Environment-behaviour proceedings journal, Mar 13, 2024
Environment-behaviour proceedings journal, Mar 13, 2024

Multidisciplinary Reviews
This research intended to develop a valid and reliable instrument of the Satisfaction with Life S... more This research intended to develop a valid and reliable instrument of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) to measure satisfaction with life (SWL) constructs among public and private university students in Sabah, Malaysia, through the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) procedure. The pilot study obtained a sample of 108 students from public and private education institutions in Sabah, Malaysia, through an online survey using a self-administered questionnaire. The researchers performed the EFA procedure on SWL construct using IBM SPSS 25. The Bartletts' Test of Sphericity is highly significant (Sig. = .000). Furthermore, the sampling adequacy by Kaiser‒Meyer‒Olkin (KMO = 0.839) is excellent. Using the extraction method of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with Varimax Rotation, a component of the SWL construct is extracted with an eigenvalue of 3.101. The variance explained for this component is 62.030%. The construct of SWL has Cronbach's alpha value of .817. The developme...

Biopsikososial, Oct 30, 2022
The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perfectionism and burnout ... more The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perfectionism and burnout among university students during the Covid-19 pandemic. This situation had an impact on students which they ought toundergo online distance learning (ODL) from home. Some students may find it difficult to obtain appropriate guidance outside of the normal academic setting. Besides, this study also determines whether coping self-efficacy mediates the relationship between perfectionism and burnout. A sample of 176 University students participated in this study. Survey methods with the use of Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS), Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS), and Coping Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE) were used in this study. The results were analyzed using SPSS version 27.0. Bivariate and multiple regression were used to test all hypotheses for this study. The findings of this study show that perfectionistic strivings have a positive relationship with burnout. Meanwhile, perfectionistic concerns have a negative relationship with burnout. The findings also showed that both perfectionistic strivings and concerns positively related to coping self-efficacy (mediator). Lastly, the results also showed that coping self-efficacy could partially mediate the relationship between perfectionism and burnout. Abstrak: Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji hubungan antara perfeksionisme dan 'burnout' dalam kalangan mahasiswa selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Situasi ini berdampak pada siswa yang harus menjalani pembelajaran jarak jauh online (ODL) dari rumah. Beberapa siswa mungkin merasa sulit untuk mendapatkan bimbingan yang tepat di luar lingkungan akademik normal. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menentukan apakah 'coping self-efficacy' memediasi hubungan antara perfeksionisme dan 'burnout'. Sebuah sampel dari 176 mahasiswa Universitas berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Metode survei dengan menggunakan Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS), Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS), dan Coping Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 27.0. Regresi bivariat dan ganda digunakan untuk menguji semua hipotesis untuk penelitian ini. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa usaha perfeksionis memiliki hubungan positif dengan 'burnout'. Sementara itu, kekhawatiran perfeksionis memiliki hubungan negatif dengan burnout. Temuan juga menunjukkan bahwa perfeksionis dan perhatian berhubungan positif dengan 'coping self-efficacy' (mediator). Terakhir, hasil juga
Unit Penyelidikan Psikologi dan Kesihatan Sosial UMS, 2020
The 1 International Conference on Innovation of Small Medium-sized Enterprise (ICIS) 2019, Oct 14, 2019

The purpose of this paper is to identify the sources of occupational stress and coping strategies... more The purpose of this paper is to identify the sources of occupational stress and coping strategies in dealing with stress among emergency workers. A total of 348 emergency workers (firefighters, police, and military personnel) were involved in the study. The study used a set of questionnaire survey and area sampling design. The questionnaire comprises: The Sources of Occupational Stress (SOOS), Coping Oriented to Problem Experienced (COPE), and the Psychological Health Questionnaire (PHQ). The result of the study indicated that the sources of occupational stress have significant positive correlations with job stress. The study also found that the relationship between the sources of stress and coping strategies were significantly positively related. The relationship between the sources of stress and the psychological well-being also showed a significant positive correlation. These findings provide some implications for the human resource department of the emergency workers to establis...

Dunia siber kini merupakan sebahagian daripada kehidupan manusia moden. Ia memainkan peranan pent... more Dunia siber kini merupakan sebahagian daripada kehidupan manusia moden. Ia memainkan peranan penting dan banyak mengubah pelbagai aspek kehidupan manusia. Walaubagaimanapun, dunia siber bukan sahaja memberi kesan yang positif, malah boleh membawa kesan yang negatif kepada masyarakat terutamanya golongan remaja yang mudah terdedah kepada pelakuan jenayah. Kajian yang dijalankan oleh David S.Wall (2005) mendapati terdapat hubungan yang signifikan di antara penggunaan internet dengan jenayah yang berlaku dewasa ini. Antara perlakuan jenayah serta masalah sosial yang melibatkan remaja adalah seperti pornografi, penipuan, pelacuran, penyeludupan, peras ugut, pelaburan haram, aktiviti seks bebas, rogol, mencabul kehormatan, penyalahgunaan dadah dan sebagainya. Kertas kerja ini meninjau penglibatan remaja dalam jenayah serta masalah sosial yang berkaitan dengan dunia siber ini samada sebagai pelaku mahupun mangsa. Tiada jalan singkat bagi menangani masalah jenayah dan masalah sosial di kal...

The advent of the Internet has changed how information and content were created, accessed, used, ... more The advent of the Internet has changed how information and content were created, accessed, used, and distributed digitally. The Internet provides diverse opportunities for subscribers, users, private or business operators, and the public at large to enjoy fast and cheap global distribution and sharing of information, knowledge, and entertainment. Internet intermediaries have primarily remained the gateway through which internet users can access and enjoy the vast flow of data, digital information, as well as content in cyberspace. Unfortunately, these internet intermediaries are at the receiving end of many legal disputes involving violations of intellectual property rights, in particular copyright infringements all over the world. Being the 'gatekeeper' to the Internet and web-based services, the internet intermediaries were arguably best placed to block and remove infringed contents. The imposition of liability to internet intermediaries under the 'gatekeeper' rati...
Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 2009
Sources of occupational stress and their impact on job satisfaction and psychological well-being ... more Sources of occupational stress and their impact on job satisfaction and psychological well-being were examined in a questionnaire survey of 617 Malaysian firefighters. The role of coping strategies and work motivation as moderating factors were also tested. Sources of occupational stress had significant reverse correlations with job satisfaction and well-being. The hierarchical regression analysis was used to examine the moderating effect of work motivation and coping strategies on job satisfaction and psychological well-being. The result suggested that coping strategies and work motivation are one of the potential moderating variables between sources of stress and job satisfaction.