Papers by Nusdianto Triakoso

Journal of Advanced Zoology, Sep 29, 2023
Osphronemus gouramy consumption is increasing every year, which causes a high number of inquiries... more Osphronemus gouramy consumption is increasing every year, which causes a high number of inquiries for this fish, which cannot be offset sufficiently by the amount of production. The growth rate of O. gouramy is relatively slow, so achieving the required consumption is relatively long. Quality improvement of productivity by improving the ability of cell metabolism to intake fish feed through hormone injection recombinant mouse insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is expected to spur growth so that fish production can be increased. This study aims to determine the effect of the hormone IGF-I recombinant mouse on the increased growth of O. gouramy. The benefits of this research are expected to deliver the benefits of science in the form of scientific information to the public in general and fish farmers, especially about the effect of the hormone recombinant mouse IGF-I on the growth of O. gouramy. The research method is carried out experimentally by using a completely randomized design (RAL); this study uses 80 O. gouramy was divided into 4 treatments P0: without hormone injections of IGF-I, P1: injected with the hormone IGF-I at a dose of 10 ng/ml, P2: injected with the hormone IGF-I at a dose of 20 ng/ml and P3: injected with the hormone at a dose of 40 ng/ml each of 5 replicates each test 4 tail O. gouramy. The hormone IGF-I recombinant mouse is done by injection. The treatment with hormone injection of recombinant mouse IGF-I. The parameters measured were growth. The results showed that the treatment hormone injection of recombinant mouse IGF-I with different doses gave significant differences (p <0.05); weight growth (P0: 0 ng/ml = 7,23 gram ± 0,37-gram dan P3: 40 ng/ml = 26,35 gram ± 1,89 gram.); length growth (P0 : 0 ng/ml = 5,76 cm ± 0,38 cm dan P3: 40 ng/ml = 7,93 cm ± 0,07 cm). The conclusion is that recombinant mouse IGF-I increased the growth by increasing in weight and length of O. gouramy, and improvement of the growth occurred in the treatment injection of the dose: 40 ng/ml.
Deleted Journal, Jun 28, 2024
Deleted Journal, Jun 28, 2024

Jurnal medik veteriner, Dec 30, 2023
This study was conducted to investigate the protective effects of Apis dorsata honey on the histo... more This study was conducted to investigate the protective effects of Apis dorsata honey on the histopathological changes of the kidney in mice exposed to monosodium glutamate. This study used 25 male mice as the experimental animal which were divided into five groups with five replication, respectively i.e. (C-) was administered basal diet, (C+) was administered 4 mg/g BW MSG, (T1) was administered A. dorsata honey of 53.82 mg/20g BW followed by MSG 4 mg/g BW, (T2) was administered A. dorsata honey of 107.64 mg/20g BW followed by MSG 4 mg/g BW, and (T3) was administered A. dorsata honey of 161.46 g/20g BW followed by MSG 4 mg/g BW. All treatments were carried out orally for 52 days. This study was observed tubular epithelial hydropic degeneration, epithelial necrosis, and glomerular necrosis. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Mann-Whitney test. As a result, for the epithelial and glomerular necrosis variables, the T3 group showed significant results when compared with C+, T1, and T2 groups. Moreover, T3 was not significantly different from the C-group. It can be concluded that A. dorsata honey in T3 group could protect mice kidneys from the damaging effect of MSG.

Ovozoa: Journal of Animal Reproduction, Nov 20, 2023
This study aims to identify the differences in reproduction performance of Ongole cross (PO), Lim... more This study aims to identify the differences in reproduction performance of Ongole cross (PO), Limousine cross (Limpo), and Simmental cross (Simpo) in Kerek district, Tuban regency. Primary data was taken by interviewing inseminators and farmers, while secondary data was taken from the Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Department of Tuban regency. The total sample was 360 cows consisting of 30 PO, Limpo, and Simpo cows aged 3, 4, 5, and 6 years respectively which were calculated based on the Roscoe formula. Data was analyzed using the Simple Linear Regression and ANOVA followed by Duncan's multiple range test at a significance level of 95%. The results showed that the services per conception (S/C), conception rate (CR), and calving rate (CvR) were not significantly different (p >0.05) between PO, Limpo and Simpo cows. Meanwhile, days open (DO) and fertility status (FS) of PO cows were higher (p <0.05) than Limpo and Simpo cows. There was no significant difference (p >0.05) in DO and FS between Limpo and Simpo cows. The linear equation with age as a predictor (X) of S/C, DO, and CI (Y) values were not significant (p >0.05) in PO, Limpo, and Simpo cows. It could be concluded that the reproductive performance of PO cows was better than Limpo and Simpo cows.
Research journal of pharmacy and technology, Sep 29, 2023

Veterinary world/Veterinary World, Jun 1, 2024
Background and Aim: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease that endang... more Background and Aim: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease that endangers livestock and the environment with significant economic consequences. This study aimed to validate the inactivation of the Indonesian isolate of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) with various formaldehyde concentration. Materials and Methods: The experiment started with FMDV being adapted on BHK-21 cells until cytopathic effects (CPE) appeared. The biological titer of the virus was determined using the 50% tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50) assay. The virus was inactivated by exposing the isolate to different formaldehyde (FA) concentrations (0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.2%) at 37°C for 24 h, and residual infectivity was assessed using CPE scoring of reinoculated BHK-21 cells. Results: 72 h post-inoculation, the virulence of the FMDV isolate was indicated by complete CPE on BHK-21 monolayer cells, with a TCID50 value of 109/mL; CPE scoring did not signify significant differences (p < 0.05) among 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2% FA, and the negative control. All treatment groups showed significant differences (p < 0.05) from the positive control (C+). FA concentrations inactivated the FMDV isolate under the given conditions. 0.025% and 0.05% FA continued to display CPE through the third passage, while 0.2% FA did not significantly differ from 0.1% FA (p > 0.05). 0.1% FA is the optimal concentration for safely and effectively inactivating FMDV. Conclusion: All of the formaldehyde concentrations can completely inactivate the FMDV isolate, with the most optimal and safe concentration being 0.1%.
Journal of Parasite Science, Mar 28, 2022

Research journal of pharmacy and technology, Jan 25, 2022
Plasmodium infection can cause serious complications such as damage to internal organs. The purpo... more Plasmodium infection can cause serious complications such as damage to internal organs. The purpose of this study was determining the effect of nanoparticles adjuvant therapy of Syzygium cumini leaf and fruit extract to histopathological changes of mice organ with malaria. Methods: The study used 70 Swiss Albino mice, weighing 20g-30g, 2.5 months old. The study was divided into 7 treatment groups as follows K0 : not infected, K+: infected but untreated, K1: infected and treat with chloroquine, K2: infected and treated with Syzygium cumini leaf extract, K3: infected and treated with Syzygium cumini fruit extract, P1: infected and treated with nanoparticles Syzygium cumini leaf extract, P2: infected and treated with combination of nanoparticles leaf extract of Syzygium cumini and chloroquine, P3: infected and treated with nanoparticles Syzygium cumini fruit extract, P4: infected and treated with combination of nanoparticles fruit extract of Syzygium cumini and chloroquine. The infection dose was 1x10-5 Plasmodium berghei in 0.2 ml. Treatment was done for 4 days, 24 hours after infection. Data were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis and continued with the Mann Whitney test. The results showed that the most severe organ damage was in the K+ group and the lightest was the K0 group. The P2 and P4 groups showed a decrease in organ damage which was not significantly different from the K0 group (p&gt; 0.05). Meanwhile, K +, K1, K2, K3, P1 and P3 groups showed significant differences (p&gt; 0.05) with K0. Conclusion: nanoparticles extract of Syzygium cumini leaf and fruit as an adjuvant therapy can reduce liver, kidney, lung and brain damage of mice infected with Plasmodium berghei.
International journal of scientific advances, 2022
Feline Panleukopenia (FP) is highly infectious disease for felidae kingdom but has not been found... more Feline Panleukopenia (FP) is highly infectious disease for felidae kingdom but has not been found in human. FP is caused by feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) from the parvoviridae family. FPV has a very high mortality and morbidity rates. symptoms from this disease is a high fever, appetite loss, vomit which occur from the high fever, and hypersalivation. Most cases for FPV is happen on stray cat. The growing population of the stray cat can increase the risk of the FPV. The aim for this study is to find the potential of the feline panleukopenia virus spread on the stray cat from east Surabaya using the FPV rapid test kit ag and the swab sample from the cat anus. The results showed that there was one adult male cat with an incidence percentage of 0.03% which detected the presence of FPV antigen.

Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary, Jun 28, 2021
This study is beneficial to give information about population of domesticated geriatric cats in S... more This study is beneficial to give information about population of domesticated geriatric cats in Surabaya period from April to May 2019. This study is also beneficial to give information about likely risks of domesticated geriatric cats in Surabaya City based on gender, cat breed, and cat's disease. The design of this study was Observational Retrospective using cross-sectional method. Sampling used stratified random sampling method. This study collected primary data and was analyzed descriptively using prevalence test and relative risks. That domesticated geriatric cats in Surabaya City period from April-May 2019, the oldest cats were written 17 years for male cats and 9 years for female cats. The prevalence of domesticated geriatric cats in Surabaya City period from April-May 2019 was 9 (7,5%). Geriatric cats distributed by the gender were 5 (4,2%) male and 4 (3,3%) female, where geriatric cats distributed by the cat breed were 5 (4,2%) pure breed, 4 (3,3%) mixed breed, and 0 (0%) domestic sample. The result of geriatric cats analysis based on gender showed that male cats had a change of 1,4 times higher compared to the female to reach geriatric, whereas based on cat breed it showed pure breed had a change 3,3 times compared to mixed breed to reach geriatric. On this study, the disease often appeared in domesticated geriatric cats in Surabaya City period from April-May 2019 were: on skin, respiration, digestion, and eyes. Based on relative risk analysis on geriatric cats, it had a change of gastrointetinal tract that was higher compared to other diseases.

Jurnal Medik Veteriner
Stones, or uroliths, in the urinary tract cause a disorder called urolithiasis. Patients with uro... more Stones, or uroliths, in the urinary tract cause a disorder called urolithiasis. Patients with urolithiasis may experience blockage and possibly mortality; therefore, prompt treatment is imperative. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of urolithiasis and its nutritional association in cats treated at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Universitas Airlangga during 2017-2019. Data was collected from the secondary resource from the medical report and the factor of feed nutrition involved fiber, protein, fat, and moisture. Data was analyzed using logistic regression to determine the influence of nutrition on the prevalence of urolithiasis in cats in the respective period. The findings indicated that in 2017, urolithiasis prevalence was 0,96%; in 2018, it was 5,55%; and in 2019, it was 0,91%. Meanwhile, it was revealed that the prevalence of urolithiasis was not significantly impacted by feed nutritional variables.

Jurnal medik veteriner, Sep 30, 2018
Luka bakar merupakan hilangnya atau rusaknya keutuhan kulit akibat paparan suhu atau pH, zat kimi... more Luka bakar merupakan hilangnya atau rusaknya keutuhan kulit akibat paparan suhu atau pH, zat kimia, gesekan, trauma tekanan dan radiasi. Proses penyembuhan luka tidak lepas dari peran kolagen. Sintesis kolagen dapat dipromosikan melalui pemberian gula (sugar dressing). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas sugar dressing untuk meningkatan kepadatan kolagen dalam proses penyembuhan luka bakar buatan pada kulit tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) jantan. Dua puluh ekor tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) jantan dibagi menjadi lima kelompok dengan jumlah empat ekor tiap kelompok. Kelompok K-(kontol negatif) tidak diberi perlukaan. Kelompok K+ (kontrol positif) di beri perlukaan kemudian hanya diberi bilasan NaCl fisiologis. Kelompok P1 (Bioplacenton ®) diberi perlukaan dengan pengobatan Bioplacenton ®. Kelompok P2 (sugar dressing) diberi perlukaan dengan pengobatan gula dan P3 (madu) menggunakan madu sebagai obat. Perawatan diberikan setiap hari sekali selama empat belas hari. Hasil uji nonparametrik Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji beda Mann-Whitney. Kepadatan kolagen kelompok P1, P2, dan P3 tidak berbeda secara nyata (p>0,05), tetapi berbeda nyata dengan kelompok K-dan K+. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah sugar dressing efektif untuk meningkatkan kepadatan kolagen pada proses penyembuhan luka bakar.

Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, Nov 1, 2020
Objective: This study aimed to observe the characteristic histopathological lesion of internal or... more Objective: This study aimed to observe the characteristic histopathological lesion of internal organ of broiler chicken infected by Leucocytozoon caulleryi. Material and Method: This study conducted in several locations in two island of Indonesia which recorded as endemic area. Clinical symptom was observed to determine the suspected animal. Subsequently, blood smear was conducted to confirm the parasetiemia stage and observed the gross lesion of whole body related to pathological symptom of leucocytozoonosis. Every internal organ which was suspected affected, performed for histopathological preparation and examined under light microscope. The data analysis presented descriptively. Results: Clinical symptom was observed from the sample population. Blood smear result confirmed that suspected chicken was due to the parasitemia of leucocytozoonosis. Most pathological finding showed petechiae spread in muscle tissue. Spleen, liver, lung and heart microscopic lesion showed megalozchizont. Several inflammation findings were showed in infected organ and alteration tissue order was shown in spleen. Conclusion: Leucocytozoon caulleryi could impact the histological aspect and affect the several organs specifically with high vascularization.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian suplemen kalsium karbonat dosis ting... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian suplemen kalsium karbonat dosis tinggi pada tikus putih pasca ovariohisterektomi terhadap kadar kalsium dan fosfor dalam ginjal. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 20 ekor tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) betina jenis Sprague dawley umur 12 minggu. Pada umur 13 minggu dilakukan operasi ovariohisterektomi pada semua hewan coba. Pada umur 15 minggu hewan percobaan dibagi secara acak menjadi empat kelompok perlakuan yaitu P0 : diberi pakan standar tanpa pemberian suplemen kalsium; Pl: suplementasi CaCo3 75 mg per ekor per hari; P2: suplementasi CaCo3 225 mg per ekor per hari; P3 : suplementasi CaCo3 450 mg per ekor per hari. Pada akhir perlakuan selunuh hewan coba dieuthanasi dan selanjutnya ginjal sinister diambil untuk pemeriksaan kadar kalsium-fosfor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian suplemen kalsium karbonat dosis tinggi 450 mg/ekorlhari pada tikus ovariohisterektomi (P3) mempunyai kadar kalsium ginjal terendah, tetapi secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata dengan dosis lainnya. Kadar fosfatnya tertinggi pada perlakuan P3 dan sangat nyata berbeda dengan perlakuan lainnya. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya retensi fosfat yang merupakan gejala gagal ginjal melanjut. Kata Kunci : Ovariohisterektomi, kalsium karbonat, ginjal

Jurnal medik veteriner, Mar 28, 2020
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas krim ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereu... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas krim ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) dalam meningkatkan jumlah sel fibroblas luka bakar derajat II pada tikus putih (Rattus novegicus). Dua puluh ekor tikus putih (Rattus novegicus) jantan dibagi menjadi lima kelompok perlakuan dengan jumlah empat ulangan setiap kelompok. Semua tikus tersebut diinduksi dengan luka ba kar derajat II. Kelompok kontrol negatif (K-) diterapi dengan basis krim minyak dalam air, Kelompok kontrol positif (K+) diterapi dengan Bioplacenton ® , kelompok perlakuan diterapi dengan krim ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) dengan konsentrasi P1 7.5%, P2 15%, dan P3 30%. Terapi diberikan dua kali dalam sehari selama 10 hari. Hasil uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov menunjukkan data terdistribusi normal (p>0.05) dilanjutkan dengan uji Oneway ANOVA yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan nyata dari tiap kelompok perlakuan (p<0.05) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Post-Hoc LSD. Rata-rata jumlah fibroblas setiap kelompok perlakuan menunjukkan bahwa kelompok K-dan K+ berbeda nyata dengan kelompok P1, P2 dan P3. Jumlah sel fibroblas terbanyak didapati pada kelompok P2. Kesimpulan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah krim ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) dapat meningkatkan jumlah sel fibroblas luka bakar derajat II pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus).
Papers by Nusdianto Triakoso