University of Nebraska Lincoln
Chemical and biomolecular engineering
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has found wide application in biochemistry and molecular biology such as gene expression studies, mutation detection, forensic analysis and pathogen detection. Increasingly quantitative real time PCR is... more
Chondrocytes are mechanosensitive cells that require mechanical stimulation for proper growth and function in in vitro culture systems. Ultrasound (US) has emerged as a technique to deliver mechanical stress; however, the intracellular... more
Recently a theoretical analysis of PCR efficiency has been published by . The PCR yield is the product of three efficiencies: (i) the annealing efficiency is the fraction of templates that form binary complexes with primers during... more
A d'Alembert-based solution of forced wave motion with internal and boundary damping is presented with the specific intention of investigating the transient response. The dynamic boundary condition is a convenient method to model the... more
This study provides evidence that low intensity ultrasound directly affects nuclear processes and the 2 magnitude of the effect varies with frequency. In particular, we show that the transcriptional induction of 3 first load-inducible... more
Chemical looping technology for capturing and hydrothermal processes for conversion of carbon are discussed with focused and critical assessments. The fluidized and stationary reactor systems using solid, including biomass, and gaseous... more
Thermochemical gasification is one of the most promising technologies for converting biomass into power, fuels and chemicals. The objectives of this study were to maximize the net energy efficiency for biomass gasification, and to... more
In this research, solar energy has been stored using the paraffin with the latent heat technique for heating the plastic greenhouse of 180 m*. Energy and exergy analyses were applied for evaluation of the system efficiency, An average... more
A combination of the ®rst and second law of thermodynamics has been utilized in analyzing the convective heat transfer in an annular packed bed. The bed was heated asymmetrically by constant heat¯uxes. Introduction of the packing enhances... more
The entropy generation due to heat transfer and friction has been calculated for fully developed, forced convection flow in a large rectangular duct. packed with spherical particles, with constant heat fluxes applied to both the top... more
A combination of the ®rst and second law of thermodynamics has been utilized in analyzing the convective heat transfer in an annular packed bed. The bed was heated asymmetrically by constant heat¯uxes. Introduction of the packing enhances... more
An experimental and numerical investigation of fully developed forced convection in large rectangular packed ducts is presented. The horizontally oriented ducts have the length-to-separation distance ratio of L/H=16 with two aspect ratios... more
An experimental study is made into the process of heat transfer from a pulse-superheated probe to a solidified polymer system at probe temperatures above the temperature T d∞ of the beginning of thermal destruction of matter in a... more
Linear-nonequilibrium thermodynamics (LNET) has been used to express the entropy generation and dissipation functions representing the true forces and¯ows for heat and mass transport in a multicomponent¯uid. These forces and¯ows are... more
Using published experimental data on the thermal conductivity, mutual diffusivity, and heats of transport, the degree of coupling between heat and mass flows has been calculated for binary and ternary nonideal liquid mixtures. The binary... more
Bioenergetics is concerned with the energy conservation and conversion processes in a living cell, particularly in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. This review summarizes the role of thermodynamics in understanding the coupling... more
Linear-nonequilibrium thermodynamics (LNET) has been used to express the entropy generation and dissipation functions representing the true forces and ¯ows for heat and mass transport in a multicomponent ¯uid. These forces and ¯ows are... more