuban Regency. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving 50 pregnant women who lived in a typical rural area in Indonesia, namely Bektiharjo Village Semanding Sub-District Tuban District. The United States Household Food Security Survey Module questionnaire was used as the instrument for household food security status, while the level of hemoglobin was measured by the Easy Touch GCHb digital device. The Pearson Correlation test was used as a statistical test for this study. RESULTS: most respondents were of healthy reproductive age (76%). The prevalence of anemia was ...

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: As a country with various cultures, Indonesia has several regional specialties, one o... more BACKGROUND: As a country with various cultures, Indonesia has several regional specialties, one of which is Pork Se’i from East Nusa Tenggara. Studies showed that higher intake of red and processed meat was significantly associated with an increased risk for incident chronic kidney disease (CKD). AIM: This study was conducted with the goal to find out the relationship between consumption of Pork Se’i and water intake with CKD among patient in RSUD W.Z. Johannes, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. METHODS: This research was an observational study with a case–control design involving 92 respondents at W.Z Hospital Johannes in the period of July 2020. The determination of consumption of Pork Se’i and water was acquired through the use of Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire as an instrument. Chi-square test was used as a statistical test for this study. RESULTS: In the case group, more than half of the respondents (58.7%) were male, while in the control group, more than h...

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
The development in industrialization and human activities causing public health problems related ... more The development in industrialization and human activities causing public health problems related to the safety of fish consumed in areas where industrialization is taking place especially in Surabaya city. One of the concerns on food safety especially in fish is the contamination of mercury. This study aimed to measure and identify the mercury contamination in fish especially in freshwater and saltwater fish and to assess the mercury contamination knowledge level among fish sellers in Kenjeran Beach area, Surabaya. A number of 36 sellers from eight traditional markets located near Kenjeran Beach area were randomly selected and 72 fish were taken to the laboratory to assess the mercury concentration. The sellers were given a questionnaire to assess their knowledge of mercury pollution in fish. The result showed that 55.5% of saltwater fish were contaminated with mercury (mean=0.00686 ppm). The mean score of questionnaires was 7.69 out of 19. There was no significant association betwe...

Amerta Nutrition, 2020
Background: anemia prevention through iron-folic acid supplementation (IFA) for female adolescent... more Background: anemia prevention through iron-folic acid supplementation (IFA) for female adolescent has become goverment’s program priority. Although this programme have been running, several constrains including consumption compliance was frequently found. On the other hand, school have potential resources such as Junior of The Red Cross (PMR) which can be peer educator for health including anemia for other students. Objectives: this research was aimed to describe knowledge, practice, and attitude of PMR member toward IFA supplementation in SMAN 2 LamonganMethods: This research used cross sectional design. The population of this study was 100 members of the Red Cross Youth Teaching (PMR) SMAN 2 Lamongan. The sample of this study was 60 students who were selected by the simple random sampling method who met the inclusion criteria, such as were active members of the PMR and were willing to take part in the study. Data collection was carried out using self-administered questionnaires us...

Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2021
Background :Fashion model profession has several requirements, including physical aspects (such a... more Background :Fashion model profession has several requirements, including physical aspects (such as height and weight), facial characteristics, and attitudes. This makes fashion models pay higher attention to any appearance that triggers the emergence of body shape dissatisfaction. This selfdissatisfaction encourages some female models to change body shape and make various efforts to lose weight. In Indonesia, most of women suffer from chronic energy deficiency due to wrong dietary habits, one of which is fad diets. Aims: The purpose of this study was to analyze body dissatisfaction, fad diets, and dietary habit of female models in Malang. Settings and Design:The study design was cross-sectional in 52 female models aged 18-25 years with simple random sampling.Methods and Material: Body dissatisfaction data used a modified Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ-16a), fad diets data used fad diets questionnaires, and dietary data used questionnaires based on balanced nutrition guidelines. Stati...

Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology, 2020
Stunting is highly prevalent, including in Indonesia. Zinc intake and zinc status contribute to t... more Stunting is highly prevalent, including in Indonesia. Zinc intake and zinc status contribute to the etiology of stunting. However, zinc status measurement is not easy. Hair zinc level reflects long term exposure to zinc. This study aimed to analyze the difference in hair zinc level of stunted toddlers as compared to normal toddlers. This case-control study was conducted in Nganjuk with 23 stunted toddlers and 23 normal toddlers selected using simple random sampling. Hair zinc level was measured using atomic absorption spectrometry conducted at the Center of Research and Industrial Consultation Laboratory, Surabaya. The inclusion criteria for this study were children aged 24-59 mo, lived in Puskesmas Wilangan work-areas, and had uncoloured hair with minimum length of 1.5 cmthe list of respondents gathered from EPPGBM website, where it provides list of informations consist of data of malnutrition children. The study revealed that mean hair zinc level among stunted toddlers were 146.21...

Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 2020
It is important for football players to maintain muscle strength through the entire match. The ai... more It is important for football players to maintain muscle strength through the entire match. The aim of this study was to investigate body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (BF%), dietary intake (energy, carbohydrate, and protein) and its relationship with muscle fatigue among adolescent football players. This was a cross-sectional study involving 26 football players aged 15-17 y. BMI was determined using WHO Anhtro Plus, BF% was analyzed using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) and categorized using bodyfat curves for children, and dietary intake was assessed using 3324 h dietary recall. Running-Based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) was conducted twice and averaged to identify muscle fatigue. Pearson correlation and multiple-regression analysis were performed to determine the relationship between variables. The results showed that overall participants had healthy weight (17.6161.82 kg/m 2 ), good diet pattern (energy 99.08614.34%, carbohydrate 92.8869.54% and protein 95.96623.41%), but low body fat (6.7662.12%). In pearson test, negative correlations were found in muscle fatigue and BMI (r520.393, p5 0.047), as well as BF% (r520.458, p50.019), but positive between muscle fatigue and energy intake (r50.538, p50.005). Furthermore, multiple-regression analysis only confirmed statistically significant relationship between energy intake and muscle fatigue (p5 0.028). We conclude that the higher BMI and BF% may lead to greater muscle fatigue, while higher energy intake has significant improvement to reduce muscle fatigue. Hence, it is essential for football players to consume adequate energy, and consider to maintain BMI and BF% at optimal range.

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: Inadequate complementary feeding practices are known to contribute to children’s nutr... more BACKGROUND: Inadequate complementary feeding practices are known to contribute to children’s nutritional status. A minimum acceptable diet (MAD) is one of the simple, valid, and reliable indicators to assess complementary feeding practices in 6–23-month-old children on food diversity and meal frequency. Based on the UNICEF data, the MAD of 6–11 months in Indonesia was 26.3% in 2017 and the lowest compared to other groups. Hence, this study research question is posing toward several factors associated with the low MAD among 6–11 months infant. AIM: This study aimed to determine factors associated with MAD in 6–11-month-old children in Indonesia. METHODS: This study was a secondary analysis using the 2017 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey. This is a cross-sectional study involving 17,848 children in Indonesia. Final sample to be analyzed were 1,441 children of 6–11-month-old. Logistic regression model was applied to identify the significant risk factors associated with MAD. RESU...
Papers by Trias Mahmudiono