Papers by Pathmanathan Suppiah

Variety of applications have been developed over the years to serve as the device for performance... more Variety of applications have been developed over the years to serve as the device for performance analysis in soccer. Computer applications have been utilized to analyze player's performance long before the discovery of tablet applications. However, for the performance analysis to be more accurate and free from human error, the device used for the analysis need to be user-friendly. The aim of this study is to compare the user-friendliness between computer and tablet application in the performance analysis of soccer. Computer and tablet applications were provided to twenty-five performance analysts. They were asked to analyze the performance of players during a soccer match using the two applications differently. Their opinions were collected using a questionnaire for which application was more user-friendly. Chi-square test for goodness of fit was conducted based on the hypothesis that there was no significance difference in their opinion at a confidence level of p ≤ .05. The results shows the analyst differed in their views, (χ² = (1, N = 25) = 9.00, p < .05). The null hypothesis was therefore rejected, and tablet application was found to be user-friendly in the performance analysis of soccer. Tablet application should be more explored in performance analysis of soccer.

This study aims to examine the psychological skills that are commonly used among referees rugby s... more This study aims to examine the psychological skills that are commonly used among referees rugby sevens and their relationship with referees' performance. The Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports was adapted and modified specifically for use by rugby sevens referees. It was administered to 132 rugby sevens referee (mean age 33.4 + 1.5 years; 132 males) of the Malaysian Rugby Union (MRU) which has been refereed in 10 rugby sevens tournament in Malaysia. The psychological skills variables employed in the questionnaire included confidence, anxiety management, mental preparation, motivation and concentration. The IRB Referee Sevens Performance Evaluation Form (r=0.94) was used to evaluate referee performance. These instruments measure the performance variable that contains the dimensions of control, communication, application of the law and the positioning. The descriptive statistics of the variables are Psychological skills (M= 120.14, SD= 6.97) and performance (M= 136.45, SD= 4.47) identified at a moderate level. Findings indicated no significant differences [F= (3, 72) =.636, p>0.05] in psychological skills across age levels but there are significant differences [F= (3, 128) =57.616, p<0.05] across experience levels. Highly experienced referees scored significantly higher in all psychological constructs compared to less experienced referees.
Movement, Health & Exercise, 2012

Relative age effect (RAE) refers to overrepresentation of athletes born in earlier months in the ... more Relative age effect (RAE) refers to overrepresentation of athletes born in earlier months in the selection year compared to their relatively younger peers. Popular sports involving annual age groupings that are organised at national level appear most at risk to RAE inequalities. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of the relative age effect (RAE) athletes of the under 12 years category at the National Schools Athletics Championships of Malaysia 2012. The data utilized was sourced from the official website of the organizer of the competition. Chi square analyses found significant (p<.05) uneven birth date distributions, with a high incidence of athletes being born in the first quartile of the year for both the male and female athletes. Early maturing adolescents tend to be sucessful in age group competitions and are selected into development programs. Talented but late maturers are denied this opportunity and fail to realise their true potential. Reevaluating the format and implementation of cut off dates for adolescent sports competitions would provide an equal opportunity for adolescents to be sucessful in their chosen sport.
Cite as:
Suppiah, P. K., Abdullah, M. R., Ramalingam, S., Noordin, H., & Nazarudin, M. N. (2013). Relative Age Effect Among Participants of the Under 12 Category of the Malaysian Schools Sports Council Athletics Championships 2012. Coaching Journal Akademi Kejurulatihan Kebangsaan, pp. 29 - 35.

The ability to produce performances at highest level under physically and emotionally demanding c... more The ability to produce performances at highest level under physically and emotionally demanding conditions underline the worth of a sportsperson. These stressful conditions places demands on the cognitive resources of the sportsperson; especially in anticipatory actions that require the allocation of cognitive resources. This study investigated the effects of cognitive stress on the temporal anticipation of a timing motor task. A repeated measures design was applied with two independent variables; cognitive stress and levels of difficulty, which included easy, intermediate and difficult. Study participants were 18 male and 18 female undergraduates of the Physical Education programme of Universiti Putra Malaysia. The experimental task involved performing a timing motor task across the three levels of difficulty, under two conditions as follows: (i) without cognitive stress, and (ii) under cognitive stress. Cognitive stress was induced via the continuous subtraction of two from a two-digit number. Participants performed the task individually and the sequence of the experimental task was counter-balanced. A two-way within subject ANOVA was performed to ascertain the effects of cognitive stress on the temporal anticipation of the timing motor task. Data yielded significant difference in means for the stress main effect [Λ = .64, F (1.35) = 19.89, p < 0.05]; and the task main effect [Λ = .84, F (2, 34) = 3.35, p < 0.05]. Post hoc comparisons produced a significant difference in the means of the performance of the timing motor task at all three levels of difficulty. Data showed that cognitive stress had an effect on the temporal anticipation of the timing motor task. These results are explained from attentional and the neuromotor noise perspectives. It was concluded that the significant difference in the performance of the experimental task was due to the competition for intentional resources and the decrease of the signal to noise ratio due to cognitive stress.
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K. Suppiah, P., & Abdullah, M. (2012). Temporal Anticipation Under Cognitive Stress. Movement, Health & Exercise, 1. doi:

Kertas konsep ini membincangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pencapaian kanak-kanak didalam uj... more Kertas konsep ini membincangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pencapaian kanak-kanak didalam ujian bakat. Kerelevanan komponen-komponen ujian serta keberkesanan tatacara pengujian bakat akan dibincangkan berpandukan kajian-kajian terkini. Peranan komponen antropometri dan perkembangan fizikal didapati tidak mempunyai korelasi yang signifikan. Disebaliknya komponen metakognitif yang mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat dalam penyerlahan bakat tidak diberikan perhatian yang sewajarnya. Teknik penguasaan kemahiran baru melalui kaedah imageri dan mental praktis adalah penunujuk yang signifikan dalan merealisasikan potensi. Turut dibincangkan adalah tatacara perkembangan bakat berdasarkan konsep perkembangan menyeluruh. Pendekatan perkembangan Bloom (1985) Ericsson (1993) dan Côté (2007), menghuraikan tahap-tahap perkembangan dan peranan faktor-faktor praktis, dan deliberate palay dalam pencapaian potensi. Pendekatan identifikasi bakat pada peringkat umur 16 – 25 tahun juga dibincangkan. Perkembangan harus dilakukan dengan memberi keutamaan kepada objektif-objektif jangka masa panjang. Latihan yang berunsurkan kekhususan didapati memastikan kecemerlangan jangka pendek serta risiko burnout dan masalah psikologi kepada atlet-atlet muda. Sains sukan mempunyai tanggungjawab serta peranan yang penting dalam memastikan murid-murid sekolah diberikan peluang serta bimbingan dalam merealsisasikan bakat serta kemampuan pada tahap yang maksimum. Pengukuran psikologi harus dilakukan dalam proses identifikasi bakat untuk mempastikan atlet berbakat mendapat bimbingan yang sesuai untuk merealisasikan potensi.
Conference Presentations by Pathmanathan Suppiah
Scientific Research Conference on Health and Medical Sciences. April 2, 2016. Kota Kinabalu., 2016
This study aims to compare the volleyball techniques of successful and unsuccessful teams using n... more This study aims to compare the volleyball techniques of successful and unsuccessful teams using notational analysis. Video recording were taken during national sport tournament and been analyse using 'Dart fish Easy tag' software. In term of effectiveness of blocking, successful team achieved better percentages (28.4%) of their lead to a successful defence. Unsuccesful team produced 47% error in blocking and executed a high amount of weak attack that leads to an easy counter attack for the opponent. In terms of serve, successful teams produced 37.9% good serves that did not allow the opponents to execute a better counter attack.
Papers by Pathmanathan Suppiah
Cite as:
Suppiah, P. K., Abdullah, M. R., Ramalingam, S., Noordin, H., & Nazarudin, M. N. (2013). Relative Age Effect Among Participants of the Under 12 Category of the Malaysian Schools Sports Council Athletics Championships 2012. Coaching Journal Akademi Kejurulatihan Kebangsaan, pp. 29 - 35.
Cite as APA
K. Suppiah, P., & Abdullah, M. (2012). Temporal Anticipation Under Cognitive Stress. Movement, Health & Exercise, 1. doi:
Conference Presentations by Pathmanathan Suppiah
Cite as:
Suppiah, P. K., Abdullah, M. R., Ramalingam, S., Noordin, H., & Nazarudin, M. N. (2013). Relative Age Effect Among Participants of the Under 12 Category of the Malaysian Schools Sports Council Athletics Championships 2012. Coaching Journal Akademi Kejurulatihan Kebangsaan, pp. 29 - 35.
Cite as APA
K. Suppiah, P., & Abdullah, M. (2012). Temporal Anticipation Under Cognitive Stress. Movement, Health & Exercise, 1. doi: