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The dramatic transition from the post-Flexnerian model to the models of 21 st century requires pedagogical practices such as teaching techniques, methods, and strategies to be modernized in order to address the diverse needs of 21 st... more
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Enactivism is one of the emerging theories in cognitive science. This theory focuses on activity and active participation of agents in cognitive development processes. Scholarship, on the other hand, is also active and dynamic by its very... more
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    • Psychology
This manuscript-based (European style) dissertation consisted of three different, but conceptually related manuscripts. The series of manuscripts examined psychosocial factors of learning including attitude towards mathematics, motivation... more
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationPsychosocial
Kinesthetic gaming, which is also called full-body gaming, is the rising star of digital gaming trends of recent years. With the integration of commercially available motion tracking systems into game consoles, players are able to control... more
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      PsychologyCognitionGame Based LearningKinesthetic learning
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This article builds a rationale for using the transformative pedagogy of critical race theory (CRT) to reframe early literacy teacher education and create counternarratives to address pervasive issues of inequity among minoritized... more
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      Critical TheoryEarly Childhood EducationEarly Literacy
This article explores parallel findings from two critical ethnographies (Miller in Whiteness, discourse, and early childhood: an ethnographic study of three young children's understandings about race in home and community settings.... more
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    • Critical Race Theory and Whiteness theory
While we say we believe in every child, the teachers in this article demonstrate that we each have hidden biases that require examination, and it is diffi cult to recognize those biases when we know so little about our children's lives... more
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      Early Childhood EducationSociocultural TheoryCounter NarrativesFunds of Knowledge
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      Teacher EducationEarly Childhood EducationCritical Race Theory
This conceptual article explores literature about and concrete examples of teacher education programs that support the increased achievement of African American and urban students. Drawing from the extant literature as well as their own... more
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      Urban Teacher EducationUrban Teacher PreparationClosing the achievement gap of african american students
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      PerformanceCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theory
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      Early Childhood LiteracyEarly LiteracyCulturally relevant pedagogyLiteracy Teaching In Early Childhood
In this article, four critical ethnographers reflect on dilemmas that arose during individual research projects. We grappled with the question: What does critical ethnography require from us as we work to represent stories that emerge in... more
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      PoststructuralismCritical Race TheoryCritical Whiteness StudiesCritical Ethnography
Moving away from best and evidence-based literacy practices, this commentary offers a conceptualization of high leverage literacy practices (HLLP) based on ongoing critical ethnographic research in high performing urban schools across... more
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      Early Childhood LiteracyEarly Literacy
Based on concerns about the permanence of racism in our society and its impact on opportunities for children’s equitable education, this empirical study used narrative inquiry to explore four preservice teachers’ developing dispositions... more
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      Early Childhood EducationCulturally relevant pedagogyCulturally Responsive Teaching and LearningPreservice Teacher Education
This research note offers a critique of high leverage practices, refuting previous claims from a 2016 Teachers College Record commentary based on the authors' study, which initially sought to investigate high leverage practices. It... more
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Grounded in critical and emancipatory theories, five critical ethnographies about the lives of children, grandchildren, colleagues, students, and teachers are analyzed and synthesized to illuminate the ways in which individuals are... more
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      Whiteness StudiesBlackness
This article explores parallel findings from two critical ethnographies (Miller in Whiteness, discourse, and early childhood: an ethnographic study of three young children's understandings about race in home and community settings.... more
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      Teacher EducationEarly Childhood EducationWhiteness Studies
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language bi/multilingual educational approaches. These practices involve mutual and reciprocal collaboration with families to foreground students' and families'
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      SociologyEarly Childhood LiteracyEarly LiteracyCulturally relevant pedagogy