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Science education is reasonably constructed around a vision of authentic scientific practices. Yet, this vision of science is clearly a construct as seen when viewing its changes throughout the last 120 years, as well as viewing it... more
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      Computer Supported Collaborative LearningKnowledge buildingCollaborative Problem SolvingKnowledge Creation
Individuals with visual impairments are often underrepresented in art classes and in public art venues because of the traditional emphasis on the visual nature of art. Many students who are visually impaired report being excluded from art... more
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      Arts EducationSocial JusticeDiversity & InclusionUniversal Design
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      Jewish StudiesShakespeareAntisemitism (Prejudice)Theatre
Published May/June American Theatre
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      Critical TheoryComparative LiteratureClassicsLatin Literature
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      DramaturgyTheatreHip-Hop StudiesHip Hop Culture
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      DramaturgyChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureDrama In EducationDrama
Ancient and Modern China Collide in Multimedia Puppetry Extravaganza Performance Review: Ping Chong and Shaanxi Folk Art Theater: Cathay: Three Tales of China. Performed at the New Victory Theater Reviewed on 11/12/06 Translated (into... more
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      Asian StudiesTheatre StudiesPuppetryChildren's and Young Adult Literature
Published Spring 2006 in The Arts Cure- in English & Japanese

Theater Review: Desert Sunrise
Performed at Theater for the New City
Reviewed on 10/22/06
Translated (Japanese) by Rieko Yamanaka
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      Theatre StudiesMiddle East StudiesDramaturgyChildren's and Young Adult Literature
Published in The Arts Cure (United States & Japan) Winter 2005

Event Report: Career Transition For Dancers: That's Entertainment!

Performed by City Center on 10/24/05
Written by Lori Ann Laster
Translated (Japanese) by Tomoyo S Huebler
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      Asian StudiesDance StudiesMusic TheaterDance
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Concurrent enrollment refers to partnerships between postsecondary institutions and schools through which secondary school students can complete a university class taught by a qualifying secondary school teacher at their secondary school.... more
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Concurrent enrollment refers to partnerships between postsecondary institutions and schools through which secondary school students can complete a university class taught by a qualifying secondary school teacher at their secondary school.... more
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      Mathematics EducationEquity LawEducation Sciences
Exposure to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers is essential for urban education in order to diminish deficit-based assumptions about who can succeed in STEM. Prepare2Nspire (P2N) acts as an extracurricular... more
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      Mathematics EducationExcellence
This article presents a description and discussion of the new K-12 English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards from Minnesota and the WIDA Consortium Standards which Wisconsin is adopting. Issues in their implementation are outlined from... more
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■ UNESCO finds that,“worldwide, one in five adults, or some 860 million people are still illiterate, two-thirds of them women”(UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2004). This population of second language (L2) learners who do not read or... more
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Abstract: This article presents an annotated bibliography of research works about digital/technology tools for literacy instruction, discourse/cultural analysis, literacy, literary response/literature/narrative, media-information... more
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The complex relationship between literacy in one's first and second languages (L1 and L2 respectively) and oral skills in one's L1 and L2 has been only partially examined. Table 1 shows that until recently there have been two primary... more
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High quality schooling experiences are essential for adolescents who come to the US as immigrants or refugees. This is particularly true if they arrive with little prior formal schooling and low print literacy. 1 The important role of... more
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This article explores the issues of race and religion as they pertain to adolescent Somali immigrants and their lives at school, among their families, and in their communities. Research from a number of contexts offers a range of... more
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Three times since 1999, the University of Minnesota has organized a small, carefully planned opportunity for language teacher educators to meet—the International Conference on Language Teacher Education. 1 It is special for many reasons;... more
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