University of Minnesota
Computer Science and Engineerng
We present empirical results of an auction-based algorithm for dynamic allocation of tasks to robots. The results have been obtained both in simulation and using real robots. A distinctive feature of our algorithm is its robustness to... more
Clustering techniques have been used by many intelligent software agents in order to retrieve, lter, and categorize documents available on the World Wide Web. Clustering is also useful in extracting salient features of related web... more
We show how paths for articulated robots with many degrees of freedom can be generated in a few seconds or less using nonsystematic parallel search. We present experimental results obtained on a multicomputer for an accurate model of a... more
Clustering techniques have been used by many intelligent software agents in order to retrieve, lter, and categorize documents available on the World Wide Web. Clustering is also useful in extracting salient features of related web... more
We present a generalized market architecture that provides support for a variety of types of transactions, from simple buying and selling of goods and services to complex multi-agent contract negotiations. This architecture is organized... more
In this paper we show that parallel search techniques derived from their sequential counterparts can enable the solution of instances of the robot motion planning problem that are computationally infeasible on sequential machines. We... more
We present a system for multi-agent contract negotiation, implemented as a generalized market architecture called MAGNET. MAGNET provides support for a variety of types of transactions, from simple buying and selling of goods and services... more
We propose an agent for exploring and categorizing documents on the World Wide Web. The heart of the agent is an automatic categorization of a set of documents, combined with a process for generating new queries used to search for new... more
We present a generalized market architecture that provides support for a variety of types of transactions, from simple buying and selling of goods and services to complex multi-agent contract negotiations. This architecture is organized... more
Complex tasks are usually described as high-level goals, leaving out the details on how to achieve them. However, to control a robot, details must be provided. Having the robot move itself to and through an unknown, and possibly narrow,... more
We have designed and built a set of miniature robots, called Scouts, and have developed a distributed software system to control them. This paper addresses the fundamental choices we made in the design of the control software, describes... more
In this paper we study the performance of multiple robots at a search and retrieval task. The robots have all the same capabilities and perform the same task without any explicit communication. The sensing capabilities of the robots are... more