Université de Moncton
We propose an automatic classification system of movie genres based on different features from their textual synopsis. Our system is first trained on thousands of movie synopsis from online open databases, by learning relationships... more
- by Eric Hervet
Data in real world applications are in most cases linguistic information that are ambiguous and uncertain. Hence, such data should be handled by fuzzy set representation schemes to increase expressiveness and comprehensiveness. Moreover,... more
- by Eric Hervet
We propose an automatic classification system of movie genres based on different features from their textual synopsis. Our system is first trained on thousands of movie synopsis from online open databases, by learning relationships... more
A lot of hype has recently been generated around deep learning, a group of artificial intelligence approaches able to break accuracy records in pattern recognition. Over the course of just a few years, deep learning revolutionized several... more
This paper presents a new steganalysis method that uses a deep belief network (DBN) as a classifier for audio files. It has been tested on three steganographic techniques: StegHide, Hide4PGP and FreqSteg. The results were compared to two... more
Methods in Ecology and Evolution This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences... more
Background: Many apps have been designed to remotely assess clinical status and monitor symptom evolution in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS). These may one day serve as an adjunct for in-person assessment of persons with MS,... more
A lot of hype has recently been generated around deep learning, a group of artificial intelligence approaches able to break accuracy records in pattern recognition. Over the course of just a few years, deep learning revolutionized several... more