Teknologi virtual tour mencapai puncak saat terjadi pandemi covid-19 dan menjadi solusi untuk tet... more Teknologi virtual tour mencapai puncak saat terjadi pandemi covid-19 dan menjadi solusi untuk tetap berwisata meskipun secara virtual saat ada pembatasan aktifitas. Virtual tour juga menjadi solusi untuk tetap menjaga objek wisata cagar budaya (heritage tourism) dari kerusakan sehingga bisa dikelola secara berkelanjutan. Pemasaran digital menjadi metode yang penting untuk diterapkan dalam pembuatan virtual tour. Sehingga pelaku industri pariwisata seperti pokdarwis bisa memaksimalkan metode ini. Sehingga perlu diadakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat terkait pembuatan virtual tour dan pemasaran digital untuk penguatan pariwisata berkelanjutan. Sasaran kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah Pokdarwis Ladewa di Desa Trowulan, Kecamatan Trowulan, Kabupaten Mojokerto. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemuda yang tergabung dalam organisasi pokdarwis dalam memasarkan situs cagar budaya di Desa Trowulan melalui pembuatan virtual tour 360 0 berbasis eco-heritage. Metode yang digunakan adalah dalam kegiatan ini adalah ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi, simulasi, dan praktek pemasaran digital berbasis media sosial dan pembuatan virtual tour 360 0. Produk yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini adalah virtual tour 360 0 yang dapat diakses di website dan masyarkat meningkat kompetensinya di bidang pemasaran digital dan virtual tour 360
Perkembangan teknologi informasi memberi perubahan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Semakin beragam dan ... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi memberi perubahan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Semakin beragam dan mudah informasi yang didapatkan mengakibatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi semakin pesat. Teknologi informasi saat ini tentu membutuhkan sebuah jaringan internet. Sebagian besar masyarakat era 4.0 sekarang ini sudah mengikuti perkembangan teknologi yang pesat, sehingga semua aspek kehidupan dominan mengunakan tekonologi yang canggih khususnya di bidang pariwisata. Tetapi kondisi ini perlu disikapi dengan tetap mengedepankan aspek pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam memanfaatkan teknologi. Upaya peningkatan kualitas manusia Indonesia dalam mencapai Visi Indonesia Emas 2045 menjadi fokus kebijakan pemerintah. Hal ini tercermin Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (RKP) tahun 2023, yaitu “Peningkatan SDM untuk Pertumbuhan Berkualitas”. Tema ini sangat didukung oleh civitas perguruan tinggi dengan melakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalui pelatihan penguatan pemasaran pariwisata virtual untuk Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Desa Pataan di Kabupaten Lamongan. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk Peningkatan kualitas anggota pokdarwis dalam hal pembuatan konten pariwisata virtual dengan daya tarik ekowisata di Desa Pataan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan tentang pemasaran digital dan pendampingan penggunaan drone dan handphone untuk pembuatan konten virtual. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta mampu secara terstruktur dan konsisten membuat konten virtual di media sosial milik pokdarwis Desa Pataan
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services)
Ideally, community empowerment programs in rural areas should not be implemented once in a while.... more Ideally, community empowerment programs in rural areas should not be implemented once in a while. This is very important to maintain the aspect of sustainability and achieve the goals maximally. People in rural areas are the target of empowerment programs considering the many problems that exist there. Statistical data shows that the distribution of the majority of the national poor is in rural areas. One method of reducing poverty is through the development of tourist villages. The purpose of this community service program is to increase the understanding and skills of the community in Bejijong Tourism Village, especially in the field of homestay management and online marketing of citizen handicraft products. The stages in this empowerment program through three methods, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The preparation method was carried out with focus group discussions with residents and field observations. The method of implementation is carried out by the metho...
This study aims to comprehend the actual conditions of business processes and to identify service... more This study aims to comprehend the actual conditions of business processes and to identify service blueprints in the Kebon Tunggul Tourism Village "Lembah Mbencirang" by analyzing their business activities and service flows to visitors. This research is a community-based research (CBR) conducted using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. It resulted in the findings that there were various internal problems related to management during the 2017-2020, especially related to the accountability and transparency of budget management in addition to more fundamental issues regarding tourist attraction management, such as the absence of an organizational structure, no clear division of staff duties, and the nonappearance of a standardized service flow. We concluded that basically, the business processes in the Lembah Mbencirang can be grouped into two, the first is the package tour services, and the second is the general visitors' services. As a tourism product which is essentially a service product, a service blueprint is very significant as an effort to understand the service experience from the perspective of the customer, which in this context was not previously owned by the manager. The service blueprint generated from this study can identify the existence of various service processes so that all staff can cognize the context and conditions of their duties in a more holistic customer service perspective.
This article outlines monumentation of R.A Kartini, a national hero, situated in two cities. R.A ... more This article outlines monumentation of R.A Kartini, a national hero, situated in two cities. R.A Kartini is simply immortalised to become museums' identity with a twin name, but in different areas and with different management. As a hero, she has monumented on a national scale in every 21 st April known as Kartini Day. Researchers relied on data taken from observation process, in depth interview, and a questioner given to 100 respondents. An outcome of the analysis reveals that monumentation process towards R.A Kartini was just restricted to historical narration and normative activity conducted all at once on Kartini Day. As a result, there isa bias for the identity of "Kartini City" since people do not even exactly recognize where is the location of R.A Kartini museum as a tourism object. Concisely, we submitthat the monumentation process can be directed to a clear, focus, and specific territorial identity which positively affects the number of museum visitors as a monumentation tangible.
VTV was a national tourism organization formed in 1908 to promote and organize tourism activities... more VTV was a national tourism organization formed in 1908 to promote and organize tourism activities in the Dutch East Indies, with Batavia as its headquarter. The results of the analysis explained that Surabaya was not only a tourist destination but also a tourist sender. Main tourist objects were often visited by tourists with various backgrounds such as researchers, students, officials, and government employees. The dynamics of Surabaya's tourism were heavily influenced by major events such as the Great Depression in 1930 and World War II.
This research mainly focused on introducing the reforms of the public sector and their relevance ... more This research mainly focused on introducing the reforms of the public sector and their relevance to rural tourism and discusses the process impacts of the regional regulations towards rural tourism in East Java Province to the current time. Specifically, this research aimed to analyse and identify obstacles which facilitate and may influence the legislation process. A qualitative research method was implemented by using in-depth interviews and questionnaires distributed to stakeholders as respondents. The results of this research shows that experts and rural tourism communities focus group discussions had been involved in the legislative process. Since the upcoming period (2019-2024) of the Regional Council (DPRD), the regional regulations have still not being issued. A sense of urgency as well as legal protection are increasingly needed for the development plans of rural tourism in East Java to be realised.
This research mainly focused on introducing the reforms of the public sector and their relevance ... more This research mainly focused on introducing the reforms of the public sector and their relevance to rural tourism and discusses the process impacts of the regional regulations towards rural tourism in East Java Province to the current time. Specifically, this research aimed to analyse and identify obstacles which facilitate and may influence the legislation process. A qualitative research method was implemented by using in-depth interviews and questionnaires distributed to stakeholders as respondents. The results of this research shows that experts and rural tourism communities focus group discussions had been involved in the legislative process. Since the upcoming period (2014-2019) of the Regional Council (DPRD), the regional regulations have still not being issued. A sense of urgency as well as legal protection are increasingly needed for the development plans of rural tourism in East Java to be realised.
This article outlines monumentation of R.A Kartini, a national hero, situated in two cities. R.A ... more This article outlines monumentation of R.A Kartini, a national hero, situated in two cities. R.A Kartini is simply immortalised to become museums' identity with a twin name, but in different areas and with different management. As a hero, she has monumented on a national scale in every 21 st April known as Kartini Day.
The study focuses on empirically addressing the disputes among the researchers over the source of... more The study focuses on empirically addressing the disputes among the researchers over the source of injustice in the tourism industry created by the class structure. This is firstly related to the theory of postindustry which suggests that class should be more human. Secondly it relates to Marx's theory that class should be more orderly. This study used a concurrent triangulation mixed methodology. The analysis of the interclass relationship shows a strengthening class i.e. the professional class (54.5%) with the higher bargaining power against the capitalist class (1.5%) and the proletarian class (44%).This condition reinforces the post-industrial theory which shows that the open system, technological advances, and specification facilitate the mastery of expertise towards a higher level of professionalism based on the border-crossing protean career and not a consistent proletarian process. This study estimates that the transformation of the proletariat class into the new class structures is increasingly stronger, in line with the growing tendency of the professional class towards a dual position as the workers and professionals-capitalists range from small to the big scale individuals and business owners. The development and improvement of public and private tourism organization and worker development is critical for sustainable growth.
Teknologi virtual tour mencapai puncak saat terjadi pandemi covid-19 dan menjadi solusi untuk tet... more Teknologi virtual tour mencapai puncak saat terjadi pandemi covid-19 dan menjadi solusi untuk tetap berwisata meskipun secara virtual saat ada pembatasan aktifitas. Virtual tour juga menjadi solusi untuk tetap menjaga objek wisata cagar budaya (heritage tourism) dari kerusakan sehingga bisa dikelola secara berkelanjutan. Pemasaran digital menjadi metode yang penting untuk diterapkan dalam pembuatan virtual tour. Sehingga pelaku industri pariwisata seperti pokdarwis bisa memaksimalkan metode ini. Sehingga perlu diadakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat terkait pembuatan virtual tour dan pemasaran digital untuk penguatan pariwisata berkelanjutan. Sasaran kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah Pokdarwis Ladewa di Desa Trowulan, Kecamatan Trowulan, Kabupaten Mojokerto. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemuda yang tergabung dalam organisasi pokdarwis dalam memasarkan situs cagar budaya di Desa Trowulan melalui pembuatan virtual tour 360 0 berbasis eco-heritage. Metode yang digunakan adalah dalam kegiatan ini adalah ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi, simulasi, dan praktek pemasaran digital berbasis media sosial dan pembuatan virtual tour 360 0. Produk yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini adalah virtual tour 360 0 yang dapat diakses di website dan masyarkat meningkat kompetensinya di bidang pemasaran digital dan virtual tour 360
Perkembangan teknologi informasi memberi perubahan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Semakin beragam dan ... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi memberi perubahan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Semakin beragam dan mudah informasi yang didapatkan mengakibatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi semakin pesat. Teknologi informasi saat ini tentu membutuhkan sebuah jaringan internet. Sebagian besar masyarakat era 4.0 sekarang ini sudah mengikuti perkembangan teknologi yang pesat, sehingga semua aspek kehidupan dominan mengunakan tekonologi yang canggih khususnya di bidang pariwisata. Tetapi kondisi ini perlu disikapi dengan tetap mengedepankan aspek pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam memanfaatkan teknologi. Upaya peningkatan kualitas manusia Indonesia dalam mencapai Visi Indonesia Emas 2045 menjadi fokus kebijakan pemerintah. Hal ini tercermin Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (RKP) tahun 2023, yaitu “Peningkatan SDM untuk Pertumbuhan Berkualitas”. Tema ini sangat didukung oleh civitas perguruan tinggi dengan melakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalui pelatihan penguatan pemasaran pariwisata virtual untuk Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Desa Pataan di Kabupaten Lamongan. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk Peningkatan kualitas anggota pokdarwis dalam hal pembuatan konten pariwisata virtual dengan daya tarik ekowisata di Desa Pataan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan tentang pemasaran digital dan pendampingan penggunaan drone dan handphone untuk pembuatan konten virtual. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta mampu secara terstruktur dan konsisten membuat konten virtual di media sosial milik pokdarwis Desa Pataan
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services)
Ideally, community empowerment programs in rural areas should not be implemented once in a while.... more Ideally, community empowerment programs in rural areas should not be implemented once in a while. This is very important to maintain the aspect of sustainability and achieve the goals maximally. People in rural areas are the target of empowerment programs considering the many problems that exist there. Statistical data shows that the distribution of the majority of the national poor is in rural areas. One method of reducing poverty is through the development of tourist villages. The purpose of this community service program is to increase the understanding and skills of the community in Bejijong Tourism Village, especially in the field of homestay management and online marketing of citizen handicraft products. The stages in this empowerment program through three methods, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The preparation method was carried out with focus group discussions with residents and field observations. The method of implementation is carried out by the metho...
This study aims to comprehend the actual conditions of business processes and to identify service... more This study aims to comprehend the actual conditions of business processes and to identify service blueprints in the Kebon Tunggul Tourism Village "Lembah Mbencirang" by analyzing their business activities and service flows to visitors. This research is a community-based research (CBR) conducted using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. It resulted in the findings that there were various internal problems related to management during the 2017-2020, especially related to the accountability and transparency of budget management in addition to more fundamental issues regarding tourist attraction management, such as the absence of an organizational structure, no clear division of staff duties, and the nonappearance of a standardized service flow. We concluded that basically, the business processes in the Lembah Mbencirang can be grouped into two, the first is the package tour services, and the second is the general visitors' services. As a tourism product which is essentially a service product, a service blueprint is very significant as an effort to understand the service experience from the perspective of the customer, which in this context was not previously owned by the manager. The service blueprint generated from this study can identify the existence of various service processes so that all staff can cognize the context and conditions of their duties in a more holistic customer service perspective.
This article outlines monumentation of R.A Kartini, a national hero, situated in two cities. R.A ... more This article outlines monumentation of R.A Kartini, a national hero, situated in two cities. R.A Kartini is simply immortalised to become museums' identity with a twin name, but in different areas and with different management. As a hero, she has monumented on a national scale in every 21 st April known as Kartini Day. Researchers relied on data taken from observation process, in depth interview, and a questioner given to 100 respondents. An outcome of the analysis reveals that monumentation process towards R.A Kartini was just restricted to historical narration and normative activity conducted all at once on Kartini Day. As a result, there isa bias for the identity of "Kartini City" since people do not even exactly recognize where is the location of R.A Kartini museum as a tourism object. Concisely, we submitthat the monumentation process can be directed to a clear, focus, and specific territorial identity which positively affects the number of museum visitors as a monumentation tangible.
VTV was a national tourism organization formed in 1908 to promote and organize tourism activities... more VTV was a national tourism organization formed in 1908 to promote and organize tourism activities in the Dutch East Indies, with Batavia as its headquarter. The results of the analysis explained that Surabaya was not only a tourist destination but also a tourist sender. Main tourist objects were often visited by tourists with various backgrounds such as researchers, students, officials, and government employees. The dynamics of Surabaya's tourism were heavily influenced by major events such as the Great Depression in 1930 and World War II.
This research mainly focused on introducing the reforms of the public sector and their relevance ... more This research mainly focused on introducing the reforms of the public sector and their relevance to rural tourism and discusses the process impacts of the regional regulations towards rural tourism in East Java Province to the current time. Specifically, this research aimed to analyse and identify obstacles which facilitate and may influence the legislation process. A qualitative research method was implemented by using in-depth interviews and questionnaires distributed to stakeholders as respondents. The results of this research shows that experts and rural tourism communities focus group discussions had been involved in the legislative process. Since the upcoming period (2019-2024) of the Regional Council (DPRD), the regional regulations have still not being issued. A sense of urgency as well as legal protection are increasingly needed for the development plans of rural tourism in East Java to be realised.
This research mainly focused on introducing the reforms of the public sector and their relevance ... more This research mainly focused on introducing the reforms of the public sector and their relevance to rural tourism and discusses the process impacts of the regional regulations towards rural tourism in East Java Province to the current time. Specifically, this research aimed to analyse and identify obstacles which facilitate and may influence the legislation process. A qualitative research method was implemented by using in-depth interviews and questionnaires distributed to stakeholders as respondents. The results of this research shows that experts and rural tourism communities focus group discussions had been involved in the legislative process. Since the upcoming period (2014-2019) of the Regional Council (DPRD), the regional regulations have still not being issued. A sense of urgency as well as legal protection are increasingly needed for the development plans of rural tourism in East Java to be realised.
This article outlines monumentation of R.A Kartini, a national hero, situated in two cities. R.A ... more This article outlines monumentation of R.A Kartini, a national hero, situated in two cities. R.A Kartini is simply immortalised to become museums' identity with a twin name, but in different areas and with different management. As a hero, she has monumented on a national scale in every 21 st April known as Kartini Day.
The study focuses on empirically addressing the disputes among the researchers over the source of... more The study focuses on empirically addressing the disputes among the researchers over the source of injustice in the tourism industry created by the class structure. This is firstly related to the theory of postindustry which suggests that class should be more human. Secondly it relates to Marx's theory that class should be more orderly. This study used a concurrent triangulation mixed methodology. The analysis of the interclass relationship shows a strengthening class i.e. the professional class (54.5%) with the higher bargaining power against the capitalist class (1.5%) and the proletarian class (44%).This condition reinforces the post-industrial theory which shows that the open system, technological advances, and specification facilitate the mastery of expertise towards a higher level of professionalism based on the border-crossing protean career and not a consistent proletarian process. This study estimates that the transformation of the proletariat class into the new class structures is increasingly stronger, in line with the growing tendency of the professional class towards a dual position as the workers and professionals-capitalists range from small to the big scale individuals and business owners. The development and improvement of public and private tourism organization and worker development is critical for sustainable growth.
Papers by M. Nilzam aly