Papers by Svetlana Nikolaeva
Se determinaron las condiciones adecuadas para la preparación de disoluciones lignocelulósicas de... more Se determinaron las condiciones adecuadas para la preparación de disoluciones lignocelulósicas de olote de maíz en polietilenglicol (PEG). Se encontró que para el olote de maíz, (tuza) las condiciones de preparación corresponden a un tamaño de partícula de 35 a 100 de malla, una relación 1/1 en peso de sustrato/PEG, una temperatura de 225 °C, un tiempo de disolución de 3 horas, utilizando PEG-400. El análisis de la solución resultante con respecto a los grupos -OH fue de 3,5 ± 0,2 mmol/g, de grupos (-COOH) fue de 0,19 ± 0,03 mmol/g y un contenido de agua de 2,40 ± 0,05 mg/mL. La obtención de este tipo de materiales a partir de sustratos residuales pone de manifiesto el potencial aprovechamiento de los recursos generados por el país para la producción de materiales de alto valor agregado.
Se realizó un estudio para la obtención y caracterización de celulosa amorfa a partir de triaceta... more Se realizó un estudio para la obtención y caracterización de celulosa amorfa a partir de triacetato de celulosa. Para caracterizar el material obtenido, se determinó el grado de cristalinidad mediante la difractometría de rayos X, además de la espectroscopía de infrarrojo FTIR.
Base de dados : REPIDISCA. Pesquisa : 44084 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [r... more Base de dados : REPIDISCA. Pesquisa : 44084 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, REPIDISCA, seleciona. para imprimir. Id: 44084. Autor: Nikolaeva, Svetlana. ...
Conference of the …, Jan 1, 2009
One of the main problems related to environmental protection in Costa Rica is the adequate manage... more One of the main problems related to environmental protection in Costa Rica is the adequate management and treatment of piggery and dairy wastes. Pig and dairy farms with hundreds to several thousand of animals are in operation without adequate system for treatment and disposal. Manure, urine and rests of food are washed out from the cages with volumes of water not adequately controlled causing a great variation in the volume and concentration of the effluents. This situation has caused the failure of conventional wastewater treatment plants.
Journal of applied …, Jan 1, 2002
… of Engineering & …, Jan 1, 2009
One of the main problems related to environmental protection in Costa Rica is the adequate manage... more One of the main problems related to environmental protection in Costa Rica is the adequate management and treatment of piggery and dairy wastes. Pig and dairy farms with hundreds to several thousand of animals are in operation without adequate system for treatment and disposal. Manure, urine and rests of food are washed out from the cages with volumes of water not adequately controlled causing a great variation in the volume and concentration of the effluents. This situation has caused the failure of conventional wastewater treatment plants.
In this work 20 new biogegradable materials from polyethylene and lignocellulosic fillers were ex... more In this work 20 new biogegradable materials from polyethylene and lignocellulosic fillers were examined. The samples with and without compatibilizer were compared. This work contains four different methods of investigation: TGA, microscopy, thermal oxidation, biodegradation in soil.
Bioresource …, Jan 1, 2008
Treatment of screened dairy manure by upflow anaerobic fixed bed reactors packed with waste tyre ... more Treatment of screened dairy manure by upflow anaerobic fixed bed reactors packed with waste tyre rubber and a combination of waste tyre rubber and zeolite: Effect of the hydraulic retention time
Papers by Svetlana Nikolaeva