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      Satellite CommunicationsInternational Space Law
One summer evening in 1992, two women went to some nightclubs in Minneapolis to have fun. 1 The women drank that evening, one testifying "she had four vodka mixed drinks" and the other testifying "she had four beers." 2 The women were... more
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      LawCriminal LawEyewitness memory
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The Voting Rights Act was passed to prevent racial discrimination in all voting booths. Does the existence of a racial digital divide make Internet elections for public office merely a computer geek's pipe dream? Or can ivoting withstand... more
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    • Digital Divide
In response to gang violence at local "cyber cafés," the City Council of Garden Grove, California, passed an ordinance requiring cyber cafés to install video surveillance systems. The constitutionality of the provision was subsequently... more
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    • Privacy Protection
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      Critical InfrastructureFreedom of Information Act
Client assignments chart a course for a student’s learning experience in a live-client transactional law clinic. Assignment decisions are multifaceted, requiring careful consideration to balance educational objectives for law students... more
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      CreativityClinical Legal Education
The authors report the results of an ongoing study that investigates the effects of crew size, composition, mission duration, and mission interval on behavior and performance among polar and space expeditions. The standardized rates for a... more
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    • AIAA Space Architecture Symposium
Abstract: The author developed the MarsSat concept during the 1990s. For this task, he designed a class of orbits to solve the problem of communicating with crews on Mars when the planet is in solar conjunction as seen from Earth, a... more
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From the time human beings could adequately comprehend their view of the stars in the heavens, they sought to understand what existed beyond the Earth and their own place in the universe. Early in the history of humankind, the longing for... more
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This paper takes social scientific structural, evolutionary, and ecological perspectives on the adaptive architectural expressions of colonizing Mars. It is best read as a companion piece to "The Globalization of Space -The... more
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      Human EcologyAdaptive Architecture
Astrosociology is a newly-identified subfield that has historical roots going back half a century. The new tag also encompasses a variety of phenomena, ranging from the micro to the macro, from the social interactions of small human... more
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    • Public Administration and Policy
In the past 125 years, more than 70 authors have published ideas for keeping time on Mars, describing how to divide the Martian day and Martian year into smaller units. The Martian prime meridian was established in the mid-19th century,... more
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    • Planetary Space Science
The authors report the results of an ongoing study that investigates the effects of crew size, composition, mission duration, and mission interval on behavior and performance among polar and space expeditions. The standardized rates for a... more
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A U.S. President is once again reevaluating American space policy. The direction the Obama Administration will take with respect to its current program, Constellation, is unclear. Many options lay before President Obama, and several... more
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The primary author coined the phrase "globalization of space" in the 1990s in lectures and presentations, thus the term was conceived in the sociological record. And, though texts and journal articles on sociology are full of studies of... more
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While expansion of space industry engineering standards over any human factors interface, except the humantechnology interface, is a still a relatively new topic , even rarer still is the consideration of the latent challenges of... more
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      History of IdeasSpace Missions
The Darian calendar is a complete timekeeping system for the 24-hour, 39-minute, 35.244-second sol and the 668.5907-sol vernal equinox year on Mars. Features include: Dudley-Rowley 2006). No other design incorporates all of these... more
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Architecture is about designing space for people to live and work in.
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