Anuario de la Escuela de Historia Virtual, Año 14, Nº 23, pp. 101-129., 2023
El presente artículo aborda el estudio de la identidad romana republicano-imperial desde los prin... more El presente artículo aborda el estudio de la identidad romana republicano-imperial desde los principales análisis inspirados por la teoría de la romanización y la discusión conceptual que esta ha generado. Específicamente, se analiza el problema del rol de los itálicos en la construcción de la identidad romana en el período imperial de Augusto. En primer lugar, se ofrece una explicación de los paradigmas que analizan la identidad romana. En segundo lugar, se examina el problema de la identidad y de los itálicos en la primera década de Ab Urbe Condita de Tito Livio. Finalmente, considerando a Livio como un caso de estudio, se concluye que el paradigma de la “romanización renovada” se condice mejor con la información que se interpreta desde la fuente.
Papers by Daniel Nieto
Palabras clave: Res Gestae, identidad romana, imagen imperial, romanidad augusta.
Abstract: this article offers an approach to Res Gestae Divi Augusti, from the point of view of Roman identity. Conceived in its testimonial and visual dimensions, the inscription of the first Roman Emperor, builds a portrait of a Roman being, that is coherent with the sociopolitical reconstruction of his time; this is considered an exercise of republican tradition in both conceptual and historical terms. In conceptual terms, it adapts the principles and foundations of the Republic to the new order of Augustan romanness; in historical terms, it assumes the Roman social crisis and the Italic identity demands, including them in the scene of the empire and into the design of being Roman.
Palabras Claves: Juan Egaña, Recepción Clásica, Educación griega, Proyectos Educacionales, Independencia de Chile.
This article analyzes, from the approach and methodology of reception studies, the influence of the classical tradition in the first educational project for the Chilean Republic, entitled Reflexiones sobre el mejor sistema de educación que puede darse a la juventud de Chile-Reflections on the best system of education that can be given to the youth of Chile-(1811) by Juan Egaña. The analysis corresponds to the context of the independence and republican conformation of Chile at the beginning of the 19th century, processes that inspired the author in the search for a formative model for the Chilean citizens. Evoking the Hellenic paideia, the text reflects a political and axiological notion of education, oriented to the formation of virtuous citizens for the new republic.
República e inicios del Principado. Específicamente, se aborda la exhortación de Catilina a los conjurados en Bellum Catilinae de Salustio y los discursos de los cónsules Valerio y Manlio en Ab Urbe Condita de Tito Livio. Desde la dimensión de la educación ciudadana del mundo clásico y a partir de la noción moralizante de la historiografía clásica, la hipótesis plantea que las arengas en cuestión se erigen como útiles recursos formativos, particularmente por su capacidad de transmitir ideas centrales que fundamentan y definen a la comunidad política y a sus miembros, los ciudadanos.
Palabras clave: Historiografía, frontera romano-parta, etnicidad, ciudadanía, identidad romana.
In the present article the contemporary historiography of the Roman oriental border during the Roman Empire is analyzed. From the concepts citizenship and ethnicity, changes in the conception of the frontier are warned, allowing better understanding of the Roman identity in the called: “border cases”. The analysis is based, on the one hand, in the general historiographical treatment, and, on the other, from the approach to the border with the Partian Empire. About this, some examples are offered
Keywords: Historiography, roman-parthian frontier, ethnicity, citizenship, roman identity.
Palabras clave: Tradición clásica, crónica de conquista, Heródoto, Gerónimo de Vivar
Abstract: In the following paper, we analyze Gerónimo de Vivar’s Cronica. In this, we identify the influence of classical models through three categories: explicit, structural, and interpretative. In the first case, characters, stories, circumstances or theories of the Ancient World are mentioned as analogies in order to understand the reality, or as authorities to give veracity. In the second case, we notice an emulation in the narrative disposition, which is the outcome of a process of reception and resignification to the Greco Roman works. Finally, the interpretative level refers to the way the autor represented the American reality from a classical mentality.
Keywords: Classical tradition, chronicle of conquest, Herodotus, Gerónimo de Vivar
Abstract: In the following paper the image of the Roman Empire is analyzed in the History of Theophylact Simocatta. In this, we note the use of narrative resources that highlight the Mauritius Emperor and Heraclius with a common Christian emperor's imperial project, exhibiting virtues and attitudes that the author promotes role and consolidate under its eschatological and ecumenical conception.
Palabras clave: Inglaterra Isabelina, debate teológico, adivinación, Cicerón, PLRE.
Abstract: The following paper analyzes the catalogs of the Private Libraries of Renaissance England (PLRE) under the ideas of the Classical Tradition. Its purpose is to identify the works of Cicero concerning divination and the nature of the gods and, from this, noting the possible consideration of the works De natura deorum, De divinatione and The fato in the theological debate of the Elizabethan Era.
Keywords: Elizabethan England, theological debate, divination, Cicero, PLRE.
Abstract: This article offers an approach to some features of the Roman diplomacy in the Republican era from the Historical Library of Diodorus Siculus. Through this article, Rome is presented as a civilized entity, whose proof is provided with the peaceful relations between peoples through the diplomatic scaffolding put up for it. We notice that in the Roman process of republican interaction, an image of Rome is proposed from diplomatic mechanisms, as well as a Roman apologist perspective of Diodorus.
Palabras clave: Diodoro Sículo, Biblioteca Histórica, imperialismo romano, persuasión política, perspectiva moralizante.
Abstract: In this paper we analyze Diodorus Siculus´moralizing perspective and the problem of the legitimation of the Roman imperialism from the Jesús Len´s «Complex Theory». We allude the originality of the work in its moralizing function, and we propose an analysis of the source from a perspective that identifies a legitimation of the Roman conquest with a persuasive-political aim.
Abstract: The following paper analyzes the image of Ancient Greece within the Chronicon of Isidore of Seville. In this, a histori- cal reconstruction is identified, which shows an ideological intention whose purpose is highlight the ideas of patriotism and national type, setting up an atmosphere for subsequent application of this ideas to the Visigoth Kingdom.
Palabras clave: Res Gestae, identidad romana, imagen imperial, romanidad augusta.
Abstract: this article offers an approach to Res Gestae Divi Augusti, from the point of view of Roman identity. Conceived in its testimonial and visual dimensions, the inscription of the first Roman Emperor, builds a portrait of a Roman being, that is coherent with the sociopolitical reconstruction of his time; this is considered an exercise of republican tradition in both conceptual and historical terms. In conceptual terms, it adapts the principles and foundations of the Republic to the new order of Augustan romanness; in historical terms, it assumes the Roman social crisis and the Italic identity demands, including them in the scene of the empire and into the design of being Roman.
Palabras Claves: Juan Egaña, Recepción Clásica, Educación griega, Proyectos Educacionales, Independencia de Chile.
This article analyzes, from the approach and methodology of reception studies, the influence of the classical tradition in the first educational project for the Chilean Republic, entitled Reflexiones sobre el mejor sistema de educación que puede darse a la juventud de Chile-Reflections on the best system of education that can be given to the youth of Chile-(1811) by Juan Egaña. The analysis corresponds to the context of the independence and republican conformation of Chile at the beginning of the 19th century, processes that inspired the author in the search for a formative model for the Chilean citizens. Evoking the Hellenic paideia, the text reflects a political and axiological notion of education, oriented to the formation of virtuous citizens for the new republic.
República e inicios del Principado. Específicamente, se aborda la exhortación de Catilina a los conjurados en Bellum Catilinae de Salustio y los discursos de los cónsules Valerio y Manlio en Ab Urbe Condita de Tito Livio. Desde la dimensión de la educación ciudadana del mundo clásico y a partir de la noción moralizante de la historiografía clásica, la hipótesis plantea que las arengas en cuestión se erigen como útiles recursos formativos, particularmente por su capacidad de transmitir ideas centrales que fundamentan y definen a la comunidad política y a sus miembros, los ciudadanos.
Palabras clave: Historiografía, frontera romano-parta, etnicidad, ciudadanía, identidad romana.
In the present article the contemporary historiography of the Roman oriental border during the Roman Empire is analyzed. From the concepts citizenship and ethnicity, changes in the conception of the frontier are warned, allowing better understanding of the Roman identity in the called: “border cases”. The analysis is based, on the one hand, in the general historiographical treatment, and, on the other, from the approach to the border with the Partian Empire. About this, some examples are offered
Keywords: Historiography, roman-parthian frontier, ethnicity, citizenship, roman identity.
Palabras clave: Tradición clásica, crónica de conquista, Heródoto, Gerónimo de Vivar
Abstract: In the following paper, we analyze Gerónimo de Vivar’s Cronica. In this, we identify the influence of classical models through three categories: explicit, structural, and interpretative. In the first case, characters, stories, circumstances or theories of the Ancient World are mentioned as analogies in order to understand the reality, or as authorities to give veracity. In the second case, we notice an emulation in the narrative disposition, which is the outcome of a process of reception and resignification to the Greco Roman works. Finally, the interpretative level refers to the way the autor represented the American reality from a classical mentality.
Keywords: Classical tradition, chronicle of conquest, Herodotus, Gerónimo de Vivar
Abstract: In the following paper the image of the Roman Empire is analyzed in the History of Theophylact Simocatta. In this, we note the use of narrative resources that highlight the Mauritius Emperor and Heraclius with a common Christian emperor's imperial project, exhibiting virtues and attitudes that the author promotes role and consolidate under its eschatological and ecumenical conception.
Palabras clave: Inglaterra Isabelina, debate teológico, adivinación, Cicerón, PLRE.
Abstract: The following paper analyzes the catalogs of the Private Libraries of Renaissance England (PLRE) under the ideas of the Classical Tradition. Its purpose is to identify the works of Cicero concerning divination and the nature of the gods and, from this, noting the possible consideration of the works De natura deorum, De divinatione and The fato in the theological debate of the Elizabethan Era.
Keywords: Elizabethan England, theological debate, divination, Cicero, PLRE.
Abstract: This article offers an approach to some features of the Roman diplomacy in the Republican era from the Historical Library of Diodorus Siculus. Through this article, Rome is presented as a civilized entity, whose proof is provided with the peaceful relations between peoples through the diplomatic scaffolding put up for it. We notice that in the Roman process of republican interaction, an image of Rome is proposed from diplomatic mechanisms, as well as a Roman apologist perspective of Diodorus.
Palabras clave: Diodoro Sículo, Biblioteca Histórica, imperialismo romano, persuasión política, perspectiva moralizante.
Abstract: In this paper we analyze Diodorus Siculus´moralizing perspective and the problem of the legitimation of the Roman imperialism from the Jesús Len´s «Complex Theory». We allude the originality of the work in its moralizing function, and we propose an analysis of the source from a perspective that identifies a legitimation of the Roman conquest with a persuasive-political aim.
Abstract: The following paper analyzes the image of Ancient Greece within the Chronicon of Isidore of Seville. In this, a histori- cal reconstruction is identified, which shows an ideological intention whose purpose is highlight the ideas of patriotism and national type, setting up an atmosphere for subsequent application of this ideas to the Visigoth Kingdom.