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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceTheoretical Analysis
This study was aimed at: (1) developing an observation instrument for assessing English teaching at vocational secondary schools (VSSs), (2) examining the validity of the developed instrument, (3) examining the inter-rater reliability,... more
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationVocational Education
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this paper is about some examples of "how to argue/receive" the statement especially on IELTS preparation based on my experience
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      Creative WritingAcademic Writing
I ask Him all the time and in all cases because He is the one who makes our hearts feel safe. Aku bertanya kepada-Nya sepanjang waktu dan dalam semua kasus karena Dialah yang membuat hati kita merasa aman. The way He makes everything... more
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