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The University of Missouri at Kansas City [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City

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(no subject) [Oct. 30th, 2011|01:04 am]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City

Hey all,
I'm thinking of applying to the social work school for my master's. Just thought I'd say hi.
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Interdisciplinary Ph.D.? [Apr. 18th, 2007|06:07 pm]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City
If anyone here is in the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program, or in the Education or Sociology program (graduate level) I'd love to speak with you to get an insider's view of the program(s).

Thanks in advance. =)
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Care to share your computing @ UMKC stories? [Nov. 13th, 2006|10:20 am]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City
[Current Location |Waterloo, Ontario, Canada]

My name is Kaitlyn, and I'm working on a co-op placement at the University of Waterloo, mostly in the Arts Faculty Helpdesk, but also for the Information Systems and Technology department. IST is trying to keep up with students' computing needs here, and we'd like to know what you like and dislike about your school's approach.

Do you find your teachers' expectations exceed what the school can support when it comes to computing? Does your school have a required laptop program but doesn't support it? Or, do you love how well you can stay wired on your campus?

If you'd like to share your thoughts, please do so by filling out a 5-10 minute survey here:

The results will only be identifiable by IP address, and it will not be used in the analysis. I will only link your school to your answers.

If you have any questions, you can email me at aco.helpdesk {at}

Thanks, and I hope you're having a great fall semester.

~ Kaitlyn
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(no subject) [Oct. 13th, 2006|11:31 pm]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City
Thank you for making me a maintainer of the community.
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(no subject) [Sep. 24th, 2006|07:34 pm]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City

My sister goes to Kansas City Art Institute and Im thinking of transferring here next year, can anyone tell me if they have a good spanish department? (Im thinking of majoring in spanish)
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The end is nigh! [Aug. 18th, 2006|07:18 am]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City

[Current Location |pretending to work is futile, when it's your last day!]
[Current Mood |quixoticquixotic]
[Current Music |Only what is in my head]

Well, summer is almost over... It was good while it lasted. Baring any unfortunate happenings, (like grad school...) this will be my last college summer. So sad. Good luck to everyone on the start of a new year!
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lost flash drive [Apr. 13th, 2006|03:25 pm]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City

Does anyone know a Kristin Khosravian? I found her flash drive on the ground in front of Subway today.
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UMKC: LGBT Student Services Coordinator [Oct. 21st, 2005|11:17 pm]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City

[Current Mood |happyhappy]

UMKC: LGBT Student Services CoordinatorCollapse )
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(no subject) [Sep. 23rd, 2005|12:38 am]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City

lets the get word out to other UMKC students to join the community so we get get bigger and more productive. we've been pretty dead as of late.
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(no subject) [Sep. 23rd, 2005|12:21 am]
The University of Missouri at Kansas City

pkrudie is the new mod.
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