Papers by Luis Ernesto ( L U I S ) Barrionuevo Aparicio

Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021
Patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) may show mild cognitive impairment (MCI). ... more Patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) may show mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The neurological functions affected remain unclear. The aims were to: (1) Characterize the neuropsychological alterations in NAFLD patients; (2) assess the prevalence of impairment of neurological functions evaluated; (3) develop a new score for sensitive and rapid MCI detection in NAFLD; (4) assess differences in MCI features between patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH); and (5) compare neuropsychological alterations in NAFLD patients with cirrhotic patients with MCI. Fifty-nine NAFLD patients and 53 controls performed psychometric tests assessing different neurological functions: PHES (Psychometric Hepatic Encephalopathy Score) battery, d2, Stroop, Oral SDMT (Symbol Digit Modalities Test), Digit Span, number-letter test, and bimanual and visual-motor coordination tests. NAFLD patients show impairment in attention, mental concentration, p...
RICSH Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas, 2015
Este artículo presenta una metodología para identificar la presencia del eje medio ambiente en pr... more Este artículo presenta una metodología para identificar la presencia del eje medio ambiente en programas educativos de Licenciatura en la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México. Se sustenta en la educación basada en competencias y en el constructivismo, por ser enfoques que recurren al humanismo para abordar problemáticas actuales. Se divide en cuatro fases: conformación del comité, análisis de referentes teóricos y conceptuales, construcción y aplicación de instrumentos en un programa educativo, e identificación del nivel de transversalidad. Aunque la metodología propuesta se aplica al medio ambiente, es factible de adaptarse a otros ejes transversales, como derechos humanos, multiculturalidad y pobreza, pertinentes para el contexto educativo del estado de Guerrero.
Physics Letters B, 2017
We study the production of primordial magnetic fields in inflationary models in type IIB string t... more We study the production of primordial magnetic fields in inflationary models in type IIB string theory where the role of the inflaton is played by a Kahler modulus. We consider various possibilities to realise the Standard Model degrees of freedom in this setting and explicitly determine the time dependence of the inflaton coupling to the Maxwell term in the models. Using this we determine the strength and scale dependence of the magnetic fields generated during inflation. The usual "strong coupling problem" for primordial magnetogesis manifests itself by cycle sizes approaching the string scale; this appears in a certain class of fibre inflation models where the standard model is realised by wrapping D7-branes on cycles in the geometric regime.

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016
We study the scenario of higgsino dark matter in the context of a non-standard cosmology with a p... more We study the scenario of higgsino dark matter in the context of a non-standard cosmology with a period of matter domination prior to Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Matter domination changes the dark matter relic abundance if it ends via reheating to a temperature below the higgsino thermal freeze-out temperature. We perform a model independent analysis of the higgsino dark matter production in such scenario. We show that light higgsino-type dark matter is possible for reheating temperatures close to 1 GeV. We study the impact of dark matter indirect detection and collider physics in this context. We show that Fermi-LAT data rule out non-thermal higgsinos with masses below 300 GeV. Future indirect dark matter searches from Fermi-LAT and CTA will be able to cover essentially the full parameter space. Contrary to the thermal case, collider signals from a 100 TeV collider could fully test the non-thermal higgsino scenario. In the second part of the paper we discuss the motivation of such non-thermal cosmology from the perspective of string theory with late-time decaying moduli for both KKLT and LVS moduli stabilisation mechanisms. We finally describe the impact of embedding higgsino dark matter in these scenarios.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016
We study models in which the 750 GeV diphoton excess is due to a scalar decaying to two pseudo-Na... more We study models in which the 750 GeV diphoton excess is due to a scalar decaying to two pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons that subsequently decay into two pairs of highly boosted photons, misidentified as individual photons. Performing a model independent analysis we find that, with axion mass around 200 MeV, this class of theories can naturally explain the observed signal with a large width, without violating monojet constraints. At the same time the requirement of a prompt axion decay can be satisfied only with a relatively large axion-photon coupling, leading to many new charged particles at the TeV scale. However, the required multiplicities of such fields is still moderately reduced relative to models with direct diphoton production.

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016
We study the effective field theory of KKLT and LVS moduli stabilisation scenarios coupled to an ... more We study the effective field theory of KKLT and LVS moduli stabilisation scenarios coupled to an anti-D3-brane at the tip of a warped throat. We describe the presence of the anti-brane in terms of a nilpotent goldstino superfield in a supersymmetric effective field theory. The introduction of this superfield produces a term that can lead to a de Sitter minimum. We fix the Kähler moduli dependence of the nilpotent field couplings by matching this term with the anti-D3-brane uplifting contribution. The main result of this paper is the computation, within this EFT, of the soft supersymmetry breaking terms in both KKLT and LVS for matter living on D3-brane (leaving the D7-brane analysis to an appendix). A handful of distinct phenomenological scenarios emerge that could have low energy implications, most of them having a split spectrum of soft masses. Some cosmological and phenomenological properties of these models are discussed. We also check that the attraction between the D3-brane and the anti-D3-brane does not affect the leading contribution to the soft masses and does not destabilise the system.

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015
We study the phenomenology of the CMSSM/mSUGRA with non-thermal neutralino dark matter. Besides t... more We study the phenomenology of the CMSSM/mSUGRA with non-thermal neutralino dark matter. Besides the standard parameters of the CMSSM we include the reheating temperature as an extra parameter. Imposing radiative electroweak symmetry breaking with a Higgs mass around 125 GeV and no dark matter overproduction, we contrast the scenario with different experimental bounds from colliders (LEP, LHC), cosmic microwave background (Planck), direct (LUX, XENON100, CDMS, IceCube) and indirect (Fermi) dark matter searches. The allowed parameter space is characterised by a Higgsino-like LSP with a mass around 300 GeV. The observed dark matter abundance can be saturated for reheating temperatures around 2 GeV while larger temperatures require extra non-neutralino dark matter candidates and extend the allowed parameter space. Sfermion and gluino masses are in the few TeV region. These scenarios can be achieved in string models of sequestered supersymmetry breaking which avoid cosmological moduli problems and are compatible with gauge coupling unification. Astrophysics and particle physics experiments will fully investigate this non-thermal scenario in the near future.
... SF Pinto L. Aparicio P. Esteves DEEC, Instituto Superior Tecnico, TU Lisbon, Av. ... (15) dep... more ... SF Pinto L. Aparicio P. Esteves DEEC, Instituto Superior Tecnico, TU Lisbon, Av. ... (15) depend on the ON/OFF state of the bidirectional switches [7]. dud 1 = CO)illq - - VCd 1 I 2h-vC +±-Vd YvF1 cq I dilq 1 1 1 dt -ild21l+cV - V +±-Vi dt - Old 2,F1 Cd 21 cq I qC ...

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014
We analyse soft supersymmetry breaking in type IIB de Sitter string vacua after moduli stabilisat... more We analyse soft supersymmetry breaking in type IIB de Sitter string vacua after moduli stabilisation, focussing on models in which the Standard Model is sequestered from the supersymmetry breaking sources and the spectrum of soft-terms is hierarchically smaller than the gravitino mass m 3/2. Due to this feature, these models are compatible with gauge coupling unification and TeV scale supersymmetry with no cosmological moduli problem. We determine the influence on soft-terms of concrete realisations of de Sitter vacua constructed from supersymmetric effective actions. One of these scenarios provides the first study of soft-terms for consistent string models embedded in a compact Calabi-Yau manifold with all moduli stabilised. Depending on the moduli dependence of the Kähler metric for matter fields and on the mechanism responsible to obtain a de Sitter vacuum, we find two scenarios for phenomenology: (i) a split-supersymmetry scenario where gaugino masses are suppressed with respect to scalar masses: M 1/2 ∼ m 3/2 ǫ ≪ m 0 ∼ m 3/2 √ ǫ ≪ m 3/2 for ǫ ∼ m 3/2 /M P ≪ 1; (ii) a typical MSSM scenario where all soft-terms are of the same order: M 1/2 ∼ m 0 ∼ m 3/2 ǫ ≪ m 3/2. Background fluxes determine the numerical coefficients of the soft-terms allowing for small variations of parameters as is necessary to confront data and to interpolate between different scenarios. We comment on different stringy origins of the µ-term and potential sources of desequestering.
Colombia Ciencia y …, 2001
Muestra un archivo XML con los metadatos del artículo basados en el formato que maneja OAI - PMH ... more Muestra un archivo XML con los metadatos del artículo basados en el formato que maneja OAI - PMH (open archives initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) facilitando así la diseminación eficiente del contenido. ... Plazas Tenorio, Adolfo LeónCastrillón Muñoz, Andrés José; ...

Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2008
Background & Aims: Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is associated with impaired driving skill... more Background & Aims: Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is associated with impaired driving skills. It is not clear whether patients have insight into this. The Driving Behavior Survey (DBS) is a validated self-or observeradministered questionnaire. DBS consists of a total score (maximum, 104) and an attention-related driving skills section (maximum, 40). DBS was used to compare self-assessment with observer-assessment of driving skills in cirrhotic patients tested for MHE. Methods: Forty-seven nonalcoholic cirrhotic patients and 40 controls underwent psychometric tests, DBS, and driving simulation with navigation/ driving tasks. An adult familiar with the subject's driving completed the DBS independently. Simulator performances, total DBS scores, and driving skill scores were compared between/within groups (MHE؉, MHE؊, and controls) with respect to self-assessment and observer assessment. Results: Thirty-six patients were MHE؉ and 11 were MHE؊. MHE؉ had a significantly higher simulator crash (MHE؉, 3; MHE؊, 1.2; controls, 1.7; P ؍ .001) and illegal turn rate (MHE؉, 1.2; MHE؊, 0.3; controls, 0.1; P ؍ .0001). Despite this worse performance, MHE؉ patients rated themselves similar to MHE؊ patients and control groups on total (P ؍ .28) and driving skills scores (P ؍ .19). Observer assessment in MHE؉ was significantly lower for total (P ؍ .0001) and driving skills (P ؍ .0001) compared with observer assessment for MHE؊ patients and control groups. MHE؉ patients were rated significantly lower on driving skills (34 vs 37; P ؍ .02) and trended lower in the total score (P ؍ .08) by observers compared with self-ratings. In contrast, MHE؊ and control groups rated themselves similar to their observers on driving skills and total DBS scores. Conclusions: MHE patients have poor insight into their driving skills. A part of the MHE patient's clinical interview should be to increase awareness of this driving impairment. Methods Consecutive nonalcoholic patients with cirrhosis who were car drivers and were tested for MHE were included. 13 Cirrhotic patients on psychoactive drugs (including psychiatric and seizure medications, ADHD therapy, and interferon), those

Cancer Science, 2009
The unique characteristics of stem cells, specifically pluripotency and self-renewal, are critica... more The unique characteristics of stem cells, specifically pluripotency and self-renewal, are critical for sustaining the lifelong functionality of organs. Stem cells reside in a special microenvironment called the niche. Stem cells interact with the niche via adhesion molecules and exchange molecular signals that maintain the specific features of stem cells. A better understanding of the nature of stem cells and their niches is expected to provide an alternative approach to the treatment of various serious diseases, including cancer, in clinical practice. It has been suggested that tumor tissue contains a type of stem cell referred to as a cancer stem cell. Interestingly, there are a number of molecules that are commonly expressed in normal and cancer stem cells that lead to different phenomena depending on the local conditions. In this review, the hematopoietic system is used as an example to show how stem cells interact with different niches. The regulatory mechanisms of two kinds of bone marrow niche, osteoblastic and vascular, are covered in this review. Furthermore, the involvement of the niche in cancer stem cell regulation, tumor invasion and metastasis, and its response to oxidative stress is described, and novel therapeutic approaches involving the interactions between cancer stem cells and their niches are addressed. (Cancer Sci 2009; 100: 1166-1172)
Bolsa, 2007
... JUAN IRANZO Se va producir un aumento del diferencial (spread) de tipos que pagan las empres... more ... JUAN IRANZO Se va producir un aumento del diferencial (spread) de tipos que pagan las empresas respecto a la deuda pública. ... Belén Romana, por su parte, destaca el poder de contagio tremendo de esta crisis así como que la innovación financiera de los últimos años ...
... 25 años de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Información general. Autores: Jesús de la Villa... more ... 25 años de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Información general. Autores: Jesús de la Villa Polo ( coord. ), Vicente Picón García ( coord. ), María Esperanza Torrego Salcedo ( coord. ), Luis Miguel Macía Aparicio ( coord. ); ...

Paradigmas y campo conceptual de la pedagogía en Colombia
Se comienza por examinar aquello que en la actividad del docente puede entenderse como "acontecim... more Se comienza por examinar aquello que en la actividad del docente puede entenderse como "acontecimiento" pedagógico, según la idea de Badiou de que el acontecimiento es la ruptura en ontología, el lugar que le permite al sujeto reencontrarse con la verdad. En un acontecimiento se pone en juego la capacidad del docente de saber-analizar la heuristica de los procesos de constitución de los saberes de referencia en la enseñanza, en sus niveles de ontología, subjetividad y lenguaje. Otro aspecto importante es que en tanto expresión de autonomía intelectual, todo acontecimiento de este tipo comporta una ruptura con las tradiciones pedagógicas. En la charla se muestra que desde mediados de los años 1980 se empezaron a manifestar de manera sistemática en Colombia actos de esta naturaleza, asociados con la emergencia en nuestras universidades de algunos polos
Papers by Luis Ernesto ( L U I S ) Barrionuevo Aparicio