Within Europe, classical genetic markers, nuclear autosomal and Y-chromosome DNA polymorphisms di... more Within Europe, classical genetic markers, nuclear autosomal and Y-chromosome DNA polymorphisms display an east–west frequency gradient. This has been taken as evidence for the westward migration of Neolithic farmers from the Middle East. In contrast, most studies of mtDNA variation in Europe and the Middle East have not revealed clinal distributions. Here we report an analysis of dys44 haplotypes, consisting
Ethiopia is central to population genetic studies investigating the out of Africa expansion of mo... more Ethiopia is central to population genetic studies investigating the out of Africa expansion of modern humans, as shown by Y chromosome and mtDNA studies. To address the level of genetic differentiation within Ethiopia, and its relationship to Sub-Saharan Africa and Eurasia, we studied an 8kb segment of the X-chromosome from 72 chromosomes from the Amhara, Oromo and Ethiopian Jews, and compared these results with 804 chromosomes from Middle Eastern, African, Asian and European populations, and 22 newly typed Saharawi. Within Ethiopia the two largest ethnic groups, the Amhara and Oromo, were not found to be statistically distinct, based on an exact test of haplotype frequencies. The Ethiopian Jews appear as an admixed population, possibly of Jewish origin, though the data remain equivocal. There is evidence of a close relationship between Ethiopian and Yemenite Jews, likely a result of indirect gene flow. Within an African and Eurasian context, the distribution of alleles of a variable T n repeat, and the spread of haplotypes containing Africa-specific alleles, provide evidence of a genetic continuity from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Near East, and furthermore suggest that a bottleneck occurred in Ethiopia associated with an out of Africa expansion. Ethiopian genetic heterogeneity, as evidenced by principal component analysis of haplotype frequencies, most likely resulted from periods of subsequent admixture. While these results are from the analysis of one locus, we feel that in association with data from other marker systems they add a complementary perspective on the history of Ethiopia.
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 2004
This study was designed to investigate the role of eicosanoids, thromboxane A 2 (TXA 2 ) and pros... more This study was designed to investigate the role of eicosanoids, thromboxane A 2 (TXA 2 ) and prostacyclin (PGI 2 ) as well as their relationship with endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the pathogenesis of renal parenchymal hypertension. Uremic rats were prepared by renal mass ablation and compared with sham-operated controls. The stable metabolites of TXA 2 (TXB 2 ) and PGI 2 (6-keto-PGF 1a ) and immunoreactive ET-1 concentrations were measured by specific RIAs in biological fluids and in vascular and renal tissues. To investigate the functional role of TXA 2 in the progression of hypertension and renal failure, a group of uremic rats were treated with ridogrel (25 mg/kg/day), a TXA 2 synthase inhibitor and receptor antagonist. Renal preproET-1 expression was assessed by Northern blot analysis. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), serum creatinine and proteinuria were found to be higher in uremic rats as compared to sham-operated controls (Po0:01). TXB 2 and ET-1 concentrations were increased in blood vessels, the renal cortex and in urine (Po0:05). 6-keto-PGF 1a concentrations were also increased in blood vessels and the renal cortex but decreased in urine (Po0:05). Ridogrel significantly lowered SBP and proteinuria (Po0:05) and blunted the increase of serum creatinine. Treatment with ridogrel resulted in a marked fall in vascular, renal and urine TXA 2 concentrations, while ET-1 and 6-keto-PGF 1a concentrations remained unchanged. The preproET-1 expression was higher in uremic rats than in the controls and was unaffected by ridogrel. These results suggest that TXA 2 is involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension and renal failure progression in rats with subtotal 5/6 nephrectomy and that this effect is independent of the ET-1 system. r
Background: Founder populations have an important role in the study of genetic diseases. Access t... more Background: Founder populations have an important role in the study of genetic diseases. Access to detailed genealogical records is often one of their advantages. These genealogical data provide unique information for researchers in evolutionary and population genetics, demography and genetic epidemiology. However, analyzing large genealogical datasets requires specialized methods and software. The GENLIB software was developed to study the large genealogies of the French Canadian population of Quebec, Canada. These genealogies are accessible through the BALSAC database, which contains over 3 million records covering the whole province of Quebec over four centuries. Using this resource, extended pedigrees of up to 17 generations can be constructed from a sample of present-day individuals.
Knowledge of the genetic population structure lies at the heart of mapping studies aiming genes r... more Knowledge of the genetic population structure lies at the heart of mapping studies aiming genes responsible for Mendelian and complex traits. The Quebec population, which is of mostly French descent, is considered an excellent model for such genetic epidemiological endeavours because it is a young founder population. Yet, the assessment of the founder effect has relied mostly on the observed distribution of monogenic diseases and on the analysis of the underlying mutations with investigations focusing on the Saguenay region. To eliminate this clinical bias and to obtain a more complete image of the genetic diversity, different regional populations of Quebec were investigated by analysing neutral markers that represent maternal, paternal and X chromosome lineages. Results indicate that Quebec does not appear more homogeneous nor significantly different from European populations. However, a series of regional founder effects, particularly visible at the level of rare variants, are obs...
Characterizing the genetic structure of worldwide populations is important for understanding huma... more Characterizing the genetic structure of worldwide populations is important for understanding human history and is essential to the design and analysis of genetic epidemiological studies. In this study, we examined genetic structure and distant relatedness and their effect on the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and homozygosity in the founder population of Quebec (Canada). In the French Canadian founder population, such analysis can be performed using both genomic and genealogical data. We investigated genetic differences, extent of LD, and homozygosity in 140 individuals from seven sub-populations of Quebec characterized by different demographic histories reflecting complex founder events. Genetic findings from genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism data were correlated with genealogical information on each of these sub-populations. Our genomic data showed significant population structure and relatedness present in the contemporary Quebec population, also reflected in LD a...
In genetics the ability to accurately describe the familial relationships among a group of indivi... more In genetics the ability to accurately describe the familial relationships among a group of individuals can be very useful. Recent statistical tools succeeded in assessing the degree of relatedness up to 6-7 generations with good power using dense genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism data to estimate the extent of identity-by-descent (IBD) sharing. It is therefore important to describe genome-wide patterns of IBD sharing for more remote and complex relatedness between individuals, such as that observed in a founder population like Quebec, Canada. Taking advantage of the extended genealogical records of the French Canadian founder population, we first compared different tools to identify regions of IBD in order to best describe genome-wide IBD sharing and its correlation with genealogical characteristics. Results showed that the extent of IBD sharing identified with FastIBD correlates best with relatedness measured using genealogical data. Total length of IBD sharing explained 85% of the genealogical kinship's variance. In addition, we observed significantly higher sharing in pairs of individuals with at least one inbred ancestor compared with those without any. Furthermore, patterns of IBD sharing and average sharing were different across regional populations, consistent with the settlement history of Quebec. Our results suggest that, as expected, the complex relatedness present in founder populations is reflected in patterns of IBD sharing. Using these patterns, it is thus possible to gain insight on the types of distant relationships in a sample from a founder population like Quebec.
The pacemaking activity of specialized tissues in the heart and gut results in lifelong rhythmic ... more The pacemaking activity of specialized tissues in the heart and gut results in lifelong rhythmic contractions. Here we describe a new syndrome characterized by Chronic Atrial and Intestinal Dysrhythmia, termed CAID syndrome, in 16 French Canadians and 1 Swede. We show that a single shared homozygous founder mutation in SGOL1, a component of the cohesin complex, causes CAID syndrome. Cultured dermal fibroblasts from affected individuals showed accelerated cell cycle progression, a higher rate of senescence and enhanced activation of TGF-b signaling. Karyotypes showed the typical railroad appearance of a centromeric cohesion defect. Tissues derived from affected individuals displayed pathological changes in both the enteric nervous system and smooth muscle. Morpholino-induced knockdown of sgol1 in zebrafish recapitulated the abnormalities seen in humans with CAID syndrome. Our findings identify CAID syndrome as a novel generalized dysrhythmia, suggesting a new role for SGOL1 and the cohesin complex in mediating the integrity of human cardiac and gut rhythm.
For years, studies of founder populations and genetic isolates represented the mainstream of gene... more For years, studies of founder populations and genetic isolates represented the mainstream of genetic mapping in the effort to target genetic defects causing Mendelian disorders. The genetic homogeneity of such populations as well as relatively homogeneous environmental exposures were also seen as primary advantages in studies of genetic susceptibility loci that underlie complex diseases. European colonization of the St-Lawrence Valley by a small number of settlers, mainly from France, resulted in a founder effect reflected by the appearance of a number of population-specific disease-causing mutations in Quebec. The purported genetic homogeneity of this population was recently challenged by genealogical and genetic analyses. We studied one of the contributing factors to genetic heterogeneity, early Native American admixture that was never investigated in this population before. Consistent admixture estimates, in the order of one per cent, were obtained from genome-wide autosomal data using the ADMIXTURE and HAPMIX software, as well as with the fastIBD software evaluating the degree of the identity-by-descent between Quebec individuals and Native American populations. These genomic results correlated well with the genealogical estimates. Correlations are imperfect most likely because of incomplete records of Native founders' origin in genealogical data. Although the overall degree of admixture is modest, it contributed to the enrichment of the population diversity and to its demographic stratification. Because admixture greatly varies among regions of Quebec and among individuals, it could have significantly affected the homogeneity of the population, which is of importance in mapping studies, especially when rare genetic susceptibility variants are in play.
The genetic diversity within an 11 kb segment of the MTMR8 gene in a sample of 111 sub-Saharan an... more The genetic diversity within an 11 kb segment of the MTMR8 gene in a sample of 111 sub-Saharan and 49 non-African X chromosomes was investigated to assess the early evolutionary history of sub-Saharan Africans and the out-of-Africa expansion. The analyses revealed a complex genetic structure of the Africans that contributed to the emergence of modern humans. We observed partitioning of two thirds of old lineages among southern, west/central and east African populations indicating ancient population stratification predating the out of Africa migration. Age estimates of these lineages, older than coalescence times of uniparentally inherited markers, raise the question whether contemporary humans originated from a single population or as an amalgamation of different populations separated by years of independent evolution, thus suggesting a greater antiquity of our species than generally assumed. While the oldest sub-Saharan lineages, ,500 thousand years, are found among Khoe-San from southern-Africa, a distinct haplotype found among Biaka is likely due to admixture from an even older population. An East African population that gave rise to non-Africans underwent a selective sweep affecting the subcentromeric region where MTMR8 is located. This and similar sweeps in four other regions of the X chromosome, documented in the literature, effectively reduced genetic diversity of non-African chromosomes and therefore may have exacerbated the effect of the demographic bottleneck usually ascribed to the out of Africa migration. Our data is suggestive, however, that a bottleneck, occurred in Africa before range expansion.
It is likely that evolutionary differences among species are driven by sequence changes in regula... more It is likely that evolutionary differences among species are driven by sequence changes in regulatory regions. Likewise, polymorphisms in the promoter regions may be responsible for interindividual differences at the level of populations. We present an unbiased survey of genetic variation in 2-kb segments upstream of the transcription start sites of 28 protein-coding genes, characterized in five population groups of different geographic origin. On average, we found 9.1 polymorphisms and 8.8 haplotypes per segment with corresponding nucleotide and haplotype diversities of 0.082% and 58%, respectively. We characterized these segments through different summary statistics, Hardy-Weinberg equilibria fixation index (Fst) estimates, and neutrality tests, as well as by analyzing the distributions of haplotype allelic classes, introduced here to assess the departure from neutrality and examined by coalescent simulations under a simple population model, assuming recombinations or different demography. Our results suggest that genetic diversity in some of these regions could have been shaped by purifying selection and driven by adaptive changes in the other, thus explaining the relatively large variance in the corresponding genetic diversity indices loci. However, some of these effects could be also due to linkage with surrounding sequences, and the neutralists' explanations cannot be ruled out given uncertainty in the underlying demographic histories and the possibility of random effects due to the small size of the studied segments. Hum Mutat 28 , 441-450, 2007. r r 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A substantial number of genes mutated in human cancers encode components of the cell cycle proces... more A substantial number of genes mutated in human cancers encode components of the cell cycle processes. As the G1/S transition in the cell cycle is a finely regulated biological process, we hypothesized that sequence variations in the promoter region of the related genes might indeed lead to abnormal expression, thus predisposing the individuals carrying these genetic variants to cancer. In this report, we screened the promoter regions of 16 cell cycle checkpoint genes for DNA variants and assessed the functional impact of these promoter region single nucleotide polymorphisms (pSNPs) by combining in silico analysis and in vitro functional assays. We identified 127 pSNPs including 90 with predicted impact on putative binding sites of known transcription factors. Eleven pSNPs were selected for electrophoresis mobility shift assays because of their association with predicted gains of binding sites, and nine pSNPs showed differential allelic shifts in at least one cell line tested. Following the subcloning of the promoter regions into a gene reporter system, we found that at least four promoter haplotypes associated with CCND1, E2F1, HDAC1 and RB1 significantly influenced transcriptional activity in an allele-specific manner. Although the biological significance of these observations still remains to be demonstrated, the expected variability of expression levels in key cell cycle components might influence individual's risk of cancer.
Characterizing the genetic structure of worldwide populations is important for understanding huma... more Characterizing the genetic structure of worldwide populations is important for understanding human history and is essential to the design and analysis of genetic epidemiological studies. In this study, we examined genetic structure and distant relatedness and their effect on the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and homozygosity in the founder population of Quebec (Canada). In the French Canadian founder population, such analysis can be performed using both genomic and genealogical data.
Data from uniparentally inherited genetic systems were used to trace evolution of human populatio... more Data from uniparentally inherited genetic systems were used to trace evolution of human populations. Reconstruction of the past primarily relies on variation in present-day populations, limiting historical inference to lineages that are found among living subjects. Our analysis of four population groups in the Gaspé Peninsula, demonstrates how this may occasionally lead to erroneous interpretations. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Gaspesians revealed an important admixture with Native Americans. The most likely scenario links this admixture to French-Canadians from the St. Lawrence Valley who moved to Gaspesia in the 19th century. However, in contrast to genetic data, analysis of genealogical record shows that Native American maternal lineages were brought to Gaspesia in the 18th century by Acadians who settled on the south-western coast of the peninsula. Intriguingly, within three generations, virtually all Métis Acadian families separated from their nonadmixed relatives and moved eastward mixing in with other Gaspesian groups, in which Native American maternal lines are present in relatively high frequencies. Over time, the carriers of these lines eventually lost memory of their mixed Amerindian-Acadian origin. Our results show that a reliable reconstruction of population history requires cross-verification of different data sources for consistency, thus favouring multidisciplinary approaches.
Most genetic studies on the origins of Native Americans have examined data from mtDNA and Y-chrom... more Most genetic studies on the origins of Native Americans have examined data from mtDNA and Y-chromosome DNA. To complement these studies and to broaden our understanding of the origin of Native American populations, we present an analysis of 1,873 X-chromosomes representing Native American (n 5 438) and other continental populations (n 5 1,435). We genotyped 36 polymorphic sites, forming an informative haplotype within an 8-kb DNA segment spanning exon 44 of the dystrophin gene. The data reveal continuity from a common Eurasian ancestry between Europeans, Siberians, and Native Americans. However, the loss of two haplotypes frequent in Eurasia (18.8 and 7%) and the rise in fre-Present address of Sylvie Bourtoumieu:
Stable colonization of the Gaspe Peninsula by Europeans started in the middle of the 18th century... more Stable colonization of the Gaspe Peninsula by Europeans started in the middle of the 18th century at the time of the British conquest of New France. The earliest settlers were Acadians, escaping British deportation policies, followed by Loyalists from the US, who preferred to remain under British rule after the Declaration of Independence. In the 19th century, the developing fishing industry attracted French Canadians from the St. Lawrence Valley and newcomers from Europe including Channel Islanders from Jersey and Guernsey. We analyzed parental lineages of the selfdeclared descendants of these four groups of settlers by mtDNA D-loop sequencing and Y-chromosome genotyping and compared them with French, British, and Irish samples. Their representation in terms of haplotype frequency classes reveals different signatures of founder in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).
Within Europe, classical genetic markers, nuclear autosomal and Y-chromosome DNA polymorphisms di... more Within Europe, classical genetic markers, nuclear autosomal and Y-chromosome DNA polymorphisms display an east–west frequency gradient. This has been taken as evidence for the westward migration of Neolithic farmers from the Middle East. In contrast, most studies of mtDNA variation in Europe and the Middle East have not revealed clinal distributions. Here we report an analysis of dys44 haplotypes, consisting
Ethiopia is central to population genetic studies investigating the out of Africa expansion of mo... more Ethiopia is central to population genetic studies investigating the out of Africa expansion of modern humans, as shown by Y chromosome and mtDNA studies. To address the level of genetic differentiation within Ethiopia, and its relationship to Sub-Saharan Africa and Eurasia, we studied an 8kb segment of the X-chromosome from 72 chromosomes from the Amhara, Oromo and Ethiopian Jews, and compared these results with 804 chromosomes from Middle Eastern, African, Asian and European populations, and 22 newly typed Saharawi. Within Ethiopia the two largest ethnic groups, the Amhara and Oromo, were not found to be statistically distinct, based on an exact test of haplotype frequencies. The Ethiopian Jews appear as an admixed population, possibly of Jewish origin, though the data remain equivocal. There is evidence of a close relationship between Ethiopian and Yemenite Jews, likely a result of indirect gene flow. Within an African and Eurasian context, the distribution of alleles of a variable T n repeat, and the spread of haplotypes containing Africa-specific alleles, provide evidence of a genetic continuity from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Near East, and furthermore suggest that a bottleneck occurred in Ethiopia associated with an out of Africa expansion. Ethiopian genetic heterogeneity, as evidenced by principal component analysis of haplotype frequencies, most likely resulted from periods of subsequent admixture. While these results are from the analysis of one locus, we feel that in association with data from other marker systems they add a complementary perspective on the history of Ethiopia.
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 2004
This study was designed to investigate the role of eicosanoids, thromboxane A 2 (TXA 2 ) and pros... more This study was designed to investigate the role of eicosanoids, thromboxane A 2 (TXA 2 ) and prostacyclin (PGI 2 ) as well as their relationship with endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the pathogenesis of renal parenchymal hypertension. Uremic rats were prepared by renal mass ablation and compared with sham-operated controls. The stable metabolites of TXA 2 (TXB 2 ) and PGI 2 (6-keto-PGF 1a ) and immunoreactive ET-1 concentrations were measured by specific RIAs in biological fluids and in vascular and renal tissues. To investigate the functional role of TXA 2 in the progression of hypertension and renal failure, a group of uremic rats were treated with ridogrel (25 mg/kg/day), a TXA 2 synthase inhibitor and receptor antagonist. Renal preproET-1 expression was assessed by Northern blot analysis. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), serum creatinine and proteinuria were found to be higher in uremic rats as compared to sham-operated controls (Po0:01). TXB 2 and ET-1 concentrations were increased in blood vessels, the renal cortex and in urine (Po0:05). 6-keto-PGF 1a concentrations were also increased in blood vessels and the renal cortex but decreased in urine (Po0:05). Ridogrel significantly lowered SBP and proteinuria (Po0:05) and blunted the increase of serum creatinine. Treatment with ridogrel resulted in a marked fall in vascular, renal and urine TXA 2 concentrations, while ET-1 and 6-keto-PGF 1a concentrations remained unchanged. The preproET-1 expression was higher in uremic rats than in the controls and was unaffected by ridogrel. These results suggest that TXA 2 is involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension and renal failure progression in rats with subtotal 5/6 nephrectomy and that this effect is independent of the ET-1 system. r
Background: Founder populations have an important role in the study of genetic diseases. Access t... more Background: Founder populations have an important role in the study of genetic diseases. Access to detailed genealogical records is often one of their advantages. These genealogical data provide unique information for researchers in evolutionary and population genetics, demography and genetic epidemiology. However, analyzing large genealogical datasets requires specialized methods and software. The GENLIB software was developed to study the large genealogies of the French Canadian population of Quebec, Canada. These genealogies are accessible through the BALSAC database, which contains over 3 million records covering the whole province of Quebec over four centuries. Using this resource, extended pedigrees of up to 17 generations can be constructed from a sample of present-day individuals.
Knowledge of the genetic population structure lies at the heart of mapping studies aiming genes r... more Knowledge of the genetic population structure lies at the heart of mapping studies aiming genes responsible for Mendelian and complex traits. The Quebec population, which is of mostly French descent, is considered an excellent model for such genetic epidemiological endeavours because it is a young founder population. Yet, the assessment of the founder effect has relied mostly on the observed distribution of monogenic diseases and on the analysis of the underlying mutations with investigations focusing on the Saguenay region. To eliminate this clinical bias and to obtain a more complete image of the genetic diversity, different regional populations of Quebec were investigated by analysing neutral markers that represent maternal, paternal and X chromosome lineages. Results indicate that Quebec does not appear more homogeneous nor significantly different from European populations. However, a series of regional founder effects, particularly visible at the level of rare variants, are obs...
Characterizing the genetic structure of worldwide populations is important for understanding huma... more Characterizing the genetic structure of worldwide populations is important for understanding human history and is essential to the design and analysis of genetic epidemiological studies. In this study, we examined genetic structure and distant relatedness and their effect on the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and homozygosity in the founder population of Quebec (Canada). In the French Canadian founder population, such analysis can be performed using both genomic and genealogical data. We investigated genetic differences, extent of LD, and homozygosity in 140 individuals from seven sub-populations of Quebec characterized by different demographic histories reflecting complex founder events. Genetic findings from genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism data were correlated with genealogical information on each of these sub-populations. Our genomic data showed significant population structure and relatedness present in the contemporary Quebec population, also reflected in LD a...
In genetics the ability to accurately describe the familial relationships among a group of indivi... more In genetics the ability to accurately describe the familial relationships among a group of individuals can be very useful. Recent statistical tools succeeded in assessing the degree of relatedness up to 6-7 generations with good power using dense genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism data to estimate the extent of identity-by-descent (IBD) sharing. It is therefore important to describe genome-wide patterns of IBD sharing for more remote and complex relatedness between individuals, such as that observed in a founder population like Quebec, Canada. Taking advantage of the extended genealogical records of the French Canadian founder population, we first compared different tools to identify regions of IBD in order to best describe genome-wide IBD sharing and its correlation with genealogical characteristics. Results showed that the extent of IBD sharing identified with FastIBD correlates best with relatedness measured using genealogical data. Total length of IBD sharing explained 85% of the genealogical kinship's variance. In addition, we observed significantly higher sharing in pairs of individuals with at least one inbred ancestor compared with those without any. Furthermore, patterns of IBD sharing and average sharing were different across regional populations, consistent with the settlement history of Quebec. Our results suggest that, as expected, the complex relatedness present in founder populations is reflected in patterns of IBD sharing. Using these patterns, it is thus possible to gain insight on the types of distant relationships in a sample from a founder population like Quebec.
The pacemaking activity of specialized tissues in the heart and gut results in lifelong rhythmic ... more The pacemaking activity of specialized tissues in the heart and gut results in lifelong rhythmic contractions. Here we describe a new syndrome characterized by Chronic Atrial and Intestinal Dysrhythmia, termed CAID syndrome, in 16 French Canadians and 1 Swede. We show that a single shared homozygous founder mutation in SGOL1, a component of the cohesin complex, causes CAID syndrome. Cultured dermal fibroblasts from affected individuals showed accelerated cell cycle progression, a higher rate of senescence and enhanced activation of TGF-b signaling. Karyotypes showed the typical railroad appearance of a centromeric cohesion defect. Tissues derived from affected individuals displayed pathological changes in both the enteric nervous system and smooth muscle. Morpholino-induced knockdown of sgol1 in zebrafish recapitulated the abnormalities seen in humans with CAID syndrome. Our findings identify CAID syndrome as a novel generalized dysrhythmia, suggesting a new role for SGOL1 and the cohesin complex in mediating the integrity of human cardiac and gut rhythm.
For years, studies of founder populations and genetic isolates represented the mainstream of gene... more For years, studies of founder populations and genetic isolates represented the mainstream of genetic mapping in the effort to target genetic defects causing Mendelian disorders. The genetic homogeneity of such populations as well as relatively homogeneous environmental exposures were also seen as primary advantages in studies of genetic susceptibility loci that underlie complex diseases. European colonization of the St-Lawrence Valley by a small number of settlers, mainly from France, resulted in a founder effect reflected by the appearance of a number of population-specific disease-causing mutations in Quebec. The purported genetic homogeneity of this population was recently challenged by genealogical and genetic analyses. We studied one of the contributing factors to genetic heterogeneity, early Native American admixture that was never investigated in this population before. Consistent admixture estimates, in the order of one per cent, were obtained from genome-wide autosomal data using the ADMIXTURE and HAPMIX software, as well as with the fastIBD software evaluating the degree of the identity-by-descent between Quebec individuals and Native American populations. These genomic results correlated well with the genealogical estimates. Correlations are imperfect most likely because of incomplete records of Native founders' origin in genealogical data. Although the overall degree of admixture is modest, it contributed to the enrichment of the population diversity and to its demographic stratification. Because admixture greatly varies among regions of Quebec and among individuals, it could have significantly affected the homogeneity of the population, which is of importance in mapping studies, especially when rare genetic susceptibility variants are in play.
The genetic diversity within an 11 kb segment of the MTMR8 gene in a sample of 111 sub-Saharan an... more The genetic diversity within an 11 kb segment of the MTMR8 gene in a sample of 111 sub-Saharan and 49 non-African X chromosomes was investigated to assess the early evolutionary history of sub-Saharan Africans and the out-of-Africa expansion. The analyses revealed a complex genetic structure of the Africans that contributed to the emergence of modern humans. We observed partitioning of two thirds of old lineages among southern, west/central and east African populations indicating ancient population stratification predating the out of Africa migration. Age estimates of these lineages, older than coalescence times of uniparentally inherited markers, raise the question whether contemporary humans originated from a single population or as an amalgamation of different populations separated by years of independent evolution, thus suggesting a greater antiquity of our species than generally assumed. While the oldest sub-Saharan lineages, ,500 thousand years, are found among Khoe-San from southern-Africa, a distinct haplotype found among Biaka is likely due to admixture from an even older population. An East African population that gave rise to non-Africans underwent a selective sweep affecting the subcentromeric region where MTMR8 is located. This and similar sweeps in four other regions of the X chromosome, documented in the literature, effectively reduced genetic diversity of non-African chromosomes and therefore may have exacerbated the effect of the demographic bottleneck usually ascribed to the out of Africa migration. Our data is suggestive, however, that a bottleneck, occurred in Africa before range expansion.
It is likely that evolutionary differences among species are driven by sequence changes in regula... more It is likely that evolutionary differences among species are driven by sequence changes in regulatory regions. Likewise, polymorphisms in the promoter regions may be responsible for interindividual differences at the level of populations. We present an unbiased survey of genetic variation in 2-kb segments upstream of the transcription start sites of 28 protein-coding genes, characterized in five population groups of different geographic origin. On average, we found 9.1 polymorphisms and 8.8 haplotypes per segment with corresponding nucleotide and haplotype diversities of 0.082% and 58%, respectively. We characterized these segments through different summary statistics, Hardy-Weinberg equilibria fixation index (Fst) estimates, and neutrality tests, as well as by analyzing the distributions of haplotype allelic classes, introduced here to assess the departure from neutrality and examined by coalescent simulations under a simple population model, assuming recombinations or different demography. Our results suggest that genetic diversity in some of these regions could have been shaped by purifying selection and driven by adaptive changes in the other, thus explaining the relatively large variance in the corresponding genetic diversity indices loci. However, some of these effects could be also due to linkage with surrounding sequences, and the neutralists' explanations cannot be ruled out given uncertainty in the underlying demographic histories and the possibility of random effects due to the small size of the studied segments. Hum Mutat 28 , 441-450, 2007. r r 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A substantial number of genes mutated in human cancers encode components of the cell cycle proces... more A substantial number of genes mutated in human cancers encode components of the cell cycle processes. As the G1/S transition in the cell cycle is a finely regulated biological process, we hypothesized that sequence variations in the promoter region of the related genes might indeed lead to abnormal expression, thus predisposing the individuals carrying these genetic variants to cancer. In this report, we screened the promoter regions of 16 cell cycle checkpoint genes for DNA variants and assessed the functional impact of these promoter region single nucleotide polymorphisms (pSNPs) by combining in silico analysis and in vitro functional assays. We identified 127 pSNPs including 90 with predicted impact on putative binding sites of known transcription factors. Eleven pSNPs were selected for electrophoresis mobility shift assays because of their association with predicted gains of binding sites, and nine pSNPs showed differential allelic shifts in at least one cell line tested. Following the subcloning of the promoter regions into a gene reporter system, we found that at least four promoter haplotypes associated with CCND1, E2F1, HDAC1 and RB1 significantly influenced transcriptional activity in an allele-specific manner. Although the biological significance of these observations still remains to be demonstrated, the expected variability of expression levels in key cell cycle components might influence individual's risk of cancer.
Characterizing the genetic structure of worldwide populations is important for understanding huma... more Characterizing the genetic structure of worldwide populations is important for understanding human history and is essential to the design and analysis of genetic epidemiological studies. In this study, we examined genetic structure and distant relatedness and their effect on the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and homozygosity in the founder population of Quebec (Canada). In the French Canadian founder population, such analysis can be performed using both genomic and genealogical data.
Data from uniparentally inherited genetic systems were used to trace evolution of human populatio... more Data from uniparentally inherited genetic systems were used to trace evolution of human populations. Reconstruction of the past primarily relies on variation in present-day populations, limiting historical inference to lineages that are found among living subjects. Our analysis of four population groups in the Gaspé Peninsula, demonstrates how this may occasionally lead to erroneous interpretations. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Gaspesians revealed an important admixture with Native Americans. The most likely scenario links this admixture to French-Canadians from the St. Lawrence Valley who moved to Gaspesia in the 19th century. However, in contrast to genetic data, analysis of genealogical record shows that Native American maternal lineages were brought to Gaspesia in the 18th century by Acadians who settled on the south-western coast of the peninsula. Intriguingly, within three generations, virtually all Métis Acadian families separated from their nonadmixed relatives and moved eastward mixing in with other Gaspesian groups, in which Native American maternal lines are present in relatively high frequencies. Over time, the carriers of these lines eventually lost memory of their mixed Amerindian-Acadian origin. Our results show that a reliable reconstruction of population history requires cross-verification of different data sources for consistency, thus favouring multidisciplinary approaches.
Most genetic studies on the origins of Native Americans have examined data from mtDNA and Y-chrom... more Most genetic studies on the origins of Native Americans have examined data from mtDNA and Y-chromosome DNA. To complement these studies and to broaden our understanding of the origin of Native American populations, we present an analysis of 1,873 X-chromosomes representing Native American (n 5 438) and other continental populations (n 5 1,435). We genotyped 36 polymorphic sites, forming an informative haplotype within an 8-kb DNA segment spanning exon 44 of the dystrophin gene. The data reveal continuity from a common Eurasian ancestry between Europeans, Siberians, and Native Americans. However, the loss of two haplotypes frequent in Eurasia (18.8 and 7%) and the rise in fre-Present address of Sylvie Bourtoumieu:
Stable colonization of the Gaspe Peninsula by Europeans started in the middle of the 18th century... more Stable colonization of the Gaspe Peninsula by Europeans started in the middle of the 18th century at the time of the British conquest of New France. The earliest settlers were Acadians, escaping British deportation policies, followed by Loyalists from the US, who preferred to remain under British rule after the Declaration of Independence. In the 19th century, the developing fishing industry attracted French Canadians from the St. Lawrence Valley and newcomers from Europe including Channel Islanders from Jersey and Guernsey. We analyzed parental lineages of the selfdeclared descendants of these four groups of settlers by mtDNA D-loop sequencing and Y-chromosome genotyping and compared them with French, British, and Irish samples. Their representation in terms of haplotype frequency classes reveals different signatures of founder in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).
Papers by Claudia Moreau