[Jan. 24th, 2006|01:16 am]
Aloha everybody!
Again, I want to thank all of you who came to last meeting. It was our first meeting of the year, and we kicked off the year with a bang. While munching on pizza, we all got to hear about the Adventures in Haiti experienced by Leah Chapin, RoseAnn Cyriac, Jen Kramer, and Kate Moreng. The group went to Haiti over their winter break to help with the ophthalmology clinic in an established mission there. They presented on their experiences with the culture, people, and clinic in Haiti and gave an overview of Haitian history. We also got to see PICTURES (which were awesome)! A big thanks for sharing their experience with the rest of us.
As Beverly mentioned in the last email you got, we have some **exciting new officer positions** for you all to run for. We are seeking out an Events Coordinator, Service Coordinator, Webmaster/Historian, and Treasurer. For all those interested themselves or interested in nominating others, email the account! We'll take a vote next meeting.
Additionally, we made some decisions on a T-shirt design. We're going to get a light blue T-shirt with "UMKC Medical Humanities Interest Group '05/'06" on the front and the quote "To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always" encircled by a stethoscope in the shape of a heart on the back. I'll draw up actual designs and send them out with T-shirt prices as soon as I get that information. If you are interested in getting a T-shirt and haven't told me so, just email this account with your size. That would be great!
Here are some upcoming date reminders for you all to mark on your calendars:
MHIG meetings at 5:15 Feb. 23, March 9, and April 13
Social events: Feb. 9th or 10th for movie night, March 10th and April 20th or 21st
Med Dance practice: every Wednesday before class around 2:00
Diastole: Jan 27, March 24, April 21, May 19
Next meeting: February 23! Be there or be not cool. :)
Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses - especially learn how to see. Realise that everything connects to everything else.---Leonardo DaVinci |