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Abstract Hierarchical zeolites are a class of microporous catalysts and adsorbents that also contain mesopores, which allow for fast transport of bulky molecules and thereby enable improved performance in petrochemical and biomass... more
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Crystallization of sodalite was studied in an ethanol–Na2O–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O system. The addition of ethanol was observed to significantly affect the crystallization process and final crystal sizes and morphologies. Micron-sized sodalite... more
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The geometry and internal packing of twisted ropes composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are considered, and a numerical solution in the context of the mesoscopic distinct element method (MDEM) is proposed. Compared to the state of the art,... more
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      NanofibersCarbon NanotubesNanomaterialsNanomechanics
Ultrathin carbon nanotube films have gathered attention for flexible electronics applications. Unfortunately, their network structure changes significantly even under small applied strains. We perform mesoscopic distinct element method... more
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    • Chemical Engineering
For the first time, a laser ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (LI-TOFS) characterization has been performed on silicon oxycarbide glasses obtained by pyrolysis of sol-gel precursors. This technique allows to desorb intermediate... more
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    • Materials Science
We report on the growth of thin films of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) on dielectric substrates. Such films have historically been challenging to grow due to either cracking or incomplete crystallization of the films. We have established the... more
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      Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)Gold NanoparticlesHAMR( Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording)Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction
In this paper, a novel fiber-based magnetooptic (MO) latching circuit using a bismuth-substituted yttrium iron garnet (Bi:YIG) is presented. Experimentation shows that nearly 90° of rotation of the state of polarization of incident light... more
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      Fiber OpticsGarnetsMagneto-opticsAll Optical Switch
Nonreciprocal polarisation mode conversion is demonstrated in semiconductor waveguides with an alternating periodic upper cladding incorporating a segmented magneto-optic iron garnet fabricated with a novel lift-off process and... more
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      Optical WaveguidesIsolatorOptical IsolatorsFaraday Effect
The first experimental TE-mode silicon-on-insulator (SOI) isolators using Faraday Rotation are here realized to fill the 'missing link' in source-integrated near infrared photonic circuits. The isolators are simple 1D 2-element... more
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Monolithic optical isolators that provide modal (transverse electric, TE) and dimensional (500 nm core) matching to on-chip lasers have been realized with "one step" seedlayer-free garnets. To date, seedlayer-free garnet claddings have... more
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Simulations demonstrate that undoped yttrium iron garnet (YIG) seedlayers cause reduced Faraday rotation in silicon-oninsulator (SOI) waveguides with Ce-doped YIG claddings. Undoped seedlayers are required for the crystallization of the... more
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      EngineeringChemistryMaterials ChemistryOrganic Semiconductors
technical ROM 9 TO2 _!__ 92/2/4 22 16 SUPPLEMEN T ARY NOTATION submitted for publication/published in: Journal of the American Chemical Society 17 COSATI CODES 18 SUBJECT TERMS (Conttnue on reverse if necessary and identify by block... more
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An important goal for organic electronics is the synthesis of organic semiconductors with improved performance in thin film transistors (TFTs). 1 This design process should take into account both molecular properties, such as... more
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      ChemistryMedicineTheCHEMICAL SCIENCES
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      Materials ScienceMedicineMultidisciplinaryOptoelectronics
The (Bii,2Naii2)TiO3-BaTiO3 system was prepared by the conventional mixed oxide method and sintering technique. The formation of the compositions was investigated and the influences of the preparation conditions on the... more
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      Materials ScienceMicrostructure
Hollow-core fibre (HCF) is a powerful technology platform offering breakthrough performance improvements in sensing, communications, higher-power pulse delivery and other applications. Free from the usual constraints on what materials can... more
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      Materials ScienceBiologyMedicineMultidisciplinary
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      Materials ScienceThin FilmLanthanumBismuth
Complex oxide thin films, such as ferroelectric thin films, are widely used in various devices. However, the chemical composition and chemical bonding of the surface layer are usually different from those in the 'bulk' region of the oxide... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceThin FilmDIELECTRIC