Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is sexually transmitted, but the nature of the infection in males is poorly understood. We sought to identify determinants of HPV infection, acquisition, and persistence in 1,030 healthy... more
S6 kinase (S6K) deletion in metazoans causes small cell size, insulin hypersensitivity, and metabolic adaptations; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms are unclear. Here we show that S6K-deficient skeletal muscle cells have... more
The extraordinary importance of the services sector for the economy both in production and employment cannot be denied. As a result, there have been both demands for an increase in Service Operations Management (SOM) research since the... more
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Cells respond to stress by coordinating proliferative and metabolic pathways. Starvation restricts cell proliferative (glycolytic) and activates energy productive (oxidative) pathways. Conversely, cell growth and proliferation require... more
Since the discovery of cyclins, the role of cell cycle regulators in the control of cell proliferation has been extensively studied. It is clear that proliferation requires an adapted metabolic response of the cells; hence the regulation... more