Papers by Edmund ' T E D ' Hamann
Las implicaciones de la migración transnacional entre Estados Las implicaciones de la migración t... more Las implicaciones de la migración transnacional entre Estados Las implicaciones de la migración transnacional entre Estados Unidos / México para el desarrollo profesional de los docentes: Unidos / México para el desarrollo profesional de los docentes: perspectivas antropológicas // The implications of US/Mexico perspectivas antropológicas // The implications of US/Mexico Transnational Migration for teacher professional development: Transnational Migration for teacher professional development: anthropological perspectives anthropological perspectives

While teaching and therefore teacher education in Mexico can, in one sense, be traced back to pre... more While teaching and therefore teacher education in Mexico can, in one sense, be traced back to pre-Conquest Aztec military academies, the first significant expansion of Western-style schooling in Mexico occurred in the early 19th century, while the first substantial national efforts at teacher education date to the Porfiriato in the late 19th century. In the 100-plus-year history of teacher education in Mexico, attention has been episodic, has often reflected national refractions of ideas originating elsewhere, and has been centrally intertwined with national governmental efforts to shape what it means to be Mexican. Variously, teacher education has been buffeted by attempts to be Catholic, modern, secular, socialist, neoliberal, and globally competitive economically. In all of this, there has been a tension between centralist (focusing on Mexico City) and nationalist impulses, on the one hand (making teaching patriotic work and the teachers’ union part of the national government), and attention to regional variations, including Mexico’s indigenous populations, rural populations, and economic diversity, on the other. While Mexico’s more than two million teachers may all work in the same country, where one is trained (i.e., which escuela normal, or normal school), where one works (from public schools in affluent and stable neighborhoods to rural telesecundarias where resources are scarce and teachers are not expected to be content area experts), how many shifts one works (it is common for Mexican educators to work at more than one school to compensate for limited salary), which state one works in (funding varies significantly by state), and what in-service professional development one has access to all mean for variations in teacher preparation and teacher praxis.

Routledge eBooks, Mar 10, 2023
In recent decades, formal programmes for Mexican civic education have slowly shifted from an emph... more In recent decades, formal programmes for Mexican civic education have slowly shifted from an emphasis on national identity and solidarity through assimilation to a multicultural (if not intercultural) emphasis on forms of democratic membership and participation. Yet such advances in educational policy and curricula are limited and sometimes contradictory: the recognition of ethno-cultural diversity remains focused almost exclusively on the 'Indigenous question,' and ignores not only long-standing immigrant groups to Mexico (e.g., Lebanese, Chinese, Jews, South Americans), but also significant new flows of immigrants from Asia, Central America, and the United States. Of particular note are those Mexicandescendant students whose families have returned from the U.S. but whose children were raised in U.S. schools and society. While we find some promising advances in policy and curriculum, actual teacher training and practice lags sadly behind.
Proceedings of the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting, 2020
Proceedings of the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting, 2019
Proceedings of the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting
(Re)Mapping Migration and Education
Informe Foro Binacional Migración y Educación , 2023
Alianza México, un esfuerzo estratégico de la Universidad de California para fortalecer las asoci... more Alianza México, un esfuerzo estratégico de la Universidad de California para fortalecer las asociaciones transfronterizas y educar a la próxima generación de líderes, está en una posición única para convocar a académicos, políticos y expertos en un debate basado en hechos
sobre las necesidades de la educación y la migración.
El Foro sobre Educación y Migración 2022 reunió a un grupo diverso de responsables políticos y líderes de opinión para dialogar sobre las necesidades políticas y de investigación en materia de educación, gestión del talento y retos migratorios en Estados Unidos y México. En
particular, los debates exploraron los requisitos a nivel estatal y federal para aprovechar las oportunidades políticas que surgen de la agenda de educación y migración.
Este informe reuné los policy briefs presentados en el Foro.
This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Teaching, Learning a... more This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska- Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications: Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska- Lincoln.
Part of the Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons This Article is brought to you... more Part of the Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska- Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications: Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska- Lincoln.

Oxford Scholarship Online, 2018
The authors’ research collaboration in five Mexican states and one US locale has shown that there... more The authors’ research collaboration in five Mexican states and one US locale has shown that there are hundreds of thousands of children in Mexican schools with prior experience in US schools and/or US citizenship rights because of birthplace. The distribution of a binational, under-18 population in both countries illuminates the demographic conditions whereby some American/Mexican children may be growing up in a different country than a parent or both parents. Through juxtaposed cases, the chapter illuminates how school and safety factor into binational parents’ decisions about where their children should live and whether an arrangement other than living together makes the most sense. Despite political rhetoric in both countries about the importance of family unity, extant policies sometimes make “parenting from afar” a more pragmatic course of action.

University of Illinois Press, 2017
In December 2006 and again in May 2008, the Midwest was the setting for large-scale Immigration a... more In December 2006 and again in May 2008, the Midwest was the setting for large-scale Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids in rural meatpacking towns that drew national attention. In the first raids, concurrent sweeps in six different communities that hosted Swift plants, children, and schools emerged as important and sympathy-generating themes as children were separated from detained parents and schools were left struggling to figure out what to do with those children. Both of these issues distracted from the intended law enforcement thrust of the raids, reducing their popularity and making them more controversial. In contrast, the May 2008 raid at a kosher meat-processing facility in Postville, Iowa, had the ICE enforcement agents querying their detainees about whether they had children and placing those who answered yes under house arrest. Although this, too, destroyed the former workers' chance at earning a livelihood, it did not separate mothers from children, nor ...
Papers by Edmund ' T E D ' Hamann
sobre las necesidades de la educación y la migración.
El Foro sobre Educación y Migración 2022 reunió a un grupo diverso de responsables políticos y líderes de opinión para dialogar sobre las necesidades políticas y de investigación en materia de educación, gestión del talento y retos migratorios en Estados Unidos y México. En
particular, los debates exploraron los requisitos a nivel estatal y federal para aprovechar las oportunidades políticas que surgen de la agenda de educación y migración.
Este informe reuné los policy briefs presentados en el Foro.
sobre las necesidades de la educación y la migración.
El Foro sobre Educación y Migración 2022 reunió a un grupo diverso de responsables políticos y líderes de opinión para dialogar sobre las necesidades políticas y de investigación en materia de educación, gestión del talento y retos migratorios en Estados Unidos y México. En
particular, los debates exploraron los requisitos a nivel estatal y federal para aprovechar las oportunidades políticas que surgen de la agenda de educación y migración.
Este informe reuné los policy briefs presentados en el Foro.