Papers by Shochrul Rohma

A Comparative Study on Poverty Alleviation between Moslem and Non Moslem Populated Countries. The... more A Comparative Study on Poverty Alleviation between Moslem and Non Moslem Populated Countries. The paper attempts to explore the problems and roots of poverty, the poverty alleviation progress, programs and policies between selected Moslem populated-countries in Asia and selected non-Moslem populated-countries in Latin America. Three important aspects are concluded. Firstly, the poor are mostly living in rural areas and suburban slums. Second, poverty alleviation efforts in both particular groups of countries have resulted in a better outcome. Other economic indicators such as GNI per capita and income inequality graphic have shown better patterns. Third, there have been different strategic policies and programs implemented between the two groups of countries. Islamic economic notions such as zakah, infaq, and sadaqah play a very significant role in Moslem populated countries, on the other hand, non Moslem populated countries tend to create more radical and creative strategies such as agendas of land reform and tourism industry development. Abstrak. Studi Banding dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan antara Negara yang Berpenduduk Muslim dengan Negara yang Tidak Berpenduduk Muslim. Artikel ini berusaha untuk mengungkap akar masalah dari kemiskinan, hasil dari usaha pengendalian kemiskinan, program dan kebijakan negara berpenduduk Muslim terpilih di Asia dan Negara yang tidak berpenduduk Muslim terpilih di America Latin. Tiga kesimpulan diperoleh penulis. Pertama, penduduk miskin sebagian besar tinggal di pedesaan dan daerah kumuh pinggir kota. Kedua, usaha pemberantasan kemiskinan dalam dua kelompok negara tertentu telah menunjukkan hasil. Indikator ekonomi lainnya seperti PNB per kapita dan grafis dari ketimpagan pendapatan telah menunjukan kemajuan. Ketiga, ada beberapa kebijakan dan program berbeda yang dilakukan oleh dua kelompok dari negara terpilih. Ajaran ekonomi Islam seperti zakat, infaq, dan sedekah sangat berperan dalam negara yang berpenduduk Muslim, di samping itu, negara yang tidak berpenduduk Muslim membuat strategi lebih mendasar dan kreatif seperti rencana pembangunan dan industri pariwisata. Kata kunci: kemiskinan, survei kepustakaan, studi banding, negara muslim, negara non-muslim

This study aims to analyze the attitudes of consumers towards Islamic and conventional credit car... more This study aims to analyze the attitudes of consumers towards Islamic and conventional credit cards. Using online questionnaire survey data from 51 respondents in Surabaya, East Java, the study revealed that most consumers possessed credit cards because of their convenience factor, relationship with their existing bank, and card salesmen. Therefore, the sale is the most powerful way to invite the community to have an Islamic credit card. Many customers do not care whether their credit cards are Islamic based or not, as long as the salesman promoted cards to them and the cards are able to meet their personal needs, especially for sales and purchase transactions online, they will utilize the cards. The large number of Muslims in Surabaya should be a share of the lucrative market for Islamic credit cards. Therefore, the education about the Islamic manner of consumption and the dangers of usury should be promoted in Surabaya. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sikap konsumen terhadap kartu kredit syariah dan konvensional. Dengan menggunakan data survei kuesioner online dari 51 responden di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa sebagian besar konsumen memiliki kartu kredit karena faktor kenyamanan, adanya hubungan baik dengan bank, dan adanya penawaran dari pihak pemasaran. Oleh karena itu, penjualan adalah cara paling ampuh untuk mengajak masyarakat daam memiliki kartu kredit syariah. Banyak pelanggan tidak peduli apakah kartu kredit mereka berbasis syariah atau tidak, asalkan salesman mempromosikan kartu kepada mereka dan kartu tersebut dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pribadi mereka terutama untuk transaksi penjualan dan pembelian secara online, mereka akan menggunakan kartu tersebut. Jumlah penduduk Muslim yang besar di Surabaya harus menjadi bagian dari pasar yang menguntungkan untuk kartu kredit syariah. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan tentang cara konsumsi Islam dan bahaya riba harus dipromosikan di Surabaya. Kata Kunci: kartu kredit syariah, kartu kredit konvensional, perilaku konsumen

Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) in red... more Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) in reducing poverty. Design/methodology/approach – The case study approach on BMTMMUSidogiri (located at East Java Province) is taken. Two important and dominating products of BMT MMU Sidogiri (i.e. ba'i bithaman 'ajil (BBA) and mudarabah) are examined carefully on how much they have helped the customers in reducing their poverty. The paper goes beyond data measurement using descriptive statistics, paired t-test and some poverty measurement indexes such as headcount index; poverty gap; Sen index; and Foster, Greer and Thorbecke Index to investigate the effectiveness of the BMT in reducing poverty. Findings – This paper reveals that BMT financing is effective in reducing poverty. Most of respondents can increase their income after receiving BMT financing. Products of BMT, especially BBA and mudarabah, to empower the poor in various productive businesses have been able to reducethe extent and severity of poverty. This paper also discloses some interesting and important findings related with how BMT's work, so that it can contribute more to the knowledge enrichment, as well as the development of BMTs, in general, in realising their mission. Originality/value – The establishment of the so-called BMT in the form of an Islamic microfinance is intended initially to effectively help the poor. At present, there are around 3,874 BMTs operating around the country. Although the BMTs have been existing since more than ten years, no research has been conducted to examine their effectiveness in alleviating the poverty. This study in aimed at fulfilling this important gap.
The aim of this paper is to examine the determinant of finance to deposit ratio (FDR) in Indonesi... more The aim of this paper is to examine the determinant of finance to deposit ratio (FDR) in Indonesian Islamic banking. Using vector autoregressive model (VAR), this paper will document dynamic interactions among FDR, position of Wadiah sertificate in the Bank Indonesia to the asset (SWBI), Industrial Production Index (IPI), Non Performance Financing (NPF) and Return on Assets (ROA). The results seem to provide that IPI as an indicator of small and medium business's productivity is not too much accounted by FDR. On the other hand, SWBI as a variable that should not influence FDR too much is accounted more than IPI. However, this paper also shows that shocks of FDR are accounted significantly by NPF. Therefore, we can conclude that Indonesian Islamic banks still distribute their funds to the high risk sector such as small and medium business.
Commodity tawarruq financing has been the most widely used form of liquidity management instrumen... more Commodity tawarruq financing has been the most widely used form of liquidity management instrument to date, due to its ease of execution and wide acceptability among IFIs and banks. In recent years, however, some of the IFIs have been reluctant to use commodity tawarruq instruments due to their disapproval of the concept of tawarruq. Therefore, analysis about tawarruq is very essential and many studies have been done on it. Nevertheless, study about the comprehensive review of tawarruq according to scholar"s view and analysis of tawarruq in practice is limited and this paper attempt to fill this gap. Using literature analysis, this paper attempts to provide the views and verdicts of jurist regarding tawarruq in the banking system. Furthermore, it will also critically provide their textual evidence and rational arguments in order to reach a final juristic judgment.

Globalization as a product of capitalism has already changed the economy paradigm of many Muslim ... more Globalization as a product of capitalism has already changed the economy paradigm of many Muslim countries becomes the industrialist countries. Actually, it is not totally wrong with the industrialist because it makes Muslim's live easier and challenges. But, the problems now are why many Muslim countries are still under poverties although they have industrialized their economy. Therefore, using Johansen-Jusellius cointegration test and ARDL bound testing; this study is concentrated on assessing the long-run relationship between globalization and socio economic welfare. In addition, by taking Malaysia and Indonesia as a case study, this research also investigates the impact of gross national income (GNI) per capita and globalization indicated by Konjunkturforschungsstelle (KOF) Swiss Economic Institute index to the socio economic indicators, i.e., human development index (HDI) in Muslim countries. Using vector autoregression (VAR) approach, the results show that the impact of globalization in Malaysia HDI is higher than in Indonesia. In contrast, Indonesian HDI seems to be more attributed by the GNI per capita.
Teaching Documents by Shochrul Rohma
Papers by Shochrul Rohma
Teaching Documents by Shochrul Rohma