University of Minnesota
Computer Science and Engineering
Abstract Marsupial robotics is a field which requires a high initial investment prior to experiments. We present a new simulation tool used for marsupial actions, enabling research in the area of marsupial robotics. A flexible abstraction... more
Abstract The performance of systems for human activity recognition depends heavily on the placement of cameras observing the scene. This work addresses the question of the optimal placement of cameras to maximize the performance of these... more
There are a number of applications in computer graphics that require as a first step the accurate estimation of principal direction vectors at arbitrary vertices on a triangulated surface. Although several methods for calculating... more
This paper discusses strategies for effectively portraying 3D flow using volume line integral convolution. Issues include defining an appropriate input texture, clarifying the distinct identities and relative depths of the advected... more
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While many factors contribute to shape perception, psychological research indicates that the direction of lines on the surface may have an important influence. This is especially the case when other techniques (shading, silhouetting) do... more
. Three of six visualization methods compared with a user study. Each method shows the same vector field. User performance on different tasks provided quantitative comparisons of the methods.
There are many applications that can benefit from the simultaneous display of multiple layers of data. The objective in these cases is to render the layered surfaces in a such way that the outer structures can be seen and seen through at... more
A n elegant and versatile technique, line integral convolution (LIC) 1,2 represents directional information via patterns of correlation in a texture. Although most commonly used to depict 2D flow, or flow over a surface in 3D, LIC methods... more
Considerable evidence suggests that a viewer's perception of the 3D shape of a polygonally-defined object can be significantly affected (either masked or enhanced) by the presence of a surface texture pattern. However, investigations into... more
Numerous previous studies have suggested that distances appear to be compressed in immersive virtual environments presented via head mounted display systems, relative to in the real world. However, the principal factors that are... more
Successful treatment planning in radiation therapy depends in part on understanding the spatial relationship between patient anatomy and the distribution of radiation dose. We present several visualizations based on volume rendering that... more
Transparency can be a useful device for simultaneously depicting multiple superimposed layers of information in a single image. However, in computer-generated picturesas in photographs and in directly viewed actual objects -it can often... more
When an immersive virtual environment represents a space that is larger than the available space within which a user can travel by directly walking, it becomes necessary to consider alternative methods for traveling through that space.... more
I n our ongoing quest to convey more information more clearly in a single image, harnessing the full potential of texture for data representation remains an elusive goal. Others have begun excellent work in this area, 1-3 and my efforts... more
This paper discusses techniques for extracting feature lines from three-dimensional unstructured grids. Our twin objectives are to facilitate the interactive manipulation of these typically very large and dense meshes, and to clarify the... more
As visualization researchers, we are interested in gaining a better understanding of how to effectively use texture to facilitate shape perception. If we could design the ideal texture pattern to apply to an arbitrary smoothly curving... more
Studies have shown that observers' judgments of surface orientation and curvature are affected by the presence of surface texture pattern. However, the question of designing a texture pattern that does not hide the surface information nor... more