Papers by Sriyono Sriyono
El-Mal, Apr 1, 2024
The research method in this study uses quantitative research methods with primary data sources ob... more The research method in this study uses quantitative research methods with primary data sources obtained by distributing questionnaires. Sampling was carried out using probability sampling and resulted in 100 student respondents. Data analysis techniques use SmartPLS4. The Pocket Money in influencing Financial Behavior (9) Financial Technology cannot be an intermediary for the Social Environment in influencing Financial Behavior (10) Financial Technology cannot be an intermediary for Locus of Control in influencing Financial Behavior.
JKMP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik), 2016
Generally, monetary policy was a policy to achieve macroeconomic stability, as price stability, e... more Generally, monetary policy was a policy to achieve macroeconomic stability, as price stability, economic growth and the availability of employment. All target was difficult be executed because the tradeoff between variables. Indonesia after the monetary crisis changes its strategy of monetary policy by using the framework of targeting inflation. During the implementation of the policy strategy, the level of success was not satisfying so it needed to be reviewed whether the strategy used appropriate according to economic conditions in Indonesia.
This study aims to analyze how the implications of managerial ownership (SKM), return on equity, ... more This study aims to analyze how the implications of managerial ownership (SKM), return on equity, exchange rate, and debt to equity ratio to devidend and its impact on price book value. The population uses LQ-45 companies listed on the indonesian stock exchanges from 2010 to 2015. Sampling technique using purposive sampling and obtined 12 companies as research samples. The analysis technique used in this research is using multiple regression analysis by using SPSS. The result of the research shows that simultaneously show that SKM, ROE, Exchange Rate and DER have positive and Significant effect to devidend, partially show that SKM, ROE, and DER have positive and Significant to devidend. Exchange rate has no significant effect on devidend and devidend have significant effect to price book value. Keywords : Managerial Ownership, ROE, DER, Exchange Rate, Devidend and PB

Purpose: This research aims to determine the effect of intellectual capital on market value with ... more Purpose: This research aims to determine the effect of intellectual capital on market value with financial performance as an intervening variable. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses quantitative methods, the population used in this study is mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, sampling techniques used are purposive sampling, sampling obtained 55 companies. Findings: This study indicates that there is a relationship between the intellectual capital variable influences Return on Assets. Research limitations/implications: The analysis technique used in this study is path analysis with the Smart PLS 3.0 program's help. Intellectual capital influences market value. Intellectual capital affects the Asset Turn Over. Return on Assets does not affect market value. Asset Turn Over affects market value. This study concludes that Intellectual capital has no effect on market value with return on Asset as an intervening variable.. Practical implicati...
The purpose of this study is would like to know the transmission mechanism of the inflation targe... more The purpose of this study is would like to know the transmission mechanism of the inflation targeting, through direct or indirect mechanism. Data of research is collected since 1970 to 2013, hypothesis testing is used Path Analysis Model. The advantage of this analysis is we will know the relationship of direct and indirect between variables. The result of this study showed that transmission mechanism of inflation targeting occurs directly that is the interest rate directly influence to inflation
UMY, 2017
This research aims to find out how strategic management of debt management and turnaround asset a... more This research aims to find out how strategic management of debt management and turnaround asset at pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia, whether with debt management and an effective asset turnover can directly affect the growth of the company both directly and indirectly through Return on Assets. Research data from pharmaceutical company started in 2011 to 2015, test hypothesis using Path Analysis.. The result of the research shows that debt and turnaround of influential positive and significant assets against the Return on Asset, debt, and assets turnover Return on assets are positive and significant effect against the growth of the company.

Setiap perusahaan akan dihadapkan dengan era persaingan pasar global, dimana harus menghadapi per... more Setiap perusahaan akan dihadapkan dengan era persaingan pasar global, dimana harus menghadapi persaingan ketat dengan perusahaan-perusahaan diseluruh dunia.Untuk dapat menghadapi kompetisi agar bisa bertahan dan berhasil, perusahaan harus mengelola secara optimal sehingga tujuan dari perusahaan dapat dicapai dengan maksimal dan berkesinambungan. Persaingan yang makin ketat menuntut perusahaan untuk lebih fleksibel dalam mengambil keputusan, salah satu strategi yang diambil adalah dengan menggunakan tenaga alih daya (outsourcing). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pengaruh teamwork, kepuasan kerja dan loyalitas berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas yang diberikan kepada pelanggan Data diambil dari perusahaan penyedia jasa outsourcing dengan jumlah responden 113 karyawan.Metode analisis dengan menggunakan Structure Equation Model (SEM), sedang alat analisisnya menggunakan AMOS. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa teamwork, kepuasan kerja dan loyalitas berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap produktivitas, baik secara parsial maupun simultan.
Journal Competency of Business, 2018
The majority of SMEs in its activities is how to obtain the highest possible profits without pay ... more The majority of SMEs in its activities is how to obtain the highest possible profits without pay attention to the potential negative impacts. The purpose of this research is how to increase the financial performan through strengthening the financial performance through the strengthening of institutional and production on the SME-based green economy.. The methodology used in this study by doing observation as well as administering the questionnaire to SMEs, then the results of these questionnaires do tabulate and analyzed using the structure equation model and then do analysis by AMOS. Based on statistical analysis of the results obtained that financial performan has no capability as full variable intervening to the financial performan and competitivness on SMES based on green economy
Jurnal Nusantara, Jan 9, 2019
The decision for granting dividend is essential for an investor, this policy will give direction ... more The decision for granting dividend is essential for an investor, this policy will give direction on the company to determine the magnitude and determines the dividend decided that will be given to investors. The purpose of this research is how to know the mechanism of increased dividend Payment Ratio (DPR). The magnitude of the value of DPR will provide information for management to determine the dividend policy will be decided. The population in use is a company listed on the BEI, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling.. Through statistical analysis and study of the theory that ROA, CR, DER effect on the DPR and selling has no effect to the DPR. Conclusion of this research is to improve the mechanisms for DPR can be done through the control Ratio ROA then DER and last on the ratio of CR.

Jurnal Manajemen dan Keuangan, 2022
Abstrak. Masalah pengembalian pinjaman koperasi merupakan suatu bahasan yang menarik karena menen... more Abstrak. Masalah pengembalian pinjaman koperasi merupakan suatu bahasan yang menarik karena menentukan kelancaran dari berjalannya koperasi tersebut. Penelitian merupakan penelitian baru karena pembahasan yang dilakukan sangat lengkap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Karakteristik Peminjam, Besarnya Pinjaman, Pendapatan Usaha dan Pengalaman Usaha Terhadap Pengembalian Pinjaman Koperasi pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam dan Koperasi Serba Usaha di Kecamatan Candi, Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 150 responden pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam dan Koperasi Serba Usaha di Kecamatan Candi, Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner. Metode penelitian untuk menguji kualitas data menggunakan uji validitas dan realibilitas. Sedangkan untuk analisis data menggunakan SEM (St...

The determination of the dividend payout ratio is a crucial decision in a company, on the company... more The determination of the dividend payout ratio is a crucial decision in a company, on the company's side must add satau capital for operations while on the other hand the company must retain investors. This research aims to find out what variables affect the stability of the Dividend Payout Ratio on the company's LQ45 listed in Indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2016. Sampling technique used is the method of purposive sampling, data analysis using Technical data analysis panel. The results of this research found a connection between the variable profitability, Leverage, size of company, Earning per share against the Dividend Payout Ratio. Conclusion of this research is the variable size of the influential company profitability and significantly to the stability of the Dividend Payout Ratio, while the Leverage Earning per share is not significant effect against the Dividend Payout Ratio.

Abstrak.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Perencanaan Pajak, Profitabilitas, Beban ... more Abstrak.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Perencanaan Pajak, Profitabilitas, Beban Pajak Tangguhan dan Firm Size terhadap Manajemen Laba.. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini perusahaan perkebunan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Teknik pengambilan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sampel didalam penelitian ini sebanyak 50 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2014-2018. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang diambil dari Bursa Efek Indonesia. Analisis data menggunakan analisis Eviews 9 dengan tujuan menguji Perencanaan Pajak (X1), Profitabilitas (X2), Beban Pajak Tangguhan (X3), Firm Size (X4) terhadap Manajemen Laba (Y). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara Perencanaan Pajak, Profitabilitas, Beban Pajak Tangguhan dan Firm Size terhadap Manajemen Laba. Sedangkan secara parsial ...

Jurnal Nusantara Aplikasi Manajemen Bisnis, 2019
Keputusan pembagian deviden sangat penting bagi seorang investor, kebijakan ini akan memberikan a... more Keputusan pembagian deviden sangat penting bagi seorang investor, kebijakan ini akan memberikan arah pafda oerusahaan untuk menentukan memutuskan dan menentukan besarnya deviden yang akan diberikan pada investor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana mekanisme peningkatan deviden Payment Ratio (DPR). Besarnya nilai DPR akan memberikan informasi bagi manajemen untuk menentukan kebijakan deviden yang akan diputuskan. Populasi yang di pakai adalah perusahaan yang tercatat di BEI, teknik sampling yang digunakan.adalah purposive sampling. Melalui analisis statistik dan kajian teori ditemukan bahwa ROA, CR, DER berpengaruh terhadap DPR sedang penjualan tidak berpengaruh terhadap DPR. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah mekanisme untuk meeningkatan DPR dapat dilakukan melalui kontrol Rasio ROA kemudian Rasio DER dan terakhir pada Rasio CR.

Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 2021
Kehidupan para nelayan memiliki kesejahteraan yang sangat kurang, hal ini disebaban karena pendap... more Kehidupan para nelayan memiliki kesejahteraan yang sangat kurang, hal ini disebaban karena pendapatan yang diperoleh sangat kecil. Penelitian tingkat kesejahteraan nelyan kupang sangat penting dilakukan dalam rangka untuk pemerataan kesejahteran msyarakat. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimna cara meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan kupang yang berda di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, melalui metode ini dapat di ketahui secara mendalam dan jelas masalah yang dihadapi oleh para nelayan dalam rangkan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka. Informan kunci dalam penelitian ini adalah msyarakat nelayan yang ada di 6 kecamatan di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, yang akan diwakili oleh 6 (satu) orang sesuai dengan jumlah lokasi di 6 Kecamatan di kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penentuan dari informan kunci ini menggunakan informan utama dan informan penunjang. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang dilakukan secara mendalam dan beberapa studi literatur maka ditemukan bahwa...
The growth and competition of Islamic banking in Indonesia is faster and tight, because of that t... more The growth and competition of Islamic banking in Indonesia is faster and tight, because of that the Islamic banks need to improve its performance in order to attract investors and clients, meanwhile monetary variables influencing on performance of banking. This study aims to determine how role of Size as a moderating variable on relantionship betwen inflation and interestrate to company performace, whether size as a moderating variable has significant effect to company perfomance. Data of research collected since 2010 to 2013 , hypothesis testing is using Moderating Regression Analysis. The result of this study showed that company size has significant and positive as moderating variable to influence performance company.

Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi, 2021
Many ways will be done by the company in order to attract investors, one of which is by doing ear... more Many ways will be done by the company in order to attract investors, one of which is by doing earning management. Previous studies have researched earning management, but it is still limited to discussing the use of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an intervening variable. This research includes new research because using corporate social responsibility (CSR) intervening variables, the existence of intervening variables is expected to be able to test the mediating role of financial fundamental variables to strengthen this earning management. This study aims to find out the role of corporate social responsibility as a mediator of financial fundamental variables (capital adequacy ratio, firm size, and tax planning) on earning management. This research is quantitative research using data panel regression analysis techniques and path analysis using the Eviews Program. The population used in this study is all conventional banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, sampling tec...

The purpose of this study is to analyze and test the Implications of the monetary variable to inv... more The purpose of this study is to analyze and test the Implications of the monetary variable to investment and economic growth. The purpose of this study is expected which one among monetary variables give more significant effects Indicated on the economic growth either directly or indirectly, beside that be able to provide input to the others Researchers, and especially in the government that the investment Influences monetary variables and economic growth. Data Of research collected since 1970 to 2012, is hypothesis testing using path analysis, a model of a relationship structure that provides roommates forms and explain the causality among selected factors. The result of this study Showed that interest rate has a direct, negative and significant effects on the economic growth, while the exchange rate has iinfluence on investment significantly. Beside that the exchange rate has a direct and indirect impact on economic growth The conclusion is that the exchange rate is one of the imp...

The growth rategood company willbe able to increasethe value ofthe company. Meanwhile,to obtaina ... more The growth rategood company willbe able to increasethe value ofthe company. Meanwhile,to obtaina goodrate ofgrowth, company managersmust beable to maintainthe company's positioninanyeconomiccondition This studyaims to determine how role of inflation and IOS as a moderating variables on Strengthening corporate values through company performance, whetherthe role of inflation and IOS as a moderating variables has significant effect to strengthening corporatevalue. It is very importantto know becausethe inflation and IOS has effect to Corporate Value Dataofresearchcollectedsince 2008to2013,hypothesistestingisusingModerating Regression Analysis, and wewillknow that role of inflation and IOS. Managers will be easiertomanagewhat steps should bedecided to Strengthening corporate values The result of this study showed that the inflation and IOS has significant rule and positive as moderating variable to influence corporate value through company performance

The aim of this research is to know Human Resource Competency, The Effect Of Government Accountin... more The aim of this research is to know Human Resource Competency, The Effect Of Government Accounting, Good governance, and Internal Control System on the Quality of Local Government Financial Reports. The method of data collection in this study uses questionnaire techniques. This study used a census sampling method with 95 respondents in the Regional Organization of Klaten Regency. The analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) version 20. The result of this study indicates that the variable Government Accounting Standards, and Good governance affect the variable Quality Of Local Government Financial Reports. While the variable Human Resource Competency, and Internal Control System does not affect the variable of Quality Of Local Government Financial. Keywords: Human Resource Competency, Government Accounting Standards, Good governance, Internal Control System, Quality Of Local Government Financial Reports. Abstrak Pen...

ABSTRAC. In Rule No. 33 of 2004, the financial resources come from local revenue (PAD), the balan... more ABSTRAC. In Rule No. 33 of 2004, the financial resources come from local revenue (PAD), the balance funds, loan area, and acceptance of others are legitimate. PAD is consist of; tax, retribution, part profit enterprises, but it is also coupled with tax revenues and non-tax, consisting of; sharing Land and Building Tax (PBB), income tax, natural resources, is still far from sufficient to finance government expenditure to total revenue when compared to the magnitude of transfers from the central government There are several models for the local financing through the issuance of municipal bonds and ensure the participation of the business community as part of the stakeholders in the area to engage more actively in finding solutions to the fiscal problems of the area. Increased cooperation between government and the private sector through schemes such as Public Private Partnership (PPP) or hereinafter referred to as Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme and Corporate Social Responsibi...
Papers by Sriyono Sriyono