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      Environmental EngineeringCommon PropertyEngineering ApplicationsGovernment Policy
The green activists realize that government policies do not enough support sustainability. Therefore, they want to make major breakthrough in dealing that issues. Establishing a green party could be an appropriate solution for... more
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    • SWOT analysis
The term "strategic plan" is a new type of approach for the Indonesian government that has been introduced since 1999 based on Law No. 22/1999. This essay examines the implementation of strategic plans in Yogyakarta Special Province... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical ScienceApplied EconomicsPublic
This research aims is to describe the stakeholder involvement and elaborate the communication models that have been used in this project. The main issue are the institutional participation and communication models towards the community... more
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Since the reformation and democratization movement in 1998, Indonesians have faced a chronic corruption problem. At the beginning of reformation era in 1998 to fight against corruption, the Indonesian government reforms the organization... more
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    • Police Reform
Level of citizen participation has increased in the advent of digital government. A significant change in participation behavior through the Government's web 3.0 platform occurred in 2017, right after the Government of DKI Jakarta... more
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    • Political Science
This research aims is to describe the stakeholder involvement and elaborate the communication models that have been used in this project. The main issue are the institutional participation and communication models towards the community... more
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    • Political Science
Bugis ethnic group who live in Indragiri Hilir an ethnic immigrants, with the number of 150 816 inhabitants, ranks third after the ethnic Malay and Banjar. However, ethnic Bugis able menjalain power relations appropriately. Evidenced by... more
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Forest fires and land accompanied by smoke disaster that struck Jambi province Muaro khussnya in Jambi that impact on the health, environmental and economic well in Indonesia maupaun in neighboring countries, Malaysia and Singapore. The... more
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ABSTRACTThe research argues that natural rubber plantation can become a main priority of development process in Indonesian rural regions. Even thought by four years the price of the commodity has been impressively decreasing, it does not... more
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    • Political Science
Initially tin mining was mostly carried out on the land, but with the development of the times and depletion of tin sources on the ground began to shift towards the sea. Environmental problems arising from marine mining are increasing,... more
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis implementasi inovasi pelayanan publik yang digagas oleh Kecamatan Sleman bersama dengan Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat (KIM). Inovasi pelayanan publik yang dijalankan oleh... more
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      BusinessPolitical Science
This study aims to describe the form of collaborative governance between the Government of Yogyakarta City and the business sector, namely PT Gas Negara in realizing smart cities. The focus of this research is to describe the process of... more
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Penelitian ini memakai metode penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif, yang mana menurut (Creswell, 2010) adalah kegiatan yang kemudian berdasar atas suatu telaah yang komprehensif terhadap suatu objek, yang mana merupakan data yang berbentuk... more
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The presence of a Kiyai in political contestation in Indonesia has its own challenges because it is motivated by a religious figure who believes that voters can support themselves, especially Muslim voters. Furthermore, the Kiyai carried... more
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      Political SciencePolitical communication
This study examines how the presence of "Madani Smart Card" and "Child Identity Card" which is a program rather than the development of smart cities in the city of Pekanbaru. Smart city which then emerged as one of the... more
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    • Sociology
This research was conducted to determine the efforts made by the Yogyakarta city government to realize a good mobility system to overcome the congestion that occurs, one of which is at the Janti intersection, Yogyakarta. In its... more
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    • Political Science