Books by Ruth Marcela Espinosa
Revisión de la traducción de A. Gómez-Lobo de 1971, con nueva introducción, notas y nuevos textos... more Revisión de la traducción de A. Gómez-Lobo de 1971, con nueva introducción, notas y nuevos textos por A. Gómez-Lobo, R. Espinosa y L. Placencia
Papers and chapters by Ruth Marcela Espinosa
Ética, creencia y conciencia. (J.A. Valdiavia y R. Espinosa editores). Ediciones Trea, 2021
Papers by Ruth Marcela Espinosa
Revista Filosofía UIS
En este artículo se reconstruye el vínculo sistemático entre el tratamiento aporético del conocim... more En este artículo se reconstruye el vínculo sistemático entre el tratamiento aporético del conocimiento en el diálogo platónico tardío Teetetos y la definición conceptual del conocimiento en parte de la epistemología analítica contemporánea. A través de dicha vinculación se muestra, por una parte, la presencia de los problemas presentados por Platón en la epistemología actual, así como la persistencia de la aporía del dialogo en cuestión. Con ello, se pretende también iluminar desde una clave histórica aspectos esenciales del debate epistemológico en general.

Indexación: Revista UNABEn este artículo se explora una interpretación renovada del famoso pasaje... more Indexación: Revista UNABEn este artículo se explora una interpretación renovada del famoso pasaje de la así llamada “falacia naturalista” que Hume formula en el tercer libro de su Tratado. Dicha interpretación se sustenta ampliamente en la explicitación de las consecuencias que dicho argumento tendría también en la epistemología humeana. En efecto, la manera en que tradicionalmente ha sido interpretado el pasaje genera inconsistencias importantes tanto en la filosofía teórica como en la filosofía práctica de Hume, pues en ambos niveles es necesario dar cuenta de ciertas afirmaciones de carácter normativo que juegan un importante rol en la filosofía de Hume. En este escrito se plantea, entonces, que lejos de negar la posibilidad de derivar el “deber” del “ser” Hume dispone constreñimientos en torno a la forma de dicha derivación.This article explores a refreshing interpretation of the “isought-pasage” in Hume’s third book of the Treatise. Such interpretation heavily relies on ponderi...

In the face of a possible health saturation due to the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV2 coronavir... more In the face of a possible health saturation due to the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus, the present paper wants to contribute with some guidelines in order to provide ethical orientation to prioritize patients and maximize the benefits for the majority of the population. This paper aims to generate an acceptable, consistent, and reasonable ethical framework to support the difficult work that health professionals will have in emergency rooms and intensive care units. The criteria and reflections in this paper aim to respect not only ethical-medical principles that focus their efforts on a particular patient, but especially on a broader public health ethics based on the principle of justice. Prioritization is therefore oriented in a utilitarian framework that seeks to save the largest number of lives, of life-years and considering the life stage, without neglecting the people's dignity. In this sense, it is not only a matter of considering epidemiological criteria, but also of establishing socially acceptable ethical criteria. This proposal is a collective effort to
Revista de Humanidades, 2016
This article explores a refreshing interpretation of the “isought-pasage” in Hume’s third book of... more This article explores a refreshing interpretation of the “isought-pasage” in Hume’s third book of the Treatise. Such interpretation heavily relies on ponderi...
Trans/Form/Ação, 2019
Testimony and intellectual virtues in Hume Artigos / Articles This is an open-access article dist... more Testimony and intellectual virtues in Hume Artigos / Articles This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.
Filosofia Unisinos, 2016
The main concern of this paper is whether Hume's account of belief has a normative dimension, esp... more The main concern of this paper is whether Hume's account of belief has a normative dimension, especially concerning his account of general rules of reasoning in his Treatise of Human Nature, and consequently, whether it is possible to offer an account of the normative force of those rules in spite of his naturalist framework. I conclude that there are many normative elements in his conception of belief and reasoning, and that, as many authors in recent studies of normativity have suggested, naturalism can sufficiently account for the normative structures of our cognition and their normative authority. Such a view of the normative dimension of belief in Hume's epistemology also shows an interesting and close connection with the moral dimension of his thought, which I believe is of fundamental importance for understanding his thought in general.
Aufklärung: Journal of Philosophy, 2024
The value of testimony as a source of knowledge has been a subject of epistemological debates. Th... more The value of testimony as a source of knowledge has been a subject of epistemological debates. The "trust theory of testimony" suggests that human testimony is based on an affective relationship supported by social norms. However, the advent of generative artificial intelligence challenges our understanding of genuine testimony. The concept of "quasitestimony" seeks to characterize utterances produced by non human entities that mimic testimony but lack certain fundamental attributes. This article analyzes these issues in depth, exploring philosophical perspectives on testimony and the implications of conversational AI technologies on our epistemic practices.

Trans/Form/Ação, Marília, v. 42, n. 4, p. 29-46, Out./Dez., 2019, 2019
In this paper, I consider some issues concerning Hume's epistemology of testimony. I'll particula... more In this paper, I consider some issues concerning Hume's epistemology of testimony. I'll particularly focus on the accusation of reductivism and individualism brought by scholars against Hume's view on testimonial evidence, based on the tenth section of his An enquiry concerning human understanding. I first explain the arguments against Hume's position, and address some replies in the literature in order to offer an alternative interpretation concerning the way such a defense should go. My strategy is closely connected with Hume's notion of virtue and the role it plays in his epistemology, mainly as presented in his A treatise of human nature. I address the problem of how the section "Of miracles" in the Enquiry must be properly understood, as several misunderstandings of Hume's epistemology of testimony emerge partially from the particular character and aim of that section.

In the face of a possible health saturation due to the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV2 coronavir... more In the face of a possible health saturation due to the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus, the present paper wants to contribute with some guidelines in order to provide ethical orientation to prioritize patients and maximize the benefits for the majority of the population. This paper aims to generate an acceptable, consistent, and reasonable ethical framework to support the difficult work that health professionals will have in emergency rooms and intensive care units. The criteria and reflections in this paper aim to respect not only ethical-medical principles that focus their efforts on a particular patient, but especially on a broader public health ethics based on the principle of justice. Prioritization is therefore oriented in a utilitarian framework that seeks to save the largest number of lives, of life-years and considering the life stage, without neglecting the people's dignity. In this sense, it is not only a matter of considering epidemiological criteria, but also of establishing socially acceptable ethical criteria. This proposal is a collective effort to bring together the comparative experience of various international ethical recommendations, adapting them, if pertinent, to the Chilean reality.
Resumen En este artículo se explora una interpretación renovada del famoso pasaje de la así llama... more Resumen En este artículo se explora una interpretación renovada del famoso pasaje de la así llamada " falacia naturalista " que Hume formula en el tercer libro de su Tratado. Dicha interpretación se sustenta ampliamente en la explicitación de las consecuen-cias que dicho argumento tendría también en la epistemología humeana. En efecto, la manera en que tradicionalmente ha sido interpretado el pasaje genera inconsistencias importan-tes tanto en la filosofía teórica como en la filosofía práctica
The main concern of this paper is whether Hume's account of belief has a normative dimension , es... more The main concern of this paper is whether Hume's account of belief has a normative dimension , especially concerning his account of general rules of reasoning in his Treatise of Human Nature, and consequently, whether it is possible to offer an account of the norma-tive force of those rules in spite of his naturalist framework. I conclude that there are many normative elements in his conception of belief and reasoning, and that, as many authors in recent studies of normativity have suggested, naturalism can sufficiently account for the normative structures of our cognition and their normative authority. Such a view of the normative dimension of belief in Hume's epistemology also shows an interesting and close connection with the moral dimension of his thought, which I believe is of fundamental importance for understanding his thought in general.
Books by Ruth Marcela Espinosa
Papers and chapters by Ruth Marcela Espinosa
Papers by Ruth Marcela Espinosa