International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)
Violence towards women is a serious global problem which can affect mental, physical, sexual dan ... more Violence towards women is a serious global problem which can affect mental, physical, sexual dan reproductive health. This study aimed to explore adolescents’ experiences of gender-based violence. This study used a qualitative phenomenology design to assess the adolescent’s experience of gender-based violence. The participants were 15 female adolescents aged 15-18. Participants were interviewed using semi-structured in-depth interviews. The qualitative data obtained were transcribed and analyzed using the Colaizzi approach. The results were structured into four themes according to the adolescent experiences of violence. The themes were the violence experienced; Victim’s efforts to deal with the violent incident; Barriers to not reporting or telling others; hope and desire for violence prevention. This study highlights that almost the majority of female adolescent was disclosed to tell other people about incidents of violence. Adolescents tend to feel self-blame and consider that the...
Introduction: Caregivers provide support for mental disorders in the form of care such as assista... more Introduction: Caregivers provide support for mental disorders in the form of care such as assistance in daily life activities, but during a pandemic it is a challenge in itself. Objective: To explore the caregiver's experience in caring for clients with mental disorders in remote areas during a pandemic. Methods: Using a phenomenological qualitative research design with 25 participants. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and field notes then analyzed using IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Results: This study found 6 themes, namely: Caregiver Workload and Tension, Threats to Caregivers' Physical and Psychological Well-Being, The Need for a Continuing Family Role, Holistic Care, Coping Strategy, Communication is getting harder.Conclusion: our research provides unique findings about the experience of treating mental disorders needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Caregivers of mental disorder...
Background: The incidence of Multiple Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis (TB MDR) is still very high. ... more Background: The incidence of Multiple Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis (TB MDR) is still very high. TB MDR treatments requires a long period care that could lead to an impact on TB MDR patients and their families. This study aims to explore the perceived burden of TB MDR patients and their families. Method: Review literature was conducted through a search of four journal databases which later found 8 articles according to the inclusion criteria which were then identified, evaluated and synthesized. Results: The literature review found four major themes related to the perceived burden by TB MDR patients and their family, namely; physical, psychological, social and financial burden. Discussion: various problems arise due to the illness suffered by MDR TB patients and families. Understanding the difficulties and burdens experienced by MDR TB patients and their families is important in order to be able to intervene according to the problems that might arise due to MDR TB disease. Conclusio...
Competences of the nurse can be a good ability when supported with a positive perception of nurse... more Competences of the nurse can be a good ability when supported with a positive perception of nurses about the competence itself. This study describe the nurse competencies in taking care patients with mental disorders and barriers in the implementation of these competencies.This study design used qualitative descriptive phenomenology. Population was nurse who worked at the Mental Hospital. Participants were 17 nurses from two Mental Hospital in East Java which obtained by purposive sampling. Data was collected by indepth interview and focus group discussion (FGD). Equipment tools used media player, FGD guidelines and field notes. The data were analyzed by thematically analysis based Colaizzi . The results produce eight themes. The nurse's perception of competence in caring for patients with mental disorders are implementing nursing care, Standard Procedures Operational (SPO) and nursing modality therapy. While nurses encounter obstacles when applying competence in the...
Dengan memanjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, penulis dapat menyelesai... more Dengan memanjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, penulis dapat menyelesaikan buku “Riset Kualitatif dalam Keperawatan” ini dengan baik. Buku ini diselesaikan untuk memperkaya rujukan peneliti dalam menyusun penelitian kualitatif. Ternyata penelitian kualitatif memberikan kontribusi yang sama besarnya dengan kuantitatif. Penelitian kualitatif lebih difokuskan pada mutu atau kualitas data, sementara kuantitatif lebih mengutamakan jumlah atau banyaknya data. Penelitian kuantitatif telah sering dilakukan untuk pembuktian kebenaran hasil intervensi keperawatan, tetapi penelitian kualitatif masih jarang dikembangkan untuk mengeksplorasi keterkaitan variabel dan mengembangkan model asuhan keperawatan.Ilmu keperawatan adalah suatu bidang ilmu yang mencakup ilmu dasar (alam, sosial, perilaku), ilmu biomedik, ilmu kesehatan masyarakat, ilmu dasar keperawatan, ilmu keperawatan klinik, dan ilmu keperawatan komunitas, yang pada aplikasinya menggunakan pendekatan dan metod...
This study aimed to explore and compare between career expectations and difficulties in deciding ... more This study aimed to explore and compare between career expectations and difficulties in deciding careers and career choices in nursing students. This study was a cross-sectional study in an university in Surabaya, Indonesia, conducted with 233 first and final year bachelor degree nursing students, using a range of instruments: Career Expectations Questionnaire, Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire, and Questionnaire Survey on Career Choice. The data were then tested by t-test and Mann Whitney. The results showed no significant differences between first and final year students for career expectations, career decisions and career choices. Different aspects between first and final year students were in the aspects of organizational membership (p=.029) and there were differences in difficulties in deciding career, especially in aspects of lack of readiness (p=.031). The learning process and experience during the study period can be related to the impact of students' confidence in deciding their chosen careers. Support from academic staff and the environment such as parents, friends and nursing organizations are needed to shape positive aspects of the careers chosen by students. Keywords-career expectation; career choices; career difficulties; nursing students I. INTRODUCTION Career is a lifestyle concept that includes tiered work activities throughout life. Careers include activities before and after obtaining skills and decisions about how one unites their work life into other life roles [1]. Career selection is one of the most important decisions an individual makes in their life, and is seen as a core task of the late stages of adolescent development in the process of developing self-identity [2]. Today, the majority of prospective employees have high career expectations, especially in terms of personal learning and development, skills development, challenging work assignments, variations in work, and strong leadership [3]. High career expectations have the potential to cause difficulties in deciding a
Introduction: Self control is important to control the use of smartphones to suit their needs. Lo... more Introduction: Self control is important to control the use of smartphones to suit their needs. Low self control is one of the factors that cause nomophobia in smartphone users. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the self-control of adolescents with nomophobia.Method: This study used a qualitative design with a phenomenological descriptive method through in-depth interviews. There were 15 participants with nomophobia, selected using purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi analysis. Results: This study identified 12 themes. Self-control of adolescents with nomophobia is influenced by the use of smartphones which raises the theme of reasons for using smartphones, conditions that cause smartphone use, the use of smartphones in life, and various features used on smartphones. Low self control causes adolescent to have difficulty controlling the stimulus to always use a smartphone and trigger nomophobia which is described through the theme of ...
Introduction: Smartphones and teenagers in the age of technology are two very close things. Uncon... more Introduction: Smartphones and teenagers in the age of technology are two very close things. Uncontrolled use of smartphones can create serious problems for teenagers, namely addiction. This research aims to build a safe smartphone use model for teenagers using a health promotion theory.Methods: This study was an explanatory study with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was 11-18 year old teenagers in Surabaya, Indonesia who use smartphones actively. The respondents were 185 teens recruited by simple random sampling. Variables include teenager factors, technology factors, environmental factors, teenagers’ thinking, self-control, commitment, and the level of smartphone use. The instrument used was an on-line questionnaire distributed through social media and then analyzed with partial least squares. The statistical afforded material for focus group discussion followed by 15 teenagers, 15 parents and 5 health workers in order to improve the model.Results: The results show...
Bullying is an anti-social behavior carried out by individuals or type of aggressive behavior tha... more Bullying is an anti-social behavior carried out by individuals or type of aggressive behavior that contains intentional aspects to dominate and hurt others and caused negative impact on the victim's physical and psychological. Imbalance of strength, whether physical, age, and social status, which is done repeatedly by one or several children against other children is a characteristic of bullying behavior. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of mHealth on bullying among children. The studies using PRISMA and searched in four databases that published between 2016 until 2020. Twelve articles found were used in this systematic review that contains about an antibullying program that involves several parties has the preventive efforts in cases of bullying. A majority of interventions can be used in bullying and also be used as promotive and preventive efforts in cases of bullying in schools and communities.
Most home and micro-scale industries have poor business management. Good management is able to pr... more Most home and micro-scale industries have poor business management. Good management is able to produce the desired result or good in the business being run. The partner in this community service activity is students of Al Hidayah Senior High School in Mojokerto, who has a business in making ginger drinks “Jahe Sehat”. This training aimed to increase partner’s knowledge and skill about sanitation hygiene and production management. The manufacturing process starts from the preparation of raw materials, namely ginger, extraction, cooking, sieving, packaging and labeling to marketing. It was found that healthy ginger producers still do not understand the importance of hygiene and sanitation in the production process, unattractive packaging designs and no good financial cash planning system. The community service team conducts training and outreach to solve the partner's problems. By carrying out this service activity, partners increase partner’ skills and knowledge and the healthy g...
Introduction: Pulmonary TB clients who undergoing intensive phase treatment often feel sad, bored... more Introduction: Pulmonary TB clients who undergoing intensive phase treatment often feel sad, bored, reject conditions, useless and helpless, complaining about changes in conditions experienced. This study aims to describe the experience of pulmonary TB clients who undergoing intensive phase treatment in Taji Community Health Center of Magetan District Method: This research used qualitative research design of phenomenological approach with in-depth interview method on 15 participants with inclusion criteria for pulmonary TB clients aged ≥16 years, new clients were diagnosed with pulmonary TB, clients had undergone intensive phase pulmonary TB treatment for 1 month. While the exclusion criteria for pulmonary TB clients who are pregnant, TB-HIV, MDR TB, extrapulmonary TB, clients with comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, schizophrenia, and other chronic diseases. Data analysis in this study used technique nine steps Colaizzi. Result: This research used qualitative rese...
Washing hands is important to prevent various infectious diseases, including Covid-19. School-age... more Washing hands is important to prevent various infectious diseases, including Covid-19. School-age children are a population at risk who must practice proper hand hygiene. This study aims to examine the effect of Transmission-Based Precaution (TBP) on knowledge and practice of hand washing in school age children. A total of 20 schoolchildren living in Islamic boarding schools participated in this study. Education is carried out in one meeting. The data was collected by filling out a questionnaire on knowledge and hand washing practices pre and post education. The results showed that providing TPB education increased knowledge about hand washing (p = 0.010), but it was not significant for hand washing practices (p = 0.282). Increasing knowledge should also pay attention to the attitude of school children in hand washing behavior. The process of providing education will be more embedded in school children after repeatedly implementing hand washing properly. The teachers and classmates ...
Breast milk is an ideal source of nutrition for infants. However, the level of exclusive breastfe... more Breast milk is an ideal source of nutrition for infants. However, the level of exclusive breastfeeding has not reached government targets. This might be affected by internal factors such as breastfeeding self-efficacy or external factors that may originate from the husband. The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between the husband’s knowledge and attitude about exclusive breastfeeding with breastfeeding selfefficacy in mothers with infants aged 0-6 months. This study used a correlation study design with a crosssectional approach. The sample consisted of 85 mothers and their husbands who had infants aged 0-6 months through a purposive sampling technique in Puskesmas Pucang Sewu Surabaya. Data was taken using questionnaires and analyzed statistically using a Spearman Rank Correlation test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the husband’s knowledge and breastfeeding self-efficacy (p = 0.002 r = 0.338) and the husband’s attitude with br...
Taking over the responsibility of caring for schizophrenics without training and limited resource... more Taking over the responsibility of caring for schizophrenics without training and limited resources causes a lack of confidence in caregivers. Physical activity, emotional, social pressure felt continuous, and these will have impacts on resilience and life quality of caregivers. This study aimed to reveal the relationship of self-efficacy between resilience and life quality of schizophrenic caregivers. Cross-sectional with quantitative data of 216 schizophrenia caregivers who visited the mental clinic. This sample was taken based on a purposive sampling technique. The instruments used were Generally Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) Questionnaire, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) Questionnaire, and Schizophrenia Caregiver Quality of Life Questionnaire (SC-QoL) questionnaire, and then these instruments were analyzed by Spearman Rho statistical correlation test. In this study, the first variable shows a significant relationship between self-efficacy toward resilience in schizophreni...
The elderly are at risk of stress because of the physical, psychological, and social changes that... more The elderly are at risk of stress because of the physical, psychological, and social changes that they experience. Intervention is needed to increase the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual life qualities of the elderly. One of the interventions is stress management, taught through health education by using the mental health smart book (Buku Pintar Sehat Jiwa Lansia/ BISAA). This study aimed to analyze the effect of BISAA in increasing the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual qualities in the elderly. A Quasiexperiment research design was used in this study. The target population were 744 elderly people; the affordable population were 80 elderly people and the sample comprised of 16 elderly selected by purposive sampling. The independent variable was health education with BISAA. The dependent variables were the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual qualities of life. Data were collected using a questionnaire regarding physical, psychological, social, an...
Caring for People with Dementia (PwD) has various negative effects that are detrimental to caregi... more Caring for People with Dementia (PwD) has various negative effects that are detrimental to caregivers. The existence of Positive Aspects of Caregiving (PAC) makes the experience of caring for PwD more positive, valuable and protects caregivers from various negative impacts while caring for PwD. This study aims to explain the factors associated with PAC. These literature reviews were accessed from six databases (Scopus, CINAHL, Science Direct, ProQuest, PubMed, and SAGE Journal), with the keywords factor, positive aspects of caregiving, Dementia/ Alzheimer’s, during January 2021, limited to 2016-2020, and in English. A total of 318 journals were selected using PRISMA, then leaving 16 journals to be analyzed using The Joanna Briggs Institution Checklist. Sixteen journals were analyzed and divided into two themes, factors that affect PAC (n = 9) and factors affected by PAC (n = 7). Factors that affect PAC are caregiver characteristics, care-recipient characteristics, and social support...
Introduction: Living with chronic diseases such as Diabetes mellitus type 2 will make patients ex... more Introduction: Living with chronic diseases such as Diabetes mellitus type 2 will make patients experience change or imbalance include biological, psychological, social and spiritual. One of psychology aspects in patients with Diabetes mellitus type 2 is psychological well being (PWB). Emotional response of type 2 DM patients since the early diagnosis to begin undergoing the treatment will be different for each person. Type 2 DM patients need a good transition process to achieve well being state. The transition from a healthy to a diseased condition is needed for the successful self care management of type 2 DM patients. The purpose of this research was to explore the description of PWB in patients of type 2 Diabetes mellitus in six aspects of PWB and PWB facilitate and inhibitor factors in type 2 DM patients. Methods: This research used qualitative design research with case studies approach. The subject of research was seven participants who met the inclusion criteria. Data collecti...
Pendahuluan: Diabetes Mellitus merupakan masalah kesehatan global yang paling serius, mengancam, ... more Pendahuluan: Diabetes Mellitus merupakan masalah kesehatan global yang paling serius, mengancam, berkembang yang mengakibatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas serta meningkatkan biaya perawatan kesehatan terbanyak. Manajemen diri merupakan landasan kontrol diabetes namun beberapa studi menemukan tingkat manajemen diri pasien DM masih rendah yang salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah psikologis pasien. Motivational interviewing (MI) adalah teknik konseling berfokus pada klien yang didesain untuk membantu individu mengeksplorasi dan mengatasi ambivalensi dalam perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah literatur, artikel, dan jurnal penelitian yang berkaitan dengan program motivational interviewing dalam meningkatkan self management dan kontrol glikemik pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan metode penelusuran artikel jurnal di database dengan menggunakan kata kunci, kemudian setelah data didapatkan, artikel jurnal penelitian te...
Introduction: Mental health knowledge is a substantial part of mental health literacy. Many psych... more Introduction: Mental health knowledge is a substantial part of mental health literacy. Many psychosocial problems are transient and are often not noticed. This study aimed to analyze the factors related to student self-awareness in conducting psychosocial screening.Methods: This study used a descriptive-analytic design with cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. A total of 160 respondents was chosen using simple random sampling techniques. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The dependent variable in this study was students’ awareness in conducting psychosocial problems screening. The independent variables in this study were knowledge, social interaction, family support, perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and self-confidence. Analysis used multiple linear regression statistical tests.Results: The results showed there was a relationship between social interacti...
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)
Violence towards women is a serious global problem which can affect mental, physical, sexual dan ... more Violence towards women is a serious global problem which can affect mental, physical, sexual dan reproductive health. This study aimed to explore adolescents’ experiences of gender-based violence. This study used a qualitative phenomenology design to assess the adolescent’s experience of gender-based violence. The participants were 15 female adolescents aged 15-18. Participants were interviewed using semi-structured in-depth interviews. The qualitative data obtained were transcribed and analyzed using the Colaizzi approach. The results were structured into four themes according to the adolescent experiences of violence. The themes were the violence experienced; Victim’s efforts to deal with the violent incident; Barriers to not reporting or telling others; hope and desire for violence prevention. This study highlights that almost the majority of female adolescent was disclosed to tell other people about incidents of violence. Adolescents tend to feel self-blame and consider that the...
Introduction: Caregivers provide support for mental disorders in the form of care such as assista... more Introduction: Caregivers provide support for mental disorders in the form of care such as assistance in daily life activities, but during a pandemic it is a challenge in itself. Objective: To explore the caregiver's experience in caring for clients with mental disorders in remote areas during a pandemic. Methods: Using a phenomenological qualitative research design with 25 participants. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and field notes then analyzed using IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Results: This study found 6 themes, namely: Caregiver Workload and Tension, Threats to Caregivers' Physical and Psychological Well-Being, The Need for a Continuing Family Role, Holistic Care, Coping Strategy, Communication is getting harder.Conclusion: our research provides unique findings about the experience of treating mental disorders needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Caregivers of mental disorder...
Background: The incidence of Multiple Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis (TB MDR) is still very high. ... more Background: The incidence of Multiple Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis (TB MDR) is still very high. TB MDR treatments requires a long period care that could lead to an impact on TB MDR patients and their families. This study aims to explore the perceived burden of TB MDR patients and their families. Method: Review literature was conducted through a search of four journal databases which later found 8 articles according to the inclusion criteria which were then identified, evaluated and synthesized. Results: The literature review found four major themes related to the perceived burden by TB MDR patients and their family, namely; physical, psychological, social and financial burden. Discussion: various problems arise due to the illness suffered by MDR TB patients and families. Understanding the difficulties and burdens experienced by MDR TB patients and their families is important in order to be able to intervene according to the problems that might arise due to MDR TB disease. Conclusio...
Competences of the nurse can be a good ability when supported with a positive perception of nurse... more Competences of the nurse can be a good ability when supported with a positive perception of nurses about the competence itself. This study describe the nurse competencies in taking care patients with mental disorders and barriers in the implementation of these competencies.This study design used qualitative descriptive phenomenology. Population was nurse who worked at the Mental Hospital. Participants were 17 nurses from two Mental Hospital in East Java which obtained by purposive sampling. Data was collected by indepth interview and focus group discussion (FGD). Equipment tools used media player, FGD guidelines and field notes. The data were analyzed by thematically analysis based Colaizzi . The results produce eight themes. The nurse's perception of competence in caring for patients with mental disorders are implementing nursing care, Standard Procedures Operational (SPO) and nursing modality therapy. While nurses encounter obstacles when applying competence in the...
Dengan memanjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, penulis dapat menyelesai... more Dengan memanjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, penulis dapat menyelesaikan buku “Riset Kualitatif dalam Keperawatan” ini dengan baik. Buku ini diselesaikan untuk memperkaya rujukan peneliti dalam menyusun penelitian kualitatif. Ternyata penelitian kualitatif memberikan kontribusi yang sama besarnya dengan kuantitatif. Penelitian kualitatif lebih difokuskan pada mutu atau kualitas data, sementara kuantitatif lebih mengutamakan jumlah atau banyaknya data. Penelitian kuantitatif telah sering dilakukan untuk pembuktian kebenaran hasil intervensi keperawatan, tetapi penelitian kualitatif masih jarang dikembangkan untuk mengeksplorasi keterkaitan variabel dan mengembangkan model asuhan keperawatan.Ilmu keperawatan adalah suatu bidang ilmu yang mencakup ilmu dasar (alam, sosial, perilaku), ilmu biomedik, ilmu kesehatan masyarakat, ilmu dasar keperawatan, ilmu keperawatan klinik, dan ilmu keperawatan komunitas, yang pada aplikasinya menggunakan pendekatan dan metod...
This study aimed to explore and compare between career expectations and difficulties in deciding ... more This study aimed to explore and compare between career expectations and difficulties in deciding careers and career choices in nursing students. This study was a cross-sectional study in an university in Surabaya, Indonesia, conducted with 233 first and final year bachelor degree nursing students, using a range of instruments: Career Expectations Questionnaire, Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire, and Questionnaire Survey on Career Choice. The data were then tested by t-test and Mann Whitney. The results showed no significant differences between first and final year students for career expectations, career decisions and career choices. Different aspects between first and final year students were in the aspects of organizational membership (p=.029) and there were differences in difficulties in deciding career, especially in aspects of lack of readiness (p=.031). The learning process and experience during the study period can be related to the impact of students' confidence in deciding their chosen careers. Support from academic staff and the environment such as parents, friends and nursing organizations are needed to shape positive aspects of the careers chosen by students. Keywords-career expectation; career choices; career difficulties; nursing students I. INTRODUCTION Career is a lifestyle concept that includes tiered work activities throughout life. Careers include activities before and after obtaining skills and decisions about how one unites their work life into other life roles [1]. Career selection is one of the most important decisions an individual makes in their life, and is seen as a core task of the late stages of adolescent development in the process of developing self-identity [2]. Today, the majority of prospective employees have high career expectations, especially in terms of personal learning and development, skills development, challenging work assignments, variations in work, and strong leadership [3]. High career expectations have the potential to cause difficulties in deciding a
Introduction: Self control is important to control the use of smartphones to suit their needs. Lo... more Introduction: Self control is important to control the use of smartphones to suit their needs. Low self control is one of the factors that cause nomophobia in smartphone users. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the self-control of adolescents with nomophobia.Method: This study used a qualitative design with a phenomenological descriptive method through in-depth interviews. There were 15 participants with nomophobia, selected using purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi analysis. Results: This study identified 12 themes. Self-control of adolescents with nomophobia is influenced by the use of smartphones which raises the theme of reasons for using smartphones, conditions that cause smartphone use, the use of smartphones in life, and various features used on smartphones. Low self control causes adolescent to have difficulty controlling the stimulus to always use a smartphone and trigger nomophobia which is described through the theme of ...
Introduction: Smartphones and teenagers in the age of technology are two very close things. Uncon... more Introduction: Smartphones and teenagers in the age of technology are two very close things. Uncontrolled use of smartphones can create serious problems for teenagers, namely addiction. This research aims to build a safe smartphone use model for teenagers using a health promotion theory.Methods: This study was an explanatory study with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was 11-18 year old teenagers in Surabaya, Indonesia who use smartphones actively. The respondents were 185 teens recruited by simple random sampling. Variables include teenager factors, technology factors, environmental factors, teenagers’ thinking, self-control, commitment, and the level of smartphone use. The instrument used was an on-line questionnaire distributed through social media and then analyzed with partial least squares. The statistical afforded material for focus group discussion followed by 15 teenagers, 15 parents and 5 health workers in order to improve the model.Results: The results show...
Bullying is an anti-social behavior carried out by individuals or type of aggressive behavior tha... more Bullying is an anti-social behavior carried out by individuals or type of aggressive behavior that contains intentional aspects to dominate and hurt others and caused negative impact on the victim's physical and psychological. Imbalance of strength, whether physical, age, and social status, which is done repeatedly by one or several children against other children is a characteristic of bullying behavior. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of mHealth on bullying among children. The studies using PRISMA and searched in four databases that published between 2016 until 2020. Twelve articles found were used in this systematic review that contains about an antibullying program that involves several parties has the preventive efforts in cases of bullying. A majority of interventions can be used in bullying and also be used as promotive and preventive efforts in cases of bullying in schools and communities.
Most home and micro-scale industries have poor business management. Good management is able to pr... more Most home and micro-scale industries have poor business management. Good management is able to produce the desired result or good in the business being run. The partner in this community service activity is students of Al Hidayah Senior High School in Mojokerto, who has a business in making ginger drinks “Jahe Sehat”. This training aimed to increase partner’s knowledge and skill about sanitation hygiene and production management. The manufacturing process starts from the preparation of raw materials, namely ginger, extraction, cooking, sieving, packaging and labeling to marketing. It was found that healthy ginger producers still do not understand the importance of hygiene and sanitation in the production process, unattractive packaging designs and no good financial cash planning system. The community service team conducts training and outreach to solve the partner's problems. By carrying out this service activity, partners increase partner’ skills and knowledge and the healthy g...
Introduction: Pulmonary TB clients who undergoing intensive phase treatment often feel sad, bored... more Introduction: Pulmonary TB clients who undergoing intensive phase treatment often feel sad, bored, reject conditions, useless and helpless, complaining about changes in conditions experienced. This study aims to describe the experience of pulmonary TB clients who undergoing intensive phase treatment in Taji Community Health Center of Magetan District Method: This research used qualitative research design of phenomenological approach with in-depth interview method on 15 participants with inclusion criteria for pulmonary TB clients aged ≥16 years, new clients were diagnosed with pulmonary TB, clients had undergone intensive phase pulmonary TB treatment for 1 month. While the exclusion criteria for pulmonary TB clients who are pregnant, TB-HIV, MDR TB, extrapulmonary TB, clients with comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, schizophrenia, and other chronic diseases. Data analysis in this study used technique nine steps Colaizzi. Result: This research used qualitative rese...
Washing hands is important to prevent various infectious diseases, including Covid-19. School-age... more Washing hands is important to prevent various infectious diseases, including Covid-19. School-age children are a population at risk who must practice proper hand hygiene. This study aims to examine the effect of Transmission-Based Precaution (TBP) on knowledge and practice of hand washing in school age children. A total of 20 schoolchildren living in Islamic boarding schools participated in this study. Education is carried out in one meeting. The data was collected by filling out a questionnaire on knowledge and hand washing practices pre and post education. The results showed that providing TPB education increased knowledge about hand washing (p = 0.010), but it was not significant for hand washing practices (p = 0.282). Increasing knowledge should also pay attention to the attitude of school children in hand washing behavior. The process of providing education will be more embedded in school children after repeatedly implementing hand washing properly. The teachers and classmates ...
Breast milk is an ideal source of nutrition for infants. However, the level of exclusive breastfe... more Breast milk is an ideal source of nutrition for infants. However, the level of exclusive breastfeeding has not reached government targets. This might be affected by internal factors such as breastfeeding self-efficacy or external factors that may originate from the husband. The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between the husband’s knowledge and attitude about exclusive breastfeeding with breastfeeding selfefficacy in mothers with infants aged 0-6 months. This study used a correlation study design with a crosssectional approach. The sample consisted of 85 mothers and their husbands who had infants aged 0-6 months through a purposive sampling technique in Puskesmas Pucang Sewu Surabaya. Data was taken using questionnaires and analyzed statistically using a Spearman Rank Correlation test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the husband’s knowledge and breastfeeding self-efficacy (p = 0.002 r = 0.338) and the husband’s attitude with br...
Taking over the responsibility of caring for schizophrenics without training and limited resource... more Taking over the responsibility of caring for schizophrenics without training and limited resources causes a lack of confidence in caregivers. Physical activity, emotional, social pressure felt continuous, and these will have impacts on resilience and life quality of caregivers. This study aimed to reveal the relationship of self-efficacy between resilience and life quality of schizophrenic caregivers. Cross-sectional with quantitative data of 216 schizophrenia caregivers who visited the mental clinic. This sample was taken based on a purposive sampling technique. The instruments used were Generally Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) Questionnaire, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) Questionnaire, and Schizophrenia Caregiver Quality of Life Questionnaire (SC-QoL) questionnaire, and then these instruments were analyzed by Spearman Rho statistical correlation test. In this study, the first variable shows a significant relationship between self-efficacy toward resilience in schizophreni...
The elderly are at risk of stress because of the physical, psychological, and social changes that... more The elderly are at risk of stress because of the physical, psychological, and social changes that they experience. Intervention is needed to increase the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual life qualities of the elderly. One of the interventions is stress management, taught through health education by using the mental health smart book (Buku Pintar Sehat Jiwa Lansia/ BISAA). This study aimed to analyze the effect of BISAA in increasing the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual qualities in the elderly. A Quasiexperiment research design was used in this study. The target population were 744 elderly people; the affordable population were 80 elderly people and the sample comprised of 16 elderly selected by purposive sampling. The independent variable was health education with BISAA. The dependent variables were the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual qualities of life. Data were collected using a questionnaire regarding physical, psychological, social, an...
Caring for People with Dementia (PwD) has various negative effects that are detrimental to caregi... more Caring for People with Dementia (PwD) has various negative effects that are detrimental to caregivers. The existence of Positive Aspects of Caregiving (PAC) makes the experience of caring for PwD more positive, valuable and protects caregivers from various negative impacts while caring for PwD. This study aims to explain the factors associated with PAC. These literature reviews were accessed from six databases (Scopus, CINAHL, Science Direct, ProQuest, PubMed, and SAGE Journal), with the keywords factor, positive aspects of caregiving, Dementia/ Alzheimer’s, during January 2021, limited to 2016-2020, and in English. A total of 318 journals were selected using PRISMA, then leaving 16 journals to be analyzed using The Joanna Briggs Institution Checklist. Sixteen journals were analyzed and divided into two themes, factors that affect PAC (n = 9) and factors affected by PAC (n = 7). Factors that affect PAC are caregiver characteristics, care-recipient characteristics, and social support...
Introduction: Living with chronic diseases such as Diabetes mellitus type 2 will make patients ex... more Introduction: Living with chronic diseases such as Diabetes mellitus type 2 will make patients experience change or imbalance include biological, psychological, social and spiritual. One of psychology aspects in patients with Diabetes mellitus type 2 is psychological well being (PWB). Emotional response of type 2 DM patients since the early diagnosis to begin undergoing the treatment will be different for each person. Type 2 DM patients need a good transition process to achieve well being state. The transition from a healthy to a diseased condition is needed for the successful self care management of type 2 DM patients. The purpose of this research was to explore the description of PWB in patients of type 2 Diabetes mellitus in six aspects of PWB and PWB facilitate and inhibitor factors in type 2 DM patients. Methods: This research used qualitative design research with case studies approach. The subject of research was seven participants who met the inclusion criteria. Data collecti...
Pendahuluan: Diabetes Mellitus merupakan masalah kesehatan global yang paling serius, mengancam, ... more Pendahuluan: Diabetes Mellitus merupakan masalah kesehatan global yang paling serius, mengancam, berkembang yang mengakibatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas serta meningkatkan biaya perawatan kesehatan terbanyak. Manajemen diri merupakan landasan kontrol diabetes namun beberapa studi menemukan tingkat manajemen diri pasien DM masih rendah yang salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah psikologis pasien. Motivational interviewing (MI) adalah teknik konseling berfokus pada klien yang didesain untuk membantu individu mengeksplorasi dan mengatasi ambivalensi dalam perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah literatur, artikel, dan jurnal penelitian yang berkaitan dengan program motivational interviewing dalam meningkatkan self management dan kontrol glikemik pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan metode penelusuran artikel jurnal di database dengan menggunakan kata kunci, kemudian setelah data didapatkan, artikel jurnal penelitian te...
Introduction: Mental health knowledge is a substantial part of mental health literacy. Many psych... more Introduction: Mental health knowledge is a substantial part of mental health literacy. Many psychosocial problems are transient and are often not noticed. This study aimed to analyze the factors related to student self-awareness in conducting psychosocial screening.Methods: This study used a descriptive-analytic design with cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. A total of 160 respondents was chosen using simple random sampling techniques. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The dependent variable in this study was students’ awareness in conducting psychosocial problems screening. The independent variables in this study were knowledge, social interaction, family support, perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and self-confidence. Analysis used multiple linear regression statistical tests.Results: The results showed there was a relationship between social interacti...
Papers by Dian Tristiana