Quite Frankly
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Quite Frankly

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Wow. [22 Nov 2005|06:34pm]

[ mood | shocked ]

Discuss. Do you think this will hurt the BoSox?

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[26 Sep 2005|07:03pm]


Even though this community has kind of died except for shiranami and myself, I thought this was both interesting and awesome:

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A Month at the Races [23 Sep 2005|09:04pm]


As the mod, I'm going to try to start posting monthly updates about MLB in general; what's happening, who's in trouble, who's on fire, who's sucking, etc., etc. So, welcome to the first edition!

September: A Month at the RacesCollapse )

So, everyone's been talking about awards. Lots of east/west coast bias is causing everyone to completely lose it and scream at one another about Cy Young, MVP, Manager of the Year, etc. It really depends upon who your team is, because that will, for the most part, decide who you think deserves certain awards. Quite Frankly is pleased to bring you the rundown of stats for the two main awards for both leagues in convenient, easy-to-scream-about form so that you can get in on the fun.

The Baseball Writer's Association has gone mad...Collapse )

Weekends can be long if you haven't got much to do, so I'm pleased to bring you some entertaining, disheartening, exciting, saddening, reading to help you pass the time.

Required ReadingCollapse )

Andddd...there are a few awards that we have some control over, so why not go out and vote?

It's Your Civic DutyCollapse )

Just a note to everyone: there are about three members who have posted here and only a few more who've commented. I don't want to be a Nazi, but...if you're going to be a member, say something every once in a while. That's the point, isn't it? O_O

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Here comes the inevitable. [23 Sep 2005|08:57pm]

[ mood | cold ];_ylt=Aofn.zKoKQhjSnmdxRsCPTMRvLYF?slug=ap-orioles-palmeiro&prov=ap&type=lgns

It was bound to happen anyway.

Thoughts? Opinions? Think they shoulda kept him? Or were they right for letting him go?

I think it was the right thing to do. Of course it sucks to lose your job, but he's been getting so much negative publicity anyway and his performance on the field just seemed to worsen as time passed.

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More Raffy drama [22 Sep 2005|09:44pm]

[ mood | blank ]

Well, I hope he's satisfied with himself . . .

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Religion is a touchy topic even in baseball. [20 Sep 2005|10:45pm]

[ mood | shocked ]

It's just an opinion, I think. Your thoughts?

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Skinny Bonds? [17 Sep 2005|05:25pm]

[ mood | bored ]

This should be interesting. . .interestingly amusing, that is.

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Cy Young [10 Sep 2005|04:18pm]


So, everyone (at least over here in the N.L.) has been constantly talking about the Cy Young award and who it ought to go to. By far, the three biggest names have been:

  • Chris Carpenter (21-4) STL

ERA: 2.21   G: 29   CG: 7   IP: 220.0   H: 168   R: 59   ER: 54   HR: 15   BB: 45   SO: 198


  • Dontrelle Willis (20-8) FLA

ERA: 2.52   G: 29   CG: 6   IP: 200.1   H: 178   R: 61   ER: 56   HR: 8     BB: 46    SO: 137


  • Roger Clemens (11-7) HOU

ERA: 1.78   G: 29   CG: 1   IP: 192.1   H: 129   R: 43   ER: 38   HR: 10   BB: 56    SO: 177

Who do you think should get the Cy?

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Whassa matter? Can't take the pressure, Raffy? [30 Aug 2005|10:13pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Whatsa matter Raffy? Can't take the pressure? That's why 'roids are BAD!!

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Oh, the Drama [30 Aug 2005|08:05am]



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Shoulda left the 'roids alone, Raffy . . . [29 Aug 2005|09:05pm]

[ mood | blank ]


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Milk does do a body good. [25 Aug 2005|07:51pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Follow up:

This just keeps getting better and better. Am I bad for finding humor in it?

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Drink Milk, Get Suspended [24 Aug 2005|11:16pm]

[ mood | quizzical ]


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[20 Aug 2005|12:58pm]

[ mood | curious ]

Any thoughts on the Mariner's Ryan Franklin dugout fight? Edit: Here's an article on the fight...

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The Big One [19 Aug 2005|05:40pm]


So, I thought I would go ahead and put the big one out there, the one that no one can seem to quit talking and arguing about: steroids.

Tell me how you feel about MLB player usage, penalties, Selig, Raffy, Bonds, McGwire, etc. You name it. Just talk.

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espn goes to hollywood? [16 Aug 2005|12:36pm]

okay, i'm not sure if this belongs in this community because it isn't baseball-specific (and i'm sorry if it doesn't, i'll delete the post just let me know) but how do you guys feel about ESPN Hollywood, that new show on espn2? i personally don't really like it, that's why i like sports, they have nothing to do with hollywood. thoughts?
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Um, quite annoyingly.... [15 Aug 2005|08:40pm]

[ mood | yes I am obviously bored now ]

Okay I have a gripe.

How can the Cubs (who were on an 8 game loosing streak) get swept by the Reds and then win 3-4 against my beloved Cardinals?

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[15 Aug 2005|07:30pm]


Kenny Rogers and the camera man incident: was treated unfairly, deserved what he got, or should have been punished more harshly, and why?

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Open [15 Aug 2005|03:57pm]


Whee- this is exciting- I've never had my own community! Erm...join! You know you wanna!

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