Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Faculty of Computing and Informatics
Human emotions rely upon the ability to correctly attribute beliefs, goals and percepts to other people or social respond. Many of the quests to model human emotions derived from diverse aspects of research themes. Most of the research... more
A distance based classification is one of the popular methods for classifying instances using a point-to-point distance based on the nearest neighbour or k-NEAREST NEIGHBOUR (k-NN). The representation of distance measure can be one of the... more
Researchers have shown that although traditional direct classifier algorithm can be easily applied to multiclass classification, the performance of a single classifier is decreased with the existence of imbalance data in multiclass... more
Feature selection for data mining optimization receives quite a high demand especially on high-dimensional feature vectors of a data. Feature selection is a method used to select the best feature (or combination of features) for the data... more
Leaf image features are extracted mainly from shape information.
Malaysian medicinal plants may be abundant natural resources but there has not been much research done on preserving the knowledge of these medicinal plants which enables general public to know the leaf using computing capability. This... more
Malaysian medicinal plants may be abundant natural resources but there has not been much research done on preserving the knowledge of these medicinal plants which enables general public to know the leaf using computing capability.... more
Travel time is a measure of time taken to travel from one place to another. Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation applications such as Waze and Google Maps are easily accessible presently and allow users to plan a route based on... more
- by Owen Tamin
Cloud storage is becoming an option for users in keeping their data online, but it comes with the security requirements and challenges of protecting their data from threats. Many security frameworks have been suggested by existing... more
- by Fara Yahya
Information Technology (IT) plays an important role in enabling education services be delivered to users. Most education online services in universities have been run on the cloud to provide services to support students, lecturers,... more
- by Fara Yahya
The purpose of this paper is to explore the important security factors for protecting data in cloud storage from the perspective of security practitioners. The study consist of 43 security variables (or indicator items) from a survey... more
Assessing the security of data stored in cloud storage can be carried out by developing goal-based measurement items. The measurement items can be utilized to construct a security assessment model based on practical needs. The measurement... more
More and more data is stored in personal cloud storage and it is expected to grow further. As cloud storage is becoming an option for user in keeping their data online, it comes with the security threats and the challenges of protecting... more
Currently, Malaysian education system is being transformed to create a new generation of students who are ready to adapt with new technologies and able to manage the information explosion. Thus, the need to incorporate ICT in teaching and... more
This study attempted to explore and investigate the types of retail technologies used among retailers in Labuan, Malaysia. It also examined whether the same group of retailers were willing to invest their companies' time, money and... more
The internet has emerged as an important marketing tool in the retailing industry. However, there are retailers whom have not fully utilized or have not fully understood the importance of the Internet as a marketing tool. The objective of... more
The focal point of this paper is to: (a) present the pilot profiles of ICT-based SMEs operating in Sabah and Labuan; (b) identify the descriptive component of the technology or business focus of these ICT-based SMEs; and (c) to contribute... more