University of Minnesota
College of Business Administration
5. Conclusions In most parts of the world, globalization has become an unstoppable and potent force that impacts everyday life and international relations.
One of the most difficult choices that multinational corporations face is deciding whether to run the same marketing campaign globally or to customize it to the local taste in different countries. In many cases, companies develop their... more
We argue for the importance of a relatively new cultural distinction in the horizontal (valuing equality) or vertical (emphasizing hierarchy) nature of cultures and cultural orientations. A review of the existing cross-cultural literature... more
Abstract 1. Five studies indicate that conceptualizations of power are important elements of culture and serve culturally relevant goals. These studies provide converging evidence that cultures nurture different views of what is desirable... more
Purpose–This paper aims to study English as second language (ESL) consumers in the USA. The authors seek to focus on consumers who are literate in their native country, yet akin to fish out of water due to language difficulties and... more
Abstract This research examines the relationship between literacy and consumer memory. The effects of a variety of stimuli at exposure (ie, brand names, brand signatures, and products in usage) on memory (ie, recognition, stem-completion... more
The commentaries by Aaker (2006), Meyers-Levy (2006), and Oyserman (2006) extend the implications of the horizontal/vertical distinction described in our article (Shavitt, Lalwani, Zhang, & Torelli, 2006) in a number of interesting... more
Abstract With globalization, the number of individuals with knowledge about multiple cultures is on the rise. This article illustrates how studying consumer reactions to brands that are loaded with cultural meanings can contribute to... more
Abstract Five studies indicate that conceptualizations of power are important elements of culture and serve culturally relevant goals. These studies provide converging evidence that cultures nurture different views of what is desirable... more
One of the most difficult choices that multinational corporations face is deciding whether to standardize their communication strategy or to customize it to the taste of consumers in different cultural settings. As new global markets... more
Research on the role of brands for signaling social identity goals has gained momentum in the last few years (eg, Berger and Heath 2007; White and Dahl 2007). This growth is timely as we see in the marketplace that boundaries defining... more
ABSTRACT This research examines the link between culture and consumer phenomena by focusing on the relationship between cultural orientation and mental representations of power. We distinguish among cultures that foster associations of... more
Results from four studies uncover a relatively automatic cultural congruency mechanism that can influence evaluations of culturally charged brand extensions, overriding the impact of perceived fit on extension evaluations. Culturally... more
Abstract Global brands are faced with the challenge of conveying concepts that not only are consistent across borders but also resonate with consumers of different cultures. Building on prior research indicating that abstract brand... more
People buy products not only for what they do, but also for what the product means; thus brands can be symbols that become part of the individual identities of consumers (Levy 1959). McCracken's (1988) model of meaning transfer states... more
Abstract 1. This research makes strides toward reconciling mixed findings in the value-behavior relation by positing that values are abstract representations of ideal end states that are more likely to influence behavior when individuals... more
The constructs of individualism (IND) and collectivism (COL) have dominated the discourse on the psychological impacts of culture over the last 20 years of cross-cultural research (Oyserman, Coon, & Kemmelmeier, 2002).
Collective beliefs about the values that are widely shared among members of a group are important constituents of the normative shared reality in the group. In two studies, we examined how (a) the circulation of a narrative that resonates... more