Université de Moncton
In 2 experiments, the authors tested whether the classical modality effect-that is, the stronger recency effect for auditory items relative to visual items-can be extended to the spatial domain. An order reconstruction task was undertaken... more
Several studies have shown that recall performance depends on the extent to which an item differs from other items in a sequence (the distinctiveness effect; see, e.g., Kelley & Nairne, 2001). Distinctiveness effects, however, have been... more
Sequence learning has notably been studied using the Hebb repetition paradigm (Hebb, 1961) and the serial reaction time (SRT) task (Nissen & Bullemer, Cognitive Psychology 19:1–32, 1987). These two paradigms produce robust learning... more
Immediate serial recall of visually presented verbal stimuli is impaired by the presence of irrelevant auditory background speech, the so-called irrelevant speech effect. Two of the three main accounts of this effect place restrictions on... more
Serial memory for spatial locations increases as the distance between successive stimuli locations decreases. This effect, known as the path length effect . Transitional information in spatial serial memory: Path characteristics affect... more
Tapping and the acoustic confusion effect 2 Abstract When items in a to-be-remembered list sound similar, recall performance is worse than when items are acoustically distinct, what is known as the acoustic confusion effect (ACE).
Serial memory for spatial locations increases as the distance between successive stimuli locations decreases. This effect, known as the path length effect . Transitional information in spatial serial memory: Path characteristics affect... more
When asked to detect target letters while reading a text, participants miss more letters in frequently occurring function words than in less frequent content words. To account for this pattern of results, known as the missingletter... more
When participants search for a target letter while reading, they make more omissions if the target letter is embedded in frequent function words than in less frequent content words. ReXecting developmental changes in component language... more
Two studies were conducted to determine the extent to which young children fixate on the print of storybooks during shared book reading. Children's books varying in the layout of the print and the richness of the illustrations were... more
Two experiments examined the effects of visual similarity on short-term recall for where and when in the visual spatial domain. A series of squares of similar or dissimilar colours were serially presented at various locations on the... more
Disponible en ligne sur www.sciencedirect.com Article original De l'impossibilité d'un traitement syntaxique parafovéal à longue portée : une réplique à Foucambert (2008) ଝ