Papers by Yemi E B E N E Z E R Aluko

International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM), 2024
The article assesses the European Union as a catalyst for the integration of Europe. It discusses... more The article assesses the European Union as a catalyst for the integration of Europe. It discusses the geographical location of Europe. The origin, membership, aims and organs of the EU came to focus. It examines the EU as an agent of integration of Europe. The data was obtained from primary and secondary sources. Oral interview constitutes the primary source. Books, journals, newspapers, theses, dissertations, etc. were used as secondary sources. It was found that attempts were made to establish associations with the mandate of integration of Europe before the formation of the EU. It was also demonstrated that the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 changed the name of the EC to EU. It was also found that the custom union, common currency and the European common market were part of the integration process. In conclusion, the European Union has a lot of challenges when confronted with the realization of the mandate.

The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2020
Pre-Colonial and Colonial Antecedents Comparative studies have a number of advantages over genera... more Pre-Colonial and Colonial Antecedents Comparative studies have a number of advantages over general, omnibus global studies. First, unlike the latter which focus on grand sweeps; the former focus on specifics and provide answers to definite questions-the 'why', 'what', 'where' and 'how' of the histories of the countries or societies being compared. Also, comparative studies generate interesting and logical juxtaposition data which shed ample light on why two countries with relatively similar initial experiences and almost predictable similar socioeconomic and political fates and destinies ended up at almost diametrically opposed destinations in virtually all spheres (Rodrik, 2003:1-3). This article, broken into three sections, compares the delivery of democratic goods in Nigeria and Botswana. Although, the latter gained independence in 1966 and its statehood should normally date therefrom ; however, Botswana's democratic ideals and credentials predated British protectorate. For a meaningful treatment and understanding of Botswana's modern democracy therefore, a brief examination of its traditional proto-democracy is essential. This introduction, which highlights the above as well as the situation in pre-colonial and colonial Nigeria, is followed by an examination of the post-colonial policies of both countries which are responsible for their different socioeconomic and political variations and destinations. This is followed by the conclusion. Nigeria is famous for at least three reasons: first, its extensive multi-ethnic and heterogeneous configuration. The country's over 250 ethnic nationalities make her the most heterogeneous in Africa; 1 the centrifugal tendencies of Nigerian colonial policies and constitutions; and three, being a lopsided and fractured federation grappling with a thorny national 1 Some scholars and commentators have overestimated the number of ethnic groups in Nigeria. For example, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2000, p. 90 puts the number of Nigeria's ethnic groups at 374. Also, Otite estimates that Nigeria has a total of 389 ethnic groups while a Federal Government publication puts the number of ethnic groups in Nigeria at between 250 and 400.

International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management , 2023
This paper examined some Military Regimes in Nigeria. It discussed the military heads of state be... more This paper examined some Military Regimes in Nigeria. It discussed the military heads of state between the periods of 1966-1979. It analyses the strength and weaknesses of these leaders viz; MajorGeneral AguiyiIronsi, General Yakubu Gowon, General RamatMurtala Mohammed and General OlusegunObasanjo. Primary data for the study was obtained through oral interview of selected gerontocrats and others above the age of fifty years, political scientists, political analysts, and political historiansas primary source of information gathering (random sampling method was adopted in the selection of interviewees). Archival material was used to supplement and substantiate the sourced information. Secondary sources like books, newspapers, articles, journals, theses and dissertation and internet material were also used. It was found that the military rulers contributed much to the development of Nigeria in spite of their flaws. It concludes that military rule could be positive in contribution, particularly when commitment is enlisted from the leader. It is further posited by the authors that the management of governance goes beyond the type of government to enlist commitment and sacrifice from the leaders before able development could be achieved and sustained.
This paper examines the role of United Nations in the maintenance of World Peace and Security. It... more This paper examines the role of United Nations in the maintenance of World Peace and Security. It discusses the origin of UNO indicating the aims and objectives. The Organs and specialized agencies came to focus. It analyzes the challenges of UNO. The researcher relied on oral interview as primary source. The data for the study was also obtained extensively from the Secondary sources like books, newspapers, articles, journals, theses, dissertations and internet materials. The study found that UNO played an important role in settling disputes among Nations across the World. The body setup different organs and agencies to achieve the objectives. It was found that the Veto powers exercised by the five permanent members of the security council is a serious obstacle in taking decisive actions and decisions by the UNO. In conclusion, the UNO is confronted with series of challenges.
This article examines the intrigues in power relations between the superpowers. It delivered to f... more This article examines the intrigues in power relations between the superpowers. It delivered to fore the evolution of the Cold War and its influence on World Politics and the extent of reach around the world. In sight of the topic matter of study, which touches on diplomacy, gunboat diplomacy, politics, and therefore the economy, the historical approach is used in this study. It involves the collection and interpretation of data from secondary sources such as books, Journals, and newspaper articles. The paper has contributed to knowledge within the aspects of politics, warfare and International Studies.
The aim of this paper is to historicize and examine some English words that can be traced to some... more The aim of this paper is to historicize and examine some English words that can be traced to some naviesincluding the Nigerian Navy. The paper reminds scholars of some words used as part of the organisations language of command that are used in today"s parlance. These words are now used as normal words in the society. The paper recognises the contributions of the Navies to the development of some spoken words. The study relied on documentary data. The documentary data were sourced from government annual departmental reports, online websites, newspapers and correspondence. The secondary sources used were subjected to internal and external criticism for authentication, and then to textual and contextual analyses.

The paper examines the USA and North Korea Relations from 1945 till date. It discusses the Korean... more The paper examines the USA and North Korea Relations from 1945 till date. It discusses the Korean peninsula under the control of Japan and China. It analyzes San Francisco Treaty and USA intervention. The relationship between USA and North Korea in the 20 th and 21 st Centuries came to focus. The study relied on primary sources like oral interview and secondary sources such as books, newspapers, journal articles, speeches, theses, dissertations. It was found that her geographical position placed her in a precarious situation hence Japan, China and Russia exploited before USA intervention. It was also found that the involvement of USA in Korean civil war against North Korea strained the relationship between the two countries. It was found that over 3 millions North Koreans died in that war because of USA involvement. Again, the dismissal of General Douglas by Harry Truman, who was planning to use nuclear weapons on North Korea came to focus. In conclusion, the constant test of rockets by North Korea in Korean peninsula and USA imposition of sanctions on her, demanding full denuclearization before the lifting of sanctions strained the relationship between the two countries.
IJMRAP, 2020
The aim of the paper is to show that if adequately encouraged, the Community and Social Developme... more The aim of the paper is to show that if adequately encouraged, the Community and Social Development Project (CSDP) can bring about a turn around in the fortunes of the rural areas in Nigeria and, by extension, the country as a whole. The paper is based on both primary and secondary data, which were used to generate the position taken in this paper. It is noteworthy that CSDP is a name for a rural development and poverty alleviation programme in Nigeria. Findings show that it is capable of living up to its billings and also that some issues hamper its effectiveness. The paper concludes that though CSDP is a laudable programme the issues that hamper it need to be addressed to make it function as required.

IJSRED, 2020
This paper examines the fall of the Second Republic of Nigeria, 1979-1983: A lesson for the futur... more This paper examines the fall of the Second Republic of Nigeria, 1979-1983: A lesson for the future. It discusses the enthronement of the Second Republic in Nigeria. It analyzes the critical factors responsible for the demise of the Second Republic. The role played by the Military Coup of December 31st 1983 also came to focus: The paper demonstrates that the political elites of the Third and Fourth Republics did not learn from the mistakes of the Second Republic. Data for the study was obtained extensively from the secondary sources like books, newspapers, articles, journals, theses, dissertations, and projects: The paper also relied on oral interview as primary sources. The study found that the election conducted in Nigeria in 1979 was supervised by the military hence the votes of the electorates counted compared to 1983 elections which witnessed disastrous electoral malpractices. The paper demonstrated that violation of the constitution, election rigging, thuggery, misappropriation of public funds, corruption, indiscipline, unemployment, scarcity of food, poor education and health facilities contributed to the demise of the Second republic. The paper concluded that just like the political elites and Leadership refused to learn from the mistakes of the First Republic, the politicians of the Third Republic (1985-1988) and those of the Fourth Republic beginning from 1999 did not see the need to avoid the political blunders of the Second Republic hence our political system, continues to witness thuggery, corruption, indiscipline, manipulation of results, violence, killings of innocent Nigerians and Litigations.

Pre-Colonial and Colonial Antecedents Comparative studies have a number of advantages over genera... more Pre-Colonial and Colonial Antecedents Comparative studies have a number of advantages over general, omnibus global studies. First, unlike the latter which focus on grand sweeps; the former focus on specifics and provide answers to definite questions-the 'why', 'what', 'where' and 'how' of the histories of the countries or societies being compared. Also, comparative studies generate interesting and logical juxtaposition data which shed ample light on why two countries with relatively similar initial experiences and almost predictable similar socioeconomic and political fates and destinies ended up at almost diametrically opposed destinations in virtually all spheres (Rodrik, 2003:1-3). This article, broken into three sections, compares the delivery of democratic goods in Nigeria and Botswana. Although, the latter gained independence in 1966 and its statehood should normally date therefrom ; however, Botswana's democratic ideals and credentials predated British protectorate. For a meaningful treatment and understanding of Botswana's modern democracy therefore, a brief examination of its traditional proto-democracy is essential. This introduction, which highlights the above as well as the situation in pre-colonial and colonial Nigeria, is followed by an examination of the post-colonial policies of both countries which are responsible for their different socioeconomic and political variations and destinations. This is followed by the conclusion. Nigeria is famous for at least three reasons: first, its extensive multi-ethnic and heterogeneous configuration. The country's over 250 ethnic nationalities make her the most heterogeneous in Africa; 1 the centrifugal tendencies of Nigerian colonial policies and constitutions; and three, being a lopsided and fractured federation grappling with a thorny national 1 Some scholars and commentators have overestimated the number of ethnic groups in Nigeria. For example, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2000, p. 90 puts the number of Nigeria's ethnic groups at 374. Also, Otite estimates that Nigeria has a total of 389 ethnic groups while a Federal Government publication puts the number of ethnic groups in Nigeria at between 250 and 400.

This paper examines the guild system in Benin and the monarchy. It discusses the role of kings in... more This paper examines the guild system in Benin and the monarchy. It discusses the role of kings in the introduction of the guilds in Benin. The types and the organization of the guilds in Benin also came into focus. It analyzes the impact of the civil war in the 17 century on the guilds and the negative effects of the 1897 invasion of Benin on the guilds development. It also examines the guilds as a contributing factor to the survival of the kingdom. The study relied on both primary sources like oral interview and archival materials and secondary sources like books, theses, articles, newspapers, journals etc. The study found that Ogiso Ere introduced guilds into Benin and other kings built on it. The study demonstrated that there were at least sixtyeight guilds in Benin. The study also found that the Obas put in structures to organize the guilds. The study concludes that the civil war in the 17 century and the British invasion of Benin of 1897 had negative impact on the guild system ...

This paper wholistically examines the issues relating to the origin of Ughoton in the earliest ti... more This paper wholistically examines the issues relating to the origin of Ughoton in the earliest times. It analyses the political anxiety, crises, conflicts misrule, anarchy which characterised the reign of Ogiso Owodo. It assesses the circumstances surrounding the birth of Prince Ekaladerhan, and his banishment. It discusses the role of oracle in Benin traditional institutions. Finally the paper also examines how Ughoton was founded in the eleventh century. The researcher obtained data from primary and secondary sources. Archival materials and oral interview constituted the primary sources while the secondary sources were books, newspapers, articles, theses and dissertations. It was found that the manipulation of the oracle’s divinations was a factor in the foundation of Ughoton. It was also found that from the numerous wives of Ogiso Owodo, only Imade gave birth to a child Prince Ekaladerhan. Prince Ekaladerham was banished and he eventually founded Ughoton in the eleventh century.
Papers by Yemi E B E N E Z E R Aluko