Papers by Anton Agus Setyawan

Jurnal Manajemen Dayasaing, 2017
The objectives of the study are how to determine product bundling strategy andimplementation to D... more The objectives of the study are how to determine product bundling strategy andimplementation to Dekalb brand hybrid corn and Round-up brand herbicide. By analyzes how consumer attitudes toward buying intention in this regard farmers as buyer and retailers as products services. The data used is primary data. Primary data is obtained using 2 kind of respondents are retailers and farmers. The data obtained by distributed 30 questionnaires for retailers and 110 farmers in Grobogan. The descriptive statistic employed to analyzed data by using multiple linear regressions with t test, F test and coefficient of determination. The result showed that on retailers respondents attribute the product bundling has no significant influence to consumer buying intention but consumer attitudes significantly influence the buying intention. On the farmers respondents showed that attributes of the product bundling and consumer attitudes positive and significant influence to buying intention.

This study examines the impact of 2009 global financial crisis to Indonesia and Malaysia. The fra... more This study examines the impact of 2009 global financial crisis to Indonesia and Malaysia. The framework of this study is Porter Diamond Model of Competitiveness. By using fixed effect panel data regression analysis this study analyze the four dimension of Porter model. In this study, they are four model regressions as a proxy of factor condition, demand condition, related and supporting industries model and Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry model. This study uses data from Asian Development Bank Annual Report from 1999-2008. The result shows global financial crisis gives bigger impact to Malaysia than Indonesia. The global financial crisis also has effect on each country's competitiveness. Indonesia survive from the crisis since this country has a strong private consumption, while Malaysia still have competitive advantage on human resource.

Jurnal Manajemen, 2017
This study aims to measure the effect of leadership styles, organizational commitment to performa... more This study aims to measure the effect of leadership styles, organizational commitment to performance with the mediation of motivation in the civil service of the Faculty of Universities in Surakarta. The study population was a civil servant employees in the faculty. The sample is determined by the saturated sample technique, the entire employee staff respondents as many as 76 people. Methods of data collection techniques used are questionnaire. Data analysis method used is the method of path analysis (path analysis). From the results of this study concluded that the style of leadership, organizational commitment and motivation of jointly have a significant influence on employee performance. While the results of the t test of leadership style variable result that leadership style has no effect on the motivation and performance of the organization's commitment and motivation.Variabel partially have a significant influence on employee performance. With the result that the path anal...
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2017
This research was aimed to analyze the difference of men and women in Surakarta in perceiving the... more This research was aimed to analyze the difference of men and women in Surakarta in perceiving the shopping value. The values were classified into the hedonic and utilitarian value. Hedonic value occurs when consumers rely on their emotional, social, and psychological aspect, while utilitarian value is more concerned with the functional aspect in carrying out the activity. Result showed that there was difference perception between men and women as retail consumers. In this study, women tended to have hedonic value as their shopping orientation, while men tended to have utilitarian orientation. It implied that gender was an important aspect in structuring business position and segmentation in retail industry.
This research analyzes the measurement of personal shopping value. Research in marketing which me... more This research analyzes the measurement of personal shopping value. Research in marketing which measure the relationship among construct have similar problems. The correlations among construct is very low or different from the theory. This problem occur due to problems in validity and reliability of the construct. This research overcome this problem by conducting scale purification of PSV instrument. PSV instrument is the measurement of personal shopping value. Personal shopping value contains of two dimensions, they are hedonic value and utilitarian value. The respondents of this research are undergraduate student in business. We use convenience sampling methods. The tools of analysis in this research are EFA and SEM. The result shows that PSV is not a recommended measurement in analyzing the shopping value behavior.
Benefit Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2013
This article discusses the urgency of general marketing theory. Marketing becomes a very develope... more This article discusses the urgency of general marketing theory. Marketing becomes a very developed and converged discipline. This is a challenge for marketing scholars to present a new approach in constructing theory. Unfortunately, the dominance of traditional approach in marketing brings stagnation in the theory construction. Although, general marketing theory is still a hope for marketing scholars, they should broadened their vision to new approach in theory construction.

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, Apr 10, 2020
Purpose of the study: This study analyzes the role of product attributes, brand trust, and belief... more Purpose of the study: This study analyzes the role of product attributes, brand trust, and belief to purchase intention of Islamic financial products. Islamic financial products in this study include banking and insurance products. Methodology: This study employs a survey of 150 respondents of Islamic financial product consumers. We developed a measurement of consumer's belief in a brand by introducing consumer's Islamic Values. This instrument measures non-economic motivation of Islamic financial product which related to their religious beliefs toward consumptions. Results: Product attributes and Islamic values have positive effects on attitude toward Islamic financial products. On the other hand, product attributes and brand trust has a positive effect on purchase intention of Islamic financial product. Implication: This study gives guidance for Islamic financial institutions to build their marketing communication strategy by using Islamic value as branding. They should optimized integrated marketing communication based on Islamic value. Novelty/Originality: Introduction of Islamic value construct to measure consumer spirit to choose and loyal with Islamic financial product even though the benefit from that product lower than the conventional one.

Benefit Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2016
This study is an advantageous research of prepositions which require empirical tests. The researc... more This study is an advantageous research of prepositions which require empirical tests. The research highlights the effect of entrepreneurial orientation in determining and maintaining sustainability of a company. A sharper business competition requires a bright and right strategy. The term of strategy is usually refers to something not more than an idea, concept, and formulation process, and sometime is inconsistent to its implementation. In the stage of implementation itself, the strategy changes frequently, very fast then it seems to be deviated from the plan that have been made. In the implementation phase, the discrepancy between strategy and internal factors is a common problem. The social capital is an important internal factor of organization, and it's able to moderate the entrepreneurial orientation in affecting the organizational performance. The equation constructed in the study proposition is aimed to observe the effects of entrepreneurial orientation to the organizati...

This paper to examines factors that the influence of innovation characteristic to intention to ad... more This paper to examines factors that the influence of innovation characteristic to intention to adopt Solopos epaper. Nowdays, many newspaper companies in Indonesia to offer the electronic paper (epaper) services. But not many studies that analyze the factors that might help the industry of epaper for designing epaper services. This research will to fill the lack of studies on the epaper phenomena. This study investigated the factors that influence the intention to adopt Solopos epaper. Using the Diffusion of Innovations and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the baseline theory, this research involved 103 respondents from Solopos readers. Research shows that relative advantage and observability have positive impact to intention to adopt Solopos epaper. And then, compatibility, complexity, and trialability don’t have positive impact to intention to adopt Solopos epaper. The result of this research is usefull for developing electronic newspaper industry in Indonesia.

International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2020
— The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of supply chain innovation and business str... more — The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of supply chain innovation and business strategy formulation to business performance. This study analyzes supply chain innovation and how SME compile their business strategy in industrial clusters. Design of this study is quantitative. We develop a multivariate estimation model to analyze the relationship among constructs. We conduct surveys in 3 different SME clusters, they are shoes and sandals cluster in Mojokerto East Java, furniture cluster in Sukoharjo, Central Java and mushroom cluster in Yogyakarta. This survey includes 206 SME from three different clusters. Our result shows that supply chain innovation and business strategy formulation has positive effects on SME business performance. However, the result shows different magnitude on each of SME clusters. SME should improve their innovation in order to increase their business performance. Source of innovation is human capital, while empirically this is one of SME problem...

This study analyzes effects of government direct spending to Small and Medium Entreprises (SME). ... more This study analyzes effects of government direct spending to Small and Medium Entreprises (SME). Some scholars and policy makers belief that government should issues several industrial policies to strengthen SME performance. This study analyzes those policies in Surakarta city. In this study, we assess the effect of local government direct spending to SME such as, capital grants and low rate loan to their business performance. We conduct survey which involved 500 SME in manufacturing. Our resuls shows that capital grants and loan policy by local government in Surakarta has positive effect to SME assets, capital and turnover. This study shows that capital grant is more effective compare to other government assistance such as equipment grants and loan to increase SME’s business performance. In this study, industrial policy for SME is not limited to business regulation but it also include direct assistance from local government for these business organizations.

As a center of creative economy, Surakarta City has cultural diversity and creative people. This ... more As a center of creative economy, Surakarta City has cultural diversity and creative people. This is reflected by the availability of resources and creative products in each sub-district to be further developed. The development of the creative economy of Surakarta will address the challenges of future economic development including increasing economic growth, reducing poverty, creating new jobs, and industrial competitiveness. This study aims to develop an integrated model of each stakeholder coordinated by the Regional Device Organization (RDO) in Surakarta government to support the implementation of the development of the national creative economy. The Surakarta creative economy development model refers to the 5 pillars of the development of the national creative economy. This development model has a relationship between the foundations and pillars of development, planning activities supported by stakeholders (academics, business, government, and communities), as well as markets fo...
This article discusses the urgency of general marketing theory. Marketing becomes a very develope... more This article discusses the urgency of general marketing theory. Marketing becomes a very developed and converged discipline. This is a challenge for marketing scholars to present a new approach in constructing theory. Unfortunately, the dominance of traditional approach in marketing brings stagnation in the theory construction. Although, general marketing theory is still a hope for marketing scholars, they should broadened their vision to new approach in theory

The purpose of this study is to analyze the business risks that arise from a disaster that begins... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the business risks that arise from a disaster that begins with SMEs understanding of business risk from disasters in Surakarta. Furthermore, is to analyzed risk perception the in Surakarta SMEs, which most likely can happen and the impact on their businesses. In addition, this study also identifies the problems and opportunities of risk management in SMEs at Surakarta. The population of this study was SMEs entrepreneurs in Surakarta. Data collection was done by two methods: survey and in-depth interviews. Descriptive statistical methods were used in this study were the frequency and value of cross-tab analysis to classify data. Research results indicate that (1) presence Indonesian SMEs in general and in Surakarta in particular is essential for economic growth. (2) The management of SMEs can not be separated on the threat of business risks that may arise from time to time. (3) Risk management is not only a SMEs responsibility solely, but also ...

Loyal customers are absolutely necessary for print media publishing companies. This study aims to... more Loyal customers are absolutely necessary for print media publishing companies. This study aims to analyze the influence of relationship marketing in creating customer loyalty. The research begins with the observation of companies conducting ad campaigns in print media and book study on books and journals on Relationship Marketing and Customer Loyalty. This research population is a company that has done advertising campaign in print media. The sample of this research is 109 respondents taken from companies active in promotion of print media advertisement with probability sampling. This research uses descriptive statistics with Multiple Linear Regression toprove the influence of independent variables Relationship Marketing to the dependent variable Customer Loyalty. The result of the research conclude that Relationship Marketing variables have positive and significant influence to Customer Loyalty. The results of this study strengthen previous research conducted by Andreas Leverin and...
This study explored the efficiency of SME Cluster. We developed efficiency model that consist of ... more This study explored the efficiency of SME Cluster. We developed efficiency model that consist of operational capital, labor cost and raw material cost as input. We proposed sales revenue and assets as output of the model. We conduct a survey involved 83 SME in three different clusters. There are three different SME clusters in this study; they are batik, furniture and apparel. Those clusters has considered as SME cluster with large labor absorption and enormous productivity in the area of Central Java Indonesia. Our result shows that there are large number of SME in those three clusters are not efficient in their business operations. They have problems in their cost structure, especially in the raw material cost which is too large. Human resource performance in those SME clusters are also needs to be improved.

International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2020
— Communication between buyers and sellers is central to the supply chain philosophy, which can i... more — Communication between buyers and sellers is central to the supply chain philosophy, which can improve customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of supply chain on service scape and customer satisfaction to loyalty in transportation business. This study also analyze the role of satisfaction as mediating variable in the relationship between service scape and customer loyalty in supply chain process. Design of this study is quantitative, which developed an estimation model based on structural equation model to analyze the relationship among latent variables in this study. Data collection instruments using questionnaires were collected directly and online. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. It involves 115 respondents. Service scape is proven to have a significant effect on passenger satisfaction, but does not have a significant effect on passenger loyalty. Passenger satisfaction is proven to have a mediating role on the relationship betwee...
Papers by Anton Agus Setyawan