Papers by Eko Priyo Purnomo

Advances in Digital Science
This study discusses how the Jakarta government improves public transportation policies to create... more This study discusses how the Jakarta government improves public transportation policies to create sustainable and integrated public transportation in Jakarta with a sustainable development approach (SDGs) at point 11 (eleven). The high demand for public transport and unintegrated management has led the DKI Jakarta transport system to become a complex issue and seems to have failed to meet its objectives. The lack of a sustainable transport policy has made congestion that can never be resolved. This study will identify the root problem that causes congestion in DKI Jakarta and find the best way to address the issues by considering the program's sustainability using an explorative qualitative method. Sustainable and integrated public transportation is a refinement of existing public transportation that involves the government, private sector, and society by including other important actors. The concept of sustainable and integrated public transportation development is also a form of innovation towards changes in the transportation sector by involving various actors in building public transportation.
Advances in Digital Science

In 2019 social media has indeed become a familiar phenomenon for Indonesian people in general. So... more In 2019 social media has indeed become a familiar phenomenon for Indonesian people in general. Social media is a communication tool that cannot be abandoned by every individual. In fact, it has become a habit for every individual to share information through social media, because the practical benefits of social media are a means of communication. Social media in its use has many benefits, both positive and negative, like two ends of the sword. The positive value of social media is used as a means of communication, a means of sharing information for voters, and a means of socializing between the KPU and the public. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method by describing the data obtained from the General Election Commission (KPU) of Bantul Regency by analyzing data taken directly from the documents of the General Election Commission of Bantul Regency (KPU Bantul). Voter Participation in Bantul Regency shows a higher participation rate compared to participation in the 2014 Ele...

SOSIOHUMANIORA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial Dan Humaniora
Article History Naskah diterima: 30 Juni 2020 Memasuki era Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) d... more Article History Naskah diterima: 30 Juni 2020 Memasuki era Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) dimana merupakan sebuah konsep lanjutan dari MDG's kemiskinan masih menjadi permasalahan yang belum dapat diselesaikan. Indonesia sebagai bagian anggota dari PBB berkomitmen untuk mengatasi masalah kemiskinan seiring dengan deklarasi SDGs. Jika dilihat kemiskinan di Indonesia merupakan sebuah persoalan yang berat karena menyangkut isu kesenjangan yang lebar. berbagai upaya dilakukan oleh pemerintah pusat maupun daerah guna mengatasi masalah kemiskinan. Provinsi Yogyakarta sebagai salah satu provinsi termiskin di pulau jawa memiliki beberapa tujuan dan program yang dilaksanakan guna mengatasi kemiskinan.program-program tersebut juga melibatkan beberapa dinas terkait dikarenakan kemiskinan yang dihadapi merupakan persoalan kemiskinan multidimensional.

These academic paper aims to describe the factors that lead South Korea into succeed in implement... more These academic paper aims to describe the factors that lead South Korea into succeed in implementation of e-Government. At least there are factors that Indonesia government needs to learn and see South Korea as a benchmark in implementation of e-Government. First, the regulation and laws that needs to be more specific. Second, an integrated communication among governmental agencies is needed. Third, human resources ability in understanding of e-Government concept need to be develops. Fourth, the role of the leaders is the main key of successful implementation in South Korea. Those factors which are also found as a lack in implementation of e- Government in Indonesia makes South Korea can be seen as benchmark for Indonesia in adopting the implementation of e- Government practice in South Korea. The researchers use qualitative methodology in analyzing the data by using literature reviews, journals, annual report and books as a secondary data.

CSR merupakan kegiatan perusahaan dalam mengelola proses bisnis untuk menghasilkan dampak positif... more CSR merupakan kegiatan perusahaan dalam mengelola proses bisnis untuk menghasilkan dampak positif pada masyarakat, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Keterlibatan perusahaan dalam melakukan kegiatan CSR merupakan tuntutan dalam tanggung jawab atas dampak kerugian yang dialami masyarakat khususnya pada kerusakan lingkungan. Tulisan ini menempatkan bagaimana suatu kegiatan CSR yang dilakukan suatu perusahaan dapat mengurangi dampak kerusakan lingkungan, metodologi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan deskriftif kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini melibatkan tiga desa antara lain Desa Padang Loang, Seppang dan Desa Bijawang dan sebanyak 45 informan antara pemerintah, tokoh masyarakat dan massyarakat. Dari hasil penelitian secara umum bahwa perusahaan PT. Agung Perdana tidak pernah melakukan kegiatan CSR, yang mereka lakukan hanya memikirkan keuntungan pada perusahaan serta banyak impack negatif yang mereka berikan kepada masyarakat terutama pada kerusakan lingkungan, hanya ada satu indikator yang me...

The research aims to describe the agrarian conflict in Central Borneo and to analyze the agrarian... more The research aims to describe the agrarian conflict in Central Borneo and to analyze the agrarian conflict resolution practices in an appropriate way. The agrarian conflict in Central Borneo was caused by various factors, Firstly, inequality in spatial planning of forestry and the overlapping of ownership. Second, the expansion of oil palm plantation is increasing every years, and the government has the ambition to make oil palm plantation the main commodity in Central Borneo. Every years there are so many conflicts, but this research is divided into four types, the conflict between community and company, community and community, company and state, and community and state. Conflict over land and natural resources often occurs where there is an overlapping of resource interests among groups, communities, and state. Therefore, a hypothesis is discussed with reference to finding a sustainability method of oil palm plantation with regard for the environment, social, and cultural aspects...

Given the rare terrain of land resources, the primary targets of Indonesia's economic develop... more Given the rare terrain of land resources, the primary targets of Indonesia's economic development will be based on coastal zones and small islands and their sources. If not supported by the implementation of appropriate management policies, it can reduce the ability of coastal and small island ecosystems in the provision of sustainable natural resources. This research was conducted in Bima regency of West Nusa Tenggara aims to find out collaborative management in the effort of sustainable management of natural resources of the coastal area and small islands. Data collection is done through observation, interview, and questionnaire distribution. Involve 100 respondents consisting of, Head of Marine and Fishery, Head of Environment Agency, Head of Tourism Office, Community Monitoring Group, Non-Governmental Organization, and Environmental Community, and coastal community of districts Sape, Bolo, Lambu, Langgudu, and Wera. The result showed the implementation of collaborative manag...

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik, 2021
The new autonomous regions have been seen as a burden because many have not developed into areas ... more The new autonomous regions have been seen as a burden because many have not developed into areas that can build inclusive societies. The upstream area of the Mahakam River in 2013 bring forth a new autonomous region called the Mahakam Ulu Districts, and the study aims to describe development planning in the region. This research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach using secondary data. The research results show that the newly autonomous region of Mahakam Ulu Districts is a breath of fresh air for the people of the ideals of equitable development in their regions. Development planning has also upheld the SDGs’ goals; this can be seen from the programs that have been carried out, aiming to bring the Mahakam Ulu District prosperity and justice. The transformation of the values contained in the pillars of the SDGs has also felt to be present in the annual priority programs that have been carried out by Mahakam Ulu Districts, including in terms of social development, environmental ...

This paper portrays a case study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, looking at the dynamic relationship be... more This paper portrays a case study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, looking at the dynamic relationship between communities and the effectiveness of implementation of community based forest management (CBFM) policies and its programme, and particularly how local institutions deal with the shifting dynamics of these policies. As there is currently an absence of research in this area this research therefore focuses on how the local community implements policy, builds relationships with other stakeholders and strengthens local community institutions. CBFM has been implemented in Yogyakarta since 1995 and during that time, the central government has been changing the policy for five times. At this point, this paper argues that CBFM should rely on local institutions and deal with shifting dynamics of policies. The terms of institutions can be considered to include formal institutions, such as Constitution, government laws, charter, decree and statutes, and informal institutions, such as code of c...

Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) or remote indigenous community is one of the traditional tribes residing in... more Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) or remote indigenous community is one of the traditional tribes residing in Jambi province, especially in the village of Pompa Air. Indonesia is a country that has diverse tribes and cultures, not apart from this tribe. SAD is the first tribe to inhabit the Province of Jambi; this tribe is considered a human origin from the remnants of ancient times, namely the war era in Jambi, SAD survives for life by utilizing forest products and hunting for food, they believe in the mystical things that they consider sacred because it comes from the legacy of their ancestors. This community does not know technology so that it lags in all aspects of the present life, namely economics, education, health, fashion, and others. The government is trying to make this community better and can live socializing with other communities with various government programs in the form of development. The development undertaken by the government to raise the dignity of the community is not e...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The paper shows that air quality aspects rise from forest fires in Indonesia and they have associ... more The paper shows that air quality aspects rise from forest fires in Indonesia and they have associations with a wide range of adverse health outcomes, including respiratory health problems. Due to the unpredictable nature of forest fires, it is challenging for public health authorities to evaluate the potential exposures before they occur reliably. Using GIS software, zoning was made om Riau Province, Indonesia. The data shows that the highest fire hotspot was in 2015 by 12,854 and the lowest was 527 in 2017 as well as the lowest Respiratory Disorder Cases in 2017 was 371,044. The Finding proves that smoke has a significant negative effect on increasing respiratory problems Therefore, it also indicates that smoke and haze forecastings are effective tools and challenging to be developed that can be used as public health predictions and establish a suitable policy on forest fires. However, their inherent uncertainties limit their widespread adoption. Observed measurements from air qual...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
This paper aims to assess the fire detection systems in estimating hotspots in forest fires, in o... more This paper aims to assess the fire detection systems in estimating hotspots in forest fires, in other words, a way of considering the possible scale of fires. Since it needs to have precise and fast mechanisms to make the right decision in case of a forest fire. In this paper, the hotspot resulted from potential forest fires was estimated using the Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique, which contained certain parameters, such as time, when the fire broke out, and unit area of the existing environment. Fire estimation can be built as a large-scale framework that gathers hotspot data from multiple regions. The current estimation systems, such as and as forest fire databases, are used to identify forest fire possibility and risk at any given time. The data was from the SiPongi and BNPB in Indonesia and contained forest fire hotspot records from 2010 and 2020. The output from the estimation methods applied in this paper predicted the scale of...
2021 The 11th International Conference on Information Communication and Management
Artikel ini mencoba menjelaskan mengenai proses ekslusi sosial masyarakat petani di Kabupaten Sle... more Artikel ini mencoba menjelaskan mengenai proses ekslusi sosial masyarakat petani di Kabupaten Sleman akibat dari fenomena urban sprawl yang terjadi di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta karena kemudahan akses sosial yang tersedia. Artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan Teknik deskriptif analisis, instrument pengumpulan data diperoleh dari studi perpustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini mendorong pada kesimpulan bahwa masyarakat petani di Kabupaten Sleman mengelami proses eksklusi sosial akibat dampak dari perluasan daerah kota dan alih fungsi lahan dari lahan pertanian menuju lahan industri. Bentuk eksklusi sosial yang tercipta adalah dampak dari kehilangan mata pencaharian petani sebagai seorang petani dan kegagalan masyarakat tani dalam beradaptasi dengan perkembangan sektor industri yang menggantikan sektor pertanian.

Pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Batang memberikan dampak positif bagi perkembang... more Pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Batang memberikan dampak positif bagi perkembangan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar, namun berbeda hal nya apabila dilihat dampak yang dihasilkan pada aspek lingkungan. Pembangunan PLTU Batang dapat membuka lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat yang mana efektifitas dan tingkatan pendapatan mereka cukup meningkat secara signifikan tetapi dengan adanya pembangunan PLTU tersebut dapat menyebabkan dampak buruk dalam aspek lingungan, terjadinya polusi udara akibat dari penggunaan batubara yang digunakan sebagai bahan bakar utama. Selain itu limbah dreadging menjadi permasalahan utama bagi para nelayan yang berdampak pada hasil mata pencaharian nelayan sehari-hari yang semakin berkurang akibat dari pembangunan PLTU Batang. Peningkatan perekonomian yang dihasilkan oleh pembangunan PLTU tersebut tidak serta merata dihasilkan oleh seluruh masyarakat setempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan supaya pemerintah dapat memberikan solusi supaya dampak posit...

This article aims to describe the role of the stakeholders involved in forming collaborative gove... more This article aims to describe the role of the stakeholders involved in forming collaborative governance in community empowerment programs. The problem is focused on poverty alleviation. To approach this problem, the theoretical references from Ansell and Gash 2007 regarding the implementation of collaborative governance are used. Data is collected through literature study based on previous research and direct observation and analyzed qualitatively. This study concludes that research where collaborative governance among stakeholders, where the government is a facilitator, community activeness as well as institutional strengthening within it, as well as private sector assistance in community empowerment will produce a real contribution in national poverty reduction. The poor are no longer the object of mitigation, but rather the subject which in the whole process involves the community. With the empowerment program, the community has a job and eliminates the poor culture of the poor w...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meliahat bagaimana pemerintah pada kota yang menerapkan konsep sma... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meliahat bagaimana pemerintah pada kota yang menerapkan konsep smart city memanfaatkan platform media sosisal. Kasus yang diambil adalah akun twitter Majelis Kota Gold Coast dan Pemerintah Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan memanfaatkan software NVivo 12 Plus sebagai alat analisis. Data yang digunakan berasal dari akun twitter resmi @cityofgoldcoast milik Majelis Kota Gold Coast dan akun @humasbdg milik Pemerintah Kota Bandung. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kedua akun tersebut memiliki kesamaan dalam hal penyampaian informasi dan pola interaksi. Kedua akun dalam menyampaikan informasi tidak secara lengkap, melainkan mencantumkan tautan yang terhubung ke website resmi pemerintah. Selanjutnya kedua akun melakukan pola interaksi yang hanya satu arah. Perbedaan kedua akun terletak pada topik pembahasan disetiap akun dan persebaran informasi. Akun @cityofgoldcoast cenderung mentweet terkait kondisi aktual yang ...
Papers by Eko Priyo Purnomo