University of Minnesota
Center for Early Modern History
An inventory of the microfilms of the Archives of the Order of Malta held by the National Library of Malta, Valletta. Originally posted on the website of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library.
AOM Section 15, The Proofs of Nobility, consist of 3349 genealogical records submitted by applicants to the Order of the Hospital's tribunal of nobility between 1522 and 1798. Prospective Knights of Justice had to prove several... more
Review of Thomas S. Asbridge and Susan B. Edgington's Walter the Chancellor's The Antiochene Wars (Ashgate, 1999). Originally published in The Journal of Military History, vol. 64, no. 3, (2000) p. 821-822.
An article that re-interprets the traditional role of municipal militias on the medieval Iberian frontier in light of the available evidence. Published in Crusaders, Condottieri, and Cannon. Medieval Warfare in Societies around the... more
CONTENTS 1. The account book.-2. Organization of Hospitaller priories.-3. Juan de Heredia.
Beginning in the mid-fifteenth century, a theory and justification of dance as art, accompanied by transcription of dances, choreographies, and musical notations, was developed in Italy. Steps and dances that belonged to a repertoire... more
Teatro e le specializzazioni del fare; nascerà il discorso del Teatro che produrrà teatro 1 .
In the fifteenth-century Italian courts, the imagery of song accompanied by the ‘lira’ expressed the modern symbol of ancient oral poetry. The ‘new’ humanist poet-singer, exemplified by the mythological figures of Apollo, Amphion, and... more
Nella Napoli dei Re d’Aragona (1442–1504) le presenze della poesia orale nei luoghi dell’intrattenimento umanistico e del teatro aragonese giocano un ruolo determinante nel cerimoniale cortigiano e nelle strategie di politica culturale... more
Serafino Ciminelli, known as l'Aquilano, was one of the most highly appreciated improvvisatori of the Renaissance, possessing undoubted poetical and musical talent and capable of practising all styles of vernacular poetry. his repertoire... more