Papers by RUTAYISIRE François Xavier

Neuro-oncology advances, Oct 30, 2023
Malignant phyllodes tumors (MPT) of the breast are rare, and spinal metastasis from these tumors ... more Malignant phyllodes tumors (MPT) of the breast are rare, and spinal metastasis from these tumors is even rarer. We present a case report of a 37-year-old female with a breast mass, who was diagnosed with malignant MPT after incisional biopsy. The patient underwent a right partial mastectomy, and negative margins were reported. However, two weeks later, the patient presented to the emergency department with severe back pain, paresthesia, and lower limb weakness. Neurosurgery consultation led to a diagnosis of T4 pathological fracture, spinal tumor and spinal cord compression, likely due to metastasis from the breast mass. Chest abdomen and pelvis CT revealed no other lesion except the T4 compression fracture. The patient underwent cord decompression tumor resection, and transpedicular fixation of T3-T5 with T4 vertebroplasty. Histopathological analysis confirmed that it was a metastasis from phyllodes tumor. Our case report highlights the importance of early detection and management of MPT, as well as the need for close follow-up and monitoring of patients with a history of breast masses it also highlights the importance of considering malignant phyllodes tumors as a differential diagnosis for breast masses and the potential for metastasis to the spine.

Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons, 2021
BACKGROUND Intracranial suppuration (ICS) is a rare complication that can arise from various dise... more BACKGROUND Intracranial suppuration (ICS) is a rare complication that can arise from various disease processes and is composed of brain abscess, extradural empyema, and subdural empyema. Although significant progress has been achieved with antibiotics, neuroimaging, and neurosurgical technique, ICS remains a serious neurosurgical emergency. An uncommon presentation of ICS is sterile ICS, which has yet to be fully elucidated by clinicians. The authors present 2 cases of unusual sterile ICS: a sterile subdural empyema and a sterile brain abscess. OBSERVATIONS Both patients underwent surgical treatment consisting of craniotomy to evacuate the pus collection. The blood cultures from both the patients, the collected empyema, and the thick capsule from the brain abscess were sterile. However, the necrotic brain tissue surrounding the abscess contained inflammatory cells. The authors’ review of the literature emphasizes the rarity of sterile ICS and substantiates the necessity for addition...

Journal of Neurosurgery(JNS), 2021
Intracranial suppuration (ICS) is a rare complication that can arise from various dise... more BACKGROUND
Intracranial suppuration (ICS) is a rare complication that can arise from various disease processes and is composed of brain abscess, extradural empyema, and subdural empyema. Although significant progress has been achieved with antibiotics, neuroimaging, and neurosurgical technique, ICS remains a serious neurosurgical emergency. An uncommon presentation of ICS is sterile ICS, which has yet to be fully elucidated by clinicians. The authors present 2 cases of unusual sterile ICS: a sterile subdural empyema and a sterile brain abscess.
Both patients underwent surgical treatment consisting of craniotomy to evacuate the pus collection. The blood cultures from both the patients, the collected empyema, and the thick capsule from the brain abscess were sterile. However, the necrotic brain tissue surrounding the abscess contained inflammatory cells. The authors’ review of the literature emphasizes the rarity of sterile ICS and substantiates the necessity for additional studies to explore this field.
Sterile ICS is a disease entity that warrants further investigation to determine appropriate treatment to improve patient outcomes. This study highlights the paucity of data available regarding sterile ICS and supports the need for future studies to uncover the etiology of sterile ICS to better guide management of this condition

Neuro-Oncology Advances, 2023
Malignant phyllodes tumors (MPT) of the breast are rare, and spinal metastasis from these tumors ... more Malignant phyllodes tumors (MPT) of the breast are rare, and spinal metastasis from these tumors is even rarer. We present a case report of a 37-year-old female with a breast mass, who was diagnosed with malignant MPT after incisional biopsy. The patient underwent a right partial mastectomy, and negative margins were reported. However, two weeks later, the patient presented to the emergency department with severe back pain, paresthesia, and lower limb weakness. Neurosurgery consultation led to a diagnosis of T4 pathological fracture, spinal tumor and spinal cord compression, likely due to metastasis from the breast mass. Chest abdomen and pelvis CT revealed no other lesion except the T4 compression fracture. The patient underwent cord decompression tumor resection, and transpedicular fixation of T3-T5 with T4 vertebroplasty. Histopathological analysis confirmed that it was a metastasis from phyllodes tumor. Our case report highlights the importance of early detection and management of MPT, as well as the need for close follow-up and monitoring of patients with a history of breast masses it also highlights the importance of considering malignant phyllodes tumors as a differential diagnosis for breast masses and the potential for metastasis to the spine.
New England Journal of Medicine, 2009
et al., we observed no such age-dependent decrease in GFR (Fig. ). Our results show a decrease in... more et al., we observed no such age-dependent decrease in GFR (Fig. ). Our results show a decrease in GFR (as estimated with the use of the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease [MDRD] formula) after donation in all three age groups but with stable kidney function over the years. Our findings support the conclusions of Ibrahim et al. and also indicate that kidney donation by older donors may be considered relatively safe over time, since kidney function does not appear to decline progressively.
This presentation was prepared by RUTAYISIRE François Xavier and ISHIMWE Diane, Medical students ... more This presentation was prepared by RUTAYISIRE François Xavier and ISHIMWE Diane, Medical students in Year 4(Doctorate 2) at University of RWANDA school of medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Medicine and Surgery. we did the work under supervision of Dr Ntakiyiruta Georges,Mmed,FCSECSA
Uburenganzira bwose butavogerwa bwihariwe n'umwanditsi.
Papers by RUTAYISIRE François Xavier
Intracranial suppuration (ICS) is a rare complication that can arise from various disease processes and is composed of brain abscess, extradural empyema, and subdural empyema. Although significant progress has been achieved with antibiotics, neuroimaging, and neurosurgical technique, ICS remains a serious neurosurgical emergency. An uncommon presentation of ICS is sterile ICS, which has yet to be fully elucidated by clinicians. The authors present 2 cases of unusual sterile ICS: a sterile subdural empyema and a sterile brain abscess.
Both patients underwent surgical treatment consisting of craniotomy to evacuate the pus collection. The blood cultures from both the patients, the collected empyema, and the thick capsule from the brain abscess were sterile. However, the necrotic brain tissue surrounding the abscess contained inflammatory cells. The authors’ review of the literature emphasizes the rarity of sterile ICS and substantiates the necessity for additional studies to explore this field.
Sterile ICS is a disease entity that warrants further investigation to determine appropriate treatment to improve patient outcomes. This study highlights the paucity of data available regarding sterile ICS and supports the need for future studies to uncover the etiology of sterile ICS to better guide management of this condition
Intracranial suppuration (ICS) is a rare complication that can arise from various disease processes and is composed of brain abscess, extradural empyema, and subdural empyema. Although significant progress has been achieved with antibiotics, neuroimaging, and neurosurgical technique, ICS remains a serious neurosurgical emergency. An uncommon presentation of ICS is sterile ICS, which has yet to be fully elucidated by clinicians. The authors present 2 cases of unusual sterile ICS: a sterile subdural empyema and a sterile brain abscess.
Both patients underwent surgical treatment consisting of craniotomy to evacuate the pus collection. The blood cultures from both the patients, the collected empyema, and the thick capsule from the brain abscess were sterile. However, the necrotic brain tissue surrounding the abscess contained inflammatory cells. The authors’ review of the literature emphasizes the rarity of sterile ICS and substantiates the necessity for additional studies to explore this field.
Sterile ICS is a disease entity that warrants further investigation to determine appropriate treatment to improve patient outcomes. This study highlights the paucity of data available regarding sterile ICS and supports the need for future studies to uncover the etiology of sterile ICS to better guide management of this condition