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      Cultural StudiesLiterary studiesChasqui
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      Julio CortázarAxolotl
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      PatagoniaHistoria De La Patagonia
La novela histórica La campaña de Carlos Fuentes (1990) forma parte del tercer ciclo de las novelas sobre el tiempo que constituyen la totalidad de la obra narrativa del autor.
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    • Carlos Fuentes
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      ArtPatagoniaTierraHistoria De La Patagonia
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      GeneticsCultural StudiesPolitical PhilosophyGenomics
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    • Libertine novel; early modern eroticism; theology and science in Early modern France
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      European StudiesEuropean Politics
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      European StudiesTranslation StudiesRadical Enlightenment
De nombreux textes théâtraux et érotiques de Sade partagent une forme historiquement spécifique de la codification du fantasme. La structure dramatique et spéculaire de celui-ci se prête particulièrement bien au procédé de l’enchâssement... more
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In Sade criticism, relations between Sade and Jean-Jacques Rousseau are a polarizing subject. The two authors are either considered to be sharply opposed to, or essentially compatible with, each other. This article argues that the... more
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      GeneticsCultural StudiesPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
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    • Illusion
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      HistoryRussian StudiesRussia
Lexical frequency clearly plays a role in shaping the developing grammar, as frequent forms are acquired earlier and processed more easily than infrequent forms (Ellis 2012, Lieven 2010). Nevertheless, little is known about how frequency... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSpanishSociolinguisticsSpanish Linguistics
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      Second Language AcquisitionSpanish LinguisticsPronounsSpanish as a Second Language
Many studies suggest that motivation is crucial for success in acquiring a second language (L2) (Dörnyei & Clément, 2000; Dörnyei & Schmitt, 2001; Ely, 1986; Gardner, 1985, 2000; Gardner & Lambert, 1972; Hernández, 2006, 2010; Masgoret &... more
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As the breadth of the current volume indicates, the (non)expression of verbal subjects in Spanish is of great interest. Such inquiry is not limited to the expression of subjects by native speakers, but also includes research on the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage Variation and ChangeSpanish LinguisticsHispanic Linguistics
THE PRESEnT STUDY ExPLORES methodological issues related to the growing need to understand the role of lexical frequency (lf) in patterns of language acquisition and use. One specific methodological challenge is determining which measures... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSociolinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsHispanic Linguistics