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The State of Minnesota has established the goal that by the year 2020 all children entering kindergarten will be school-ready. In this report, we assessed the validity of the Minnesota Work Sampling System Kindergarten Entry Developmental... more
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We describe the development, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive preschool to third grade prevention program for the goals of sustaining services at a large scale. The Midwest Child-Parent Center (CPC) Expansion is a... more
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyCognitive ScienceEvidence Based Practice
IMPORTANCE Early childhood interventions have demonstrated positive effects on well-being. Whether full-day vs part-day attendance improves outcomes is unknown. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the association between a full-vs part-day early... more
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      PovertyChild DevelopmentMedicineChicago
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      Linear modelsBrain developmentBrainNear Infrared Spectroscopy
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Perinatal brain injury remains a significant cause of infant mortality and morbidity, but there is not yet an effective bedside tool that can accurately screen for brain injury, monitor injury evolution, or assess response to therapy. The... more
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      NeurosciencePhysiologyDevelopmental BiologyBiomedical Engineering
The hemodynamic functional response is used as a reliable marker of neuronal activity in countless studies of brain function and cognition. In newborns and infants, however, conflicting results have appeared in the literature concerning... more
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      BrainNear Infrared SpectroscopyNewborn InfantSomatosensory Cortex
Understanding the evolution of regional and hemispheric asymmetries in the early stages of life is essential to the advancement of developmental neuroscience. By using 2 noninvasive optical methods, frequency-domain near-infrared... more
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      Cognitive ScienceBrainHemodynamicsCerebral Cortex
Perinatal brain injury remains a significant cause of infant mortality and morbidity, but there is not yet an effective bedside tool that can accurately screen for brain injury, monitor injury evolution, or assess response to therapy. The... more
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      NeurosciencePhysiologyDevelopmental BiologyBiomedical Engineering
Pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) are associated with complex changes of blood flow and metabolism. Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is effective in reducing the extent of brain injury, but... more
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      NeuroscienceNeurologyMicrocirculationFunctional Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are highly variable in their language abilities, but the neural bases of these individual differences are poorly understood. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance... more
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      PsychologyMagnetic Resonance ImagingDiffusion Tensor ImagingLanguage
Understanding the evolution of regional and hemispheric asymmetries in the early stages of life is essential to the advancement of developmental neuroscience. By using 2 noninvasive optical methods, frequency-domain near-infrared... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMedicineBrain development
Little is known about cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume (CBV), oxygenation, and oxygen consumption in the premature newborn brain. We combined quantitative frequency-domain near-infrared spectroscopy measures of cerebral... more
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      MedicineLinear modelsBrain developmentBrain
The hemodynamic functional response is used as a reliable marker of neuronal activity in countless studies of brain function and cognition. In newborns and infants, however, conflicting results have appeared in the literature concerning... more
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      Computer ScienceMedicineBrainNear Infrared Spectroscopy
Perinatal brain injury remains a significant cause of infant mortality and morbidity, but there is not yet an effective bedside tool that can accurately screen for brain injury, monitor injury evolution, or assess response to therapy. The... more
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      NeurosciencePhysiologyDevelopmental BiologyBiomedical Engineering
As a first step to sudy the plant community socio-ecologically, it is necessary to determine the production of matter, therefore analytically the standing crop and the productive structure of the community (Boysen-Jensen 1932, Monsi... more
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      NursingMedicineCritical Care MedicineClinical Sciences
Low-grade germinal matrix-intraventricular hemorrhage (GM-IVH) is the most common complication in extremely premature neonates. The occurrence of GM-IVH is highly associated with hemodynamic instability in the premature brain, yet the... more
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      Functional Near Infrared SpectroscopyMedicineBrainInfant
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      PsychologyCognitionMedicineNeurodevelopmental Disorders
Objective-To characterize restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRBs) and reciprocal social behaviors (RSBs) in a large sample of toddlers who represent a range of birth weights and gestation durations. Study design-A battery of... more
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      PediatricsMedicinePaediatrics and reproductive medicine