As the mod, I'm going to try to start posting monthly updates about MLB in general; what's happening, who's in trouble, who's on fire, who's sucking, etc., etc. So, welcome to the first edition!
( September: A Month at the RacesCollapse )
So, everyone's been talking about awards. Lots of east/west coast bias is causing everyone to completely lose it and scream at one another about Cy Young, MVP, Manager of the Year, etc. It really depends upon who your team is, because that will, for the most part, decide who you think deserves certain awards. Quite Frankly is pleased to bring you the rundown of stats for the two main awards for both leagues in convenient, easy-to-scream-about form so that you can get in on the fun.
( The Baseball Writer's Association has gone mad...Collapse )
Weekends can be long if you haven't got much to do, so I'm pleased to bring you some entertaining, disheartening, exciting, saddening, reading to help you pass the time.
( Required ReadingCollapse )
Andddd...there are a few awards that we have some control over, so why not go out and vote?
( It's Your Civic DutyCollapse )
Just a note to everyone: there are about three members who have posted here and only a few more who've commented. I don't want to be a Nazi, but...if you're going to be a member, say something every once in a while. That's the point, isn't it? O_O