Papers by Tózé Osório

The research regarding the model of Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) in writing has pro... more The research regarding the model of Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) in writing has proved its effectiveness, mainly in improving the writing and the development of metacognitive skills in students who struggle with writing. Similarly, according to research, well known technological tools can benefit the learning of writing skills. Today, children are becoming experienced users of digital communication and are increasingly familiar with writing digitally and on-line, resulting in relevant changes in the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of teachers and educational communities. One of the gaps that we have identified is the absence of studies that combine SRSD with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Thus, this paper aims to present an early stage of an adaptation of SRSD to the use of ICT complying with theories and concepts, scientifically tested to be effective in improving the quality of writing skills. This adaptation includes the use of technology as a means of solving problems both in linear writing and in multimodal writing.
According to evidence-based research, we are assuming that there exists an association between SRSD and ICT which can improve the quality of the writing process carried out by students.

VII Congresso Mundial de Estilos de Aprendizagem: livro de atas
Os desafios urgentes que a Europa enfrenta exigem respostas eficazes, sendo a educação e a formaç... more Os desafios urgentes que a Europa enfrenta exigem respostas eficazes, sendo a educação e a formação um elemento determinante neste processo. Na sequência de uma investigação, por estudo de casos de aprendizagem intergeracional com TIC, em contextos não-formais e informais, pretendemos com esta comunicação: analisar as novas prioridades europeias no domínio da educação e formação até 2020 e o papel das instituições de ensino superior na resposta eficaz às necessidades geradas pela evolução da sociedade; promover a discussão, com base em boas práticas e evidências de investigação e inovação, sobre novas oportunidades para as instituições de ensino superior poderem incrementar estratégias para alcançar audiências mais amplas, explorando o potencial dos novos ambientes de aprendizagem; contribuir para a caracterização dos novos estilos de aprendizagem que emergem em consequência de adultos e idosos poderem ter acesso contínuo à aprendizagem ao longo da vida.
Vii Conferencia Internacional De Tic Na Educacao Challenges 2011 Perspectivas De Inovacao, May 1, 2011

Over the last years, educators have been forced to rethink about the whole education system. In 2... more Over the last years, educators have been forced to rethink about the whole education system. In 2005, Connectivism, a new learning theory, was emerged. Consequently, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been presented as an alternative powerful educational system. Money was invested and tens of for-profit and non-profit companies involved in producing MOOC. However, integrating and adopting MOOC in educational institutions worldwide is still questionable. This literature review paper addressed and discussed the issues that higher education institutions should consider before adopting MOOC. The findings showed eight considerable, interrelated and controllable MOOC issues: high dropout rate, accreditation, business model, reputation, pedagogy, research ethics, student assessment and language barrier. Policy makers in higher education institutions should be aware of these issues before including MOOC in their development plans. In addition, the paper presented a number of possible future studies.
Ageing population is one of the topics that have attracted the attention of several countries in ... more Ageing population is one of the topics that have attracted the attention of several countries in the interest of social cohesion, economic growth and financial sustainability.

The aim of this article is to analyse EU policy developments in the field of intergenerational le... more The aim of this article is to analyse EU policy developments in the field of intergenerational learning and ICT for an ageing society and identify learning possibilities in formal, non-formal and informal settings. The need to enhance learning opportunities for older people relates to the overall development of the role of lifelong learning and ICT in the digital society.
Firstly, we try to analyse and understand if the policies and consequents practises are enough to promote new possibilities for the new challenges that demographic transformation represents in the world. Secondly, we aim to examine if the intergenerational learning enables best opportunities for the involvement the older in learning ICT. Then we discuss how ICT and intergenerational learning are related, and can support lifelong learning in older ages. Finally, we try to sum up some suggestions to improve ICT and intergenerational learning in order to enable lifelong learning in an ageing society.

Atas do XII Congresso Internacional Galego-Português de Psicopedagogia
Num contexto de aceleradas mudanças demográficas, aliadas a tempos de crise económica e social, v... more Num contexto de aceleradas mudanças demográficas, aliadas a tempos de crise económica e social, verificam-se consequências significativas para a sociedade europeia, incluindo desafios e oportunidades. São necessárias abordagens inovadoras para uma melhor adaptação às transições que ocorrem ao longo da vida. A União Europeia está empenhada em criar mais e melhor emprego e uma sociedade socialmente inclusiva, colocando ênfase no investimento social para reforçar as competências das pessoas e apoiar a sua participação na sociedade e no mercado de trabalho. A educação pode trazer benefícios para a inclusão social, o envelhecimento ativo e a solidariedade intergeracional. Numa Europa, cada vez mais envelhecida, a educação e a aprendizagem para as pessoas mais velhas tem um papel fundamental a desempenhar na realização de uma vasta gama de objetivos sociais e económicos. Neste sentido, analisamos e refletimos sobre as prioridades da Agenda Europeia para a Educação de Adultos, as politicas de Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida, os progressos e as oportunidades de uma Aprendizagem para o Envelhecimento Ativo e para a Aprendizagem Intergeracional. Esta comunicação visa debater e identificar o papel da educação e da aprendizagem numa sociedade envelhecida e as suas implicações numa Europa em transição.

Challenges 2015: Meio Século de TIC na Educação, Half a Century of ICT in Education
Numa sociedade digital, ser competente na utilização das novas tecnologias é fundamental para uma... more Numa sociedade digital, ser competente na utilização das novas tecnologias é fundamental para uma participação plena e ativa de todos os cidadãos. A aprendizagem de competências digitais pelos adultos e idosos é cada vez mais determinante para a aprendizagem ao longo da vida e o envelhecimento ativo. O objetivo desta comunicação é apresentar o contributo da aprendizagem intergeracional
para a inclusão digital das pessoas mais velhas. Assim, apresentamos um estudo de caso no âmbito da aprendizagem intergeracional com Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Em seguida, revelamos, analisamos e discutimos os resultados do estudo. Finalmente, tecemos as conclusões.
In a digital society, be competent in the use of new technologies is essential for complete and active participation of all citizens. Learning digital skills by adults and elderly are increasingly crucial for lifelong learning and active ageing. The purpose of this communication is to present the contribution of intergenerational learning for digital inclusion of adults and older people. Thus, we present a case study in the context of intergenerational learning with Information and Communication Technologies. Then present, analyse and discuss the results of the study. Finally, we present the conclusions.

“Aprender, colaborar e innovar a través de las TIC.” Ponencias, investigaciones y experiencias educativas presentadas en el III Congreso Ibérico de Innovación en Educación con las TIC (ieTIC 2013)
As TIC representam um papel importante na nossa sociedade e a literacia digital é uma competência... more As TIC representam um papel importante na nossa sociedade e a literacia digital é uma competência fundamental no século XXI. No entanto, muitos adultos idosos nunca usaram a Internet devido à falta de qualificações para utilizar as novas tecnologias, ou seja, devido à iliteracia digital e mediática. A motivação de um grupo de adultos idosos para a utilização de redes sociais determinou a realização deste estudo que visou a promoção da literacia digital e
da aprendizagem ao longo da vida por meio da aprendizagem intergeracional e de redes sociais; visou, ainda, identificar formas de concretizar a aprendizagem intergeracional para a literacia digital. Neste artigo apresentam-se as descobertas mais significativas resultantes do estudo de um caso de um grupo de adultos idosos que melhoraram as suas competências digitais e aumentaram o seu interesse pela aprendizagem permanente e ao longo da vida, através da aprendizagem intergeracional com utilização de redes sociais.
ICT play an important role in our society and digital literacy is a key skill in the XXI century. However, many older adults have never used the Internet because they lack skills of using new
technology, due to digital and media illiteracy. The motivation of a group of older adults to use social networks determined this study, which aims to promote digital literacy and lifelong
learning through intergenerational learning and social networks; in addition, it aimed to identify ways of practicing intergenerational learning for digital literacy. This paper presents the more significant findings from the study of a case of a group of older adults who improved their eskills and increased their interest in lifelong learning through intergenerational learning with the use of social networks.

Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism and other growing theories such as Actor-Network and Con... more Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism and other growing theories such as Actor-Network and Connectivism are circulating in the educational field. For each, there are allies who stand behind research evidence and consistency of observation. Meantime, those existing theories dominate the field until the background is changed or new concrete evidence proves their insufficiencies. Connectivists claim that the background or the general climate has recently changed: a new generation of researchers, connectivists propose a new way of conceiving knowledge. According to them, knowledge is a network and learning is a process of exploring this network. Other researchers find this notion either not clear or not new and probably, with no effect in the education field. This paper addresses a foggy understanding of knowledge defined as a network and the lack of resources talking about this topic. Therefore, it tries to clarify what it means to define knowledge as a network and in what way it can affect teaching and learning.

The textbook has been a privileged element for teachers,
students and parents to support acquisit... more The textbook has been a privileged element for teachers,
students and parents to support acquisition and construction
of knowledge. However, in the information and knowledge
society, we are witnessing the introduction, increasingly
intense, of technology in the classroom, starting from the
early years of schooling. Still worthy of being studied, the
supply of digital educational content for primary education,
is little known, especially with regard to the quality of
existing resources and the intensity of their use.
In this context we present the Manual Digital II (MDII)
project, which aims at producing digital pedagogic contents
based on innovative design, production and application
processes, for children, educators, teachers and parents.
Especially for primary education it developed the multimedia application Manual Digital®, in accordance with the curricular guidelines from the Portuguese Ministry of Education, offering children creative learning adjusted to their own learning pace. Establishing itself as a complement
to the textbook, this proposal was geared to help children
acquire basic skills of thinking and develop other levels of
higher cognitive demand. The proposal was also designed to
be easily and naturally integrated into teachers’ regular
In order to study the impact of this digital resource, three
case studies, two in formal learning contexts and one in a
non‐formal learning context, were developed. The findings
suggest different impacts on learning, depending on how
they are operationalized. Simultaneously, during 2012/2013,
several training initiatives were held, resulting in pedagogical materials to assist the integration of the Manual Digital resources in teachers’ daily lesson plans.
In this paper, we present: a) the concept and the product; b)
the findings obtained in the various field activities; and c) the future prospects of this project, including the development of its potential and its possible adaptation to Portuguese speaking countries contexts.
Com vista a analisar o contributo ou o potencial das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC... more Com vista a analisar o contributo ou o potencial das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no desenvolvimento de comunidades, incluindo as comunidades educativas, procura-se analisar a complexa relação das crianças com as tecnologias.
Com vista a analisar o contributo ou o potencial das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC... more Com vista a analisar o contributo ou o potencial das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no desenvolvimento de comunidades, incluindo as comunidades educativas, procura-se analisar a complexa relação das crianças com as tecnologias.
Conference Presentations by Tózé Osório

The challenge posed by ageing population in the field of education and learning, the importance o... more The challenge posed by ageing population in the field of education and learning, the importance of new technology in the global world and solidarity between generations are factors of motivation and opportunity to contribute to a new dynamics of learning and ageing.
Older people’s knowledge, wisdom and life experience will contribute through ICT for a better educational focus on values and traditions, transferring their skills and experience to the younger.
This paper aims to describe the design of learning activities for the development of ICT competences among older adults within the context of informal intergenerational processes of interaction. In addition, youth learning about culture and popular wisdom is also expected, specifically in the area of arts and creativity such as local traditions in northeast Portugal (i.e. winter festivities with “caretos”, sounds and traditional songs).
We intended to explore the significance of encounters and exchanges between younger and older generations for the development of interest in learning traditional arts and then use modern technology to register and preserve these memories.
The outcomes will allow us to get relevant inferences to understand and develop strategies to encourage useful and significant intergenerational learning, and how both generations contribute and benefit from it. The reflections will be essential to identify new areas of teaching and learning, especially through arts and creativity supported by ICT, as well as to understand education and intergenerational learning.

As TIC representam um papel importante na nossa sociedade e a literacia digital é uma
competênci... more As TIC representam um papel importante na nossa sociedade e a literacia digital é uma
competência fundamental no século XXI. No entanto, muitos adultos idosos nunca usaram a
Internet devido à falta de qualificações para utilizar as novas tecnologias, ou seja, devido à
iliteracia digital e mediática. A motivação de um grupo de adultos idosos para a utilização de
redes sociais determinou a realização deste estudo que visou a promoção da literacia digital e da aprendizagem ao longo da vida por meio da aprendizagem intergeracional e de redes
sociais; visou, ainda, identificar formas de concretizar a aprendizagem intergeracional para a literacia digital. Neste artigo apresentam-se as descobertas mais significativas resultantes do estudo de um caso de um grupo de adultos idosos que melhoraram as suas competências digitais e aumentaram o seu interesse pela aprendizagem permanente e ao longo da vida, através da aprendizagem intergeracional com utilização de redes sociais.
ICT play an important role in our society and digital literacy is a key skill in the XXI century. However, many older adults have never used the Internet because they lack skills of using new technology, due to digital and media illiteracy. The motivation of a group of older adults to use social networks determined this study, which aims to promote digital literacy and lifelong learning through intergenerational learning and social networks; in addition, it aimed to identify ways of practicing intergenerational learning for digital literacy. This paper presents the more significant findings from the study of a case of a group of older adults who improved their eskills and increased their interest in lifelong learning through intergenerational learning with the use of social networks.

O rápido desenvolvimento das TIC exige novas competências e conhecimentos quer para a empregabili... more O rápido desenvolvimento das TIC exige novas competências e conhecimentos quer para a empregabilidade quer para uma economia de sucesso, mas também para uma participação plena na sociedade. É reconhecida a necessidade de resolver as questões de um mundo em constante mudança, em virtude das alterações demográficas, do desenvolvimento tecnológico, da competitividade global e da crise económica e social. Assim, é urgente reverter o problema numa oportunidade. A educação precisa de oferecer soluções para os principais desafios que a Europa enfrenta. Inovar o ensino e a aprendizagem, modernizar a educação para o espectro completo de todos os alunos, de todas as idades e em todos os contextos educativos através das novas tecnologias, são requisitos para uma educação aberta, digital, flexível e ao longo da vida. Reconhecendo o potencial das novas tecnologias para aumentar a eficácia e a equidade na educação, diversas entidades têm-se empenhado em políticas e medidas destinadas a incrementar uma educação para todas as idades e ao longo da vida. Questões sociais e educativas como a literacia digital para a inclusão social, a aprendizagem intergeracional para a solidariedade entre gerações ou a ‘open education’ para a aprendizagem de adultos, são alguns exemplos. Com base em investigação realizada, com o estudo de três casos diferentes de TIC e intergeracionalidade, intencionamos, neste poster, identificar políticas e práticas relevantes para a convergência entre novas tecnologias, educação, intergeracionalidade e aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Finalmente, apresentamos ideias e desafios para ambientes de aprendizagem abertos à educação intergeracional e ao longo da vida através do recurso às novas tecnologias e aos recursos educativos abertos.

Numa sociedade digital, ser competente na utilização das novas tecnologias é fundamental para uma... more Numa sociedade digital, ser competente na utilização das novas tecnologias é fundamental para uma participação plena e ativa de todos os cidadãos. A aprendizagem de competências digitais pelos adultos e idosos é cada vez mais determinante para a aprendizagem ao longo da vida e o envelhecimento ativo. O objetivo desta comunicação é apresentar o contributo da aprendizagem intergeracional
para a inclusão digital das pessoas mais velhas. Assim, apresentamos um estudo de caso no âmbito da aprendizagem intergeracional com Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Em seguida, revelamos, analisamos e discutimos os resultados do estudo. Finalmente, tecemos as conclusões.
In a digital society, be competent in the use of new technologies is essential for complete and active participation of all citizens. Learning digital skills by adults and elderly are increasingly crucial for lifelong learning and active ageing. The purpose of this communication is to present the contribution of intergenerational learning for digital inclusion of adults and older people. Thus, we present a case study in the context of intergenerational learning with Information and Communication Technologies. Then present, analyse and discuss the results of the study. Finally, we present the conclusions.
Posters by Tózé Osório

A competência digital é uma das oito competências chave para a aprendizagem ao longo da vida e é ... more A competência digital é uma das oito competências chave para a aprendizagem ao longo da vida e é essencial para uma participação plena na sociedade digital. É uma competência transversal, favorece a aquisição de outras competências essenciais: as línguas estrangeiras, a matemática, aprender a aprender, espírito de iniciativa e empresarial ou a sensibilidade e expressão culturais. O Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para a Competência Digital (European Digital Competence Framework - DIGCOMP), é a proposta da Comissão Europeia para o conjunto de competências que são necessárias a todos os cidadãos de hoje. O DIGCOMP descreve 21 competências, estruturadas de acordo com 5 áreas de competência (Informação, Comunicação, Criação de Conteúdo, Segurança e Resolução de Problemas), para usar as tecnologias digitais de uma forma confiante, crítica, colaborativa e criativa, com vista a atingir as metas relacionadas com o trabalho, a empregabilidade, a aprendizagem, o lazer, a inclusão e participação na sociedade. Tendo como referência o DIGCOMP, adaptado numa perspetiva holística da competência digital, apresentamos uma proposta de Competência Digital Intergeracional. Esta proposta nasce da necessidade de oferecer uma referência para a educação intergeracional promotora de competências para o século XXI, em todas as gerações e de todas as idades, bem como para auxiliar professores e educadores a compreenderem o que é a competência digital e como esta pode estar articulada com atividades de natureza intergeracional. O principal objetivo é facilitar a aplicação do DIGCOMP a diferentes contextos, como os intergeracionais, e criar motivação para que as escolas sejam impulsionadoras do desenvolvimento de competências digitais para todos os cidadãos (crianças, jovens, pais, avós, vizinhos, comunidade). A partilha e produção de conhecimentos em ambientes de aprendizagem formal, mas que facilmente podem transformar-se em ambientes informais e intergeracionais, para desenvolver e inovar práticas educativas conducentes à compreensão da necessidade de que todos precisam de competências digitais para uma aprendizagem ao longo da vida e para enfrentar os desafios de uma sociedade digital e envelhecida.
Papers by Tózé Osório
Thus, this paper aims to present an early stage of an adaptation of SRSD to the use of ICT complying with theories and concepts, scientifically tested to be effective in improving the quality of writing skills. This adaptation includes the use of technology as a means of solving problems both in linear writing and in multimodal writing.
According to evidence-based research, we are assuming that there exists an association between SRSD and ICT which can improve the quality of the writing process carried out by students.
Firstly, we try to analyse and understand if the policies and consequents practises are enough to promote new possibilities for the new challenges that demographic transformation represents in the world. Secondly, we aim to examine if the intergenerational learning enables best opportunities for the involvement the older in learning ICT. Then we discuss how ICT and intergenerational learning are related, and can support lifelong learning in older ages. Finally, we try to sum up some suggestions to improve ICT and intergenerational learning in order to enable lifelong learning in an ageing society.
para a inclusão digital das pessoas mais velhas. Assim, apresentamos um estudo de caso no âmbito da aprendizagem intergeracional com Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Em seguida, revelamos, analisamos e discutimos os resultados do estudo. Finalmente, tecemos as conclusões.
In a digital society, be competent in the use of new technologies is essential for complete and active participation of all citizens. Learning digital skills by adults and elderly are increasingly crucial for lifelong learning and active ageing. The purpose of this communication is to present the contribution of intergenerational learning for digital inclusion of adults and older people. Thus, we present a case study in the context of intergenerational learning with Information and Communication Technologies. Then present, analyse and discuss the results of the study. Finally, we present the conclusions.
da aprendizagem ao longo da vida por meio da aprendizagem intergeracional e de redes sociais; visou, ainda, identificar formas de concretizar a aprendizagem intergeracional para a literacia digital. Neste artigo apresentam-se as descobertas mais significativas resultantes do estudo de um caso de um grupo de adultos idosos que melhoraram as suas competências digitais e aumentaram o seu interesse pela aprendizagem permanente e ao longo da vida, através da aprendizagem intergeracional com utilização de redes sociais.
ICT play an important role in our society and digital literacy is a key skill in the XXI century. However, many older adults have never used the Internet because they lack skills of using new
technology, due to digital and media illiteracy. The motivation of a group of older adults to use social networks determined this study, which aims to promote digital literacy and lifelong
learning through intergenerational learning and social networks; in addition, it aimed to identify ways of practicing intergenerational learning for digital literacy. This paper presents the more significant findings from the study of a case of a group of older adults who improved their eskills and increased their interest in lifelong learning through intergenerational learning with the use of social networks.
students and parents to support acquisition and construction
of knowledge. However, in the information and knowledge
society, we are witnessing the introduction, increasingly
intense, of technology in the classroom, starting from the
early years of schooling. Still worthy of being studied, the
supply of digital educational content for primary education,
is little known, especially with regard to the quality of
existing resources and the intensity of their use.
In this context we present the Manual Digital II (MDII)
project, which aims at producing digital pedagogic contents
based on innovative design, production and application
processes, for children, educators, teachers and parents.
Especially for primary education it developed the multimedia application Manual Digital®, in accordance with the curricular guidelines from the Portuguese Ministry of Education, offering children creative learning adjusted to their own learning pace. Establishing itself as a complement
to the textbook, this proposal was geared to help children
acquire basic skills of thinking and develop other levels of
higher cognitive demand. The proposal was also designed to
be easily and naturally integrated into teachers’ regular
In order to study the impact of this digital resource, three
case studies, two in formal learning contexts and one in a
non‐formal learning context, were developed. The findings
suggest different impacts on learning, depending on how
they are operationalized. Simultaneously, during 2012/2013,
several training initiatives were held, resulting in pedagogical materials to assist the integration of the Manual Digital resources in teachers’ daily lesson plans.
In this paper, we present: a) the concept and the product; b)
the findings obtained in the various field activities; and c) the future prospects of this project, including the development of its potential and its possible adaptation to Portuguese speaking countries contexts.
Conference Presentations by Tózé Osório
Older people’s knowledge, wisdom and life experience will contribute through ICT for a better educational focus on values and traditions, transferring their skills and experience to the younger.
This paper aims to describe the design of learning activities for the development of ICT competences among older adults within the context of informal intergenerational processes of interaction. In addition, youth learning about culture and popular wisdom is also expected, specifically in the area of arts and creativity such as local traditions in northeast Portugal (i.e. winter festivities with “caretos”, sounds and traditional songs).
We intended to explore the significance of encounters and exchanges between younger and older generations for the development of interest in learning traditional arts and then use modern technology to register and preserve these memories.
The outcomes will allow us to get relevant inferences to understand and develop strategies to encourage useful and significant intergenerational learning, and how both generations contribute and benefit from it. The reflections will be essential to identify new areas of teaching and learning, especially through arts and creativity supported by ICT, as well as to understand education and intergenerational learning.
competência fundamental no século XXI. No entanto, muitos adultos idosos nunca usaram a
Internet devido à falta de qualificações para utilizar as novas tecnologias, ou seja, devido à
iliteracia digital e mediática. A motivação de um grupo de adultos idosos para a utilização de
redes sociais determinou a realização deste estudo que visou a promoção da literacia digital e da aprendizagem ao longo da vida por meio da aprendizagem intergeracional e de redes
sociais; visou, ainda, identificar formas de concretizar a aprendizagem intergeracional para a literacia digital. Neste artigo apresentam-se as descobertas mais significativas resultantes do estudo de um caso de um grupo de adultos idosos que melhoraram as suas competências digitais e aumentaram o seu interesse pela aprendizagem permanente e ao longo da vida, através da aprendizagem intergeracional com utilização de redes sociais.
ICT play an important role in our society and digital literacy is a key skill in the XXI century. However, many older adults have never used the Internet because they lack skills of using new technology, due to digital and media illiteracy. The motivation of a group of older adults to use social networks determined this study, which aims to promote digital literacy and lifelong learning through intergenerational learning and social networks; in addition, it aimed to identify ways of practicing intergenerational learning for digital literacy. This paper presents the more significant findings from the study of a case of a group of older adults who improved their eskills and increased their interest in lifelong learning through intergenerational learning with the use of social networks.
para a inclusão digital das pessoas mais velhas. Assim, apresentamos um estudo de caso no âmbito da aprendizagem intergeracional com Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Em seguida, revelamos, analisamos e discutimos os resultados do estudo. Finalmente, tecemos as conclusões.
In a digital society, be competent in the use of new technologies is essential for complete and active participation of all citizens. Learning digital skills by adults and elderly are increasingly crucial for lifelong learning and active ageing. The purpose of this communication is to present the contribution of intergenerational learning for digital inclusion of adults and older people. Thus, we present a case study in the context of intergenerational learning with Information and Communication Technologies. Then present, analyse and discuss the results of the study. Finally, we present the conclusions.
Posters by Tózé Osório
Thus, this paper aims to present an early stage of an adaptation of SRSD to the use of ICT complying with theories and concepts, scientifically tested to be effective in improving the quality of writing skills. This adaptation includes the use of technology as a means of solving problems both in linear writing and in multimodal writing.
According to evidence-based research, we are assuming that there exists an association between SRSD and ICT which can improve the quality of the writing process carried out by students.
Firstly, we try to analyse and understand if the policies and consequents practises are enough to promote new possibilities for the new challenges that demographic transformation represents in the world. Secondly, we aim to examine if the intergenerational learning enables best opportunities for the involvement the older in learning ICT. Then we discuss how ICT and intergenerational learning are related, and can support lifelong learning in older ages. Finally, we try to sum up some suggestions to improve ICT and intergenerational learning in order to enable lifelong learning in an ageing society.
para a inclusão digital das pessoas mais velhas. Assim, apresentamos um estudo de caso no âmbito da aprendizagem intergeracional com Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Em seguida, revelamos, analisamos e discutimos os resultados do estudo. Finalmente, tecemos as conclusões.
In a digital society, be competent in the use of new technologies is essential for complete and active participation of all citizens. Learning digital skills by adults and elderly are increasingly crucial for lifelong learning and active ageing. The purpose of this communication is to present the contribution of intergenerational learning for digital inclusion of adults and older people. Thus, we present a case study in the context of intergenerational learning with Information and Communication Technologies. Then present, analyse and discuss the results of the study. Finally, we present the conclusions.
da aprendizagem ao longo da vida por meio da aprendizagem intergeracional e de redes sociais; visou, ainda, identificar formas de concretizar a aprendizagem intergeracional para a literacia digital. Neste artigo apresentam-se as descobertas mais significativas resultantes do estudo de um caso de um grupo de adultos idosos que melhoraram as suas competências digitais e aumentaram o seu interesse pela aprendizagem permanente e ao longo da vida, através da aprendizagem intergeracional com utilização de redes sociais.
ICT play an important role in our society and digital literacy is a key skill in the XXI century. However, many older adults have never used the Internet because they lack skills of using new
technology, due to digital and media illiteracy. The motivation of a group of older adults to use social networks determined this study, which aims to promote digital literacy and lifelong
learning through intergenerational learning and social networks; in addition, it aimed to identify ways of practicing intergenerational learning for digital literacy. This paper presents the more significant findings from the study of a case of a group of older adults who improved their eskills and increased their interest in lifelong learning through intergenerational learning with the use of social networks.
students and parents to support acquisition and construction
of knowledge. However, in the information and knowledge
society, we are witnessing the introduction, increasingly
intense, of technology in the classroom, starting from the
early years of schooling. Still worthy of being studied, the
supply of digital educational content for primary education,
is little known, especially with regard to the quality of
existing resources and the intensity of their use.
In this context we present the Manual Digital II (MDII)
project, which aims at producing digital pedagogic contents
based on innovative design, production and application
processes, for children, educators, teachers and parents.
Especially for primary education it developed the multimedia application Manual Digital®, in accordance with the curricular guidelines from the Portuguese Ministry of Education, offering children creative learning adjusted to their own learning pace. Establishing itself as a complement
to the textbook, this proposal was geared to help children
acquire basic skills of thinking and develop other levels of
higher cognitive demand. The proposal was also designed to
be easily and naturally integrated into teachers’ regular
In order to study the impact of this digital resource, three
case studies, two in formal learning contexts and one in a
non‐formal learning context, were developed. The findings
suggest different impacts on learning, depending on how
they are operationalized. Simultaneously, during 2012/2013,
several training initiatives were held, resulting in pedagogical materials to assist the integration of the Manual Digital resources in teachers’ daily lesson plans.
In this paper, we present: a) the concept and the product; b)
the findings obtained in the various field activities; and c) the future prospects of this project, including the development of its potential and its possible adaptation to Portuguese speaking countries contexts.
Older people’s knowledge, wisdom and life experience will contribute through ICT for a better educational focus on values and traditions, transferring their skills and experience to the younger.
This paper aims to describe the design of learning activities for the development of ICT competences among older adults within the context of informal intergenerational processes of interaction. In addition, youth learning about culture and popular wisdom is also expected, specifically in the area of arts and creativity such as local traditions in northeast Portugal (i.e. winter festivities with “caretos”, sounds and traditional songs).
We intended to explore the significance of encounters and exchanges between younger and older generations for the development of interest in learning traditional arts and then use modern technology to register and preserve these memories.
The outcomes will allow us to get relevant inferences to understand and develop strategies to encourage useful and significant intergenerational learning, and how both generations contribute and benefit from it. The reflections will be essential to identify new areas of teaching and learning, especially through arts and creativity supported by ICT, as well as to understand education and intergenerational learning.
competência fundamental no século XXI. No entanto, muitos adultos idosos nunca usaram a
Internet devido à falta de qualificações para utilizar as novas tecnologias, ou seja, devido à
iliteracia digital e mediática. A motivação de um grupo de adultos idosos para a utilização de
redes sociais determinou a realização deste estudo que visou a promoção da literacia digital e da aprendizagem ao longo da vida por meio da aprendizagem intergeracional e de redes
sociais; visou, ainda, identificar formas de concretizar a aprendizagem intergeracional para a literacia digital. Neste artigo apresentam-se as descobertas mais significativas resultantes do estudo de um caso de um grupo de adultos idosos que melhoraram as suas competências digitais e aumentaram o seu interesse pela aprendizagem permanente e ao longo da vida, através da aprendizagem intergeracional com utilização de redes sociais.
ICT play an important role in our society and digital literacy is a key skill in the XXI century. However, many older adults have never used the Internet because they lack skills of using new technology, due to digital and media illiteracy. The motivation of a group of older adults to use social networks determined this study, which aims to promote digital literacy and lifelong learning through intergenerational learning and social networks; in addition, it aimed to identify ways of practicing intergenerational learning for digital literacy. This paper presents the more significant findings from the study of a case of a group of older adults who improved their eskills and increased their interest in lifelong learning through intergenerational learning with the use of social networks.
para a inclusão digital das pessoas mais velhas. Assim, apresentamos um estudo de caso no âmbito da aprendizagem intergeracional com Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Em seguida, revelamos, analisamos e discutimos os resultados do estudo. Finalmente, tecemos as conclusões.
In a digital society, be competent in the use of new technologies is essential for complete and active participation of all citizens. Learning digital skills by adults and elderly are increasingly crucial for lifelong learning and active ageing. The purpose of this communication is to present the contribution of intergenerational learning for digital inclusion of adults and older people. Thus, we present a case study in the context of intergenerational learning with Information and Communication Technologies. Then present, analyse and discuss the results of the study. Finally, we present the conclusions.
As oficinas TIC intergeracionais, enquanto promotoras de uma educação para a inclusão digital e intergeracional, têm como objetivo fomentar práticas educativas intergeracionais através das TIC, e visam: promover a colaboração entre jovens, adultos e seniores na aquisição de competências digitais e na partilha de experiências e saberes; contribuir para a inclusão e a participação ativa de todos na sociedade digital; promover o envelhecimento ativo, o diálogo e a solidariedade entre gerações.
Este projeto tem vindo a ser desenvolvido desde 2012 na ESE de Bragança, com a participação de estudantes da instituição e da comunidade local. As oficinas são gratuitas e os participantes voluntários. Decorrem num contexto de aprendizagem não-formal, uma vez por semana, com a duração de 2 horas e a orientação de uma docente especialista na área. As oficinas são adaptadas aos interesses e necessidades do grupo, com a participação dinâmica de todos os envolvidos no processo educativo. Enquanto os estudantes apoiam os adultos e idosos partilhando as suas experiências com as novas tecnologias e competências digitais, os adultos e idosos compartilham histórias de vida e saberes com os jovens.
Enquanto encontro educativo entre gerações com benefícios mútuos para todos os participantes, o projeto tem alcançado os objetivos e vindo a revelar-se extremamente positivo.
A educação para a inclusão digital e intergeracional constitui-se como um desafio para refletir sobre o papel que o diálogo intergeracional pode ter, enquanto catalisador de iniciativas centradas na promoção
Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem intergeracional, aprendizagem ao longo da vida, redes sociais, TIC
Social networks are no longer new to most people. Children, youth, adults and seniors join, increasingly, this form of communication, interaction, publishing and online sharing. Social networks were implemented in society so that a large proportion of older adults population, while not having a profile on these networks, are aware of its existence and express curiosity in learning how to use them. In this sense, we formulated the following questions: what is the motivation of older adults to use social networking? How can intergenerational learning contribute to the effective use of ICT by older adults? What is the role of social networking and intergenerational sharing to promote lifelong learning? In this communication we present a group of older adults who increased their interest in learning ICT and lifelong learning through the use of social networks.
Keywords: Intergenerational learning, lifelong learning, social networks, ICT
Relações intergeracionais, convivência e solidariedade geracional são outros temas igualmente importantes. O rápido envelhecimento da nossa sociedade aliado às mudanças nas estruturas familiares e à tendência para uma crescente distância geográfica entre os membros da família, perspetiva situações de exclusão social dos idosos e falta de apoio familiar.
O Ano Europeu do Envelhecimento Ativo e da Solidariedade entre Gerações visa precisamente responder aos desafios de uma sociedade europeia envelhecida e reduzir o risco do conflito geracional, alertando para a importância do contributo dos idosos para a sociedade e incentivando a criação de condições necessárias ao envelhecimento ativo e ao reforço da solidariedade entre as gerações.
Face a este panorama é iminente promover o acesso e a participação ativa de pessoas idosas em iniciativas de educação e de aprendizagem intergeracional e ao longo da vida, através da partilha de informação e conhecimento numa perspetiva de preservação da herança cultural pelas tecnologias, de valorização dos mais velhos junto dos mais jovens e da promoção da aprendizagem e da solidariedade intergeracional.
Mas, como melhorar as competências digitais nos idosos? Como envolver gerações diferentes através das tecnologias? O que os jovens e os idosos pensam sobre o assunto? Quais as suas sugestões? Para ajudar a encontrar respostas para tal tipo de questões, fomos ao encontro destes grupos e procurámos saber o que pensam sobre o assunto, quais os seus interesses, necessidades e perspetivas através de questionários e entrevistas de grupo.
Neste poster, apresentamos os resultados do contacto entre grupos geracionais e algumas ideias de como promover a aquisição de competências digitais junto dos idosos envolvendo gerações diferentes; também propomos sugestões de práticas que promovam o diálogo, o relacionamento positivo e a solidariedade entre gerações. Estamos convictos que a colaboração conjunta através das TIC vai permitir que as gerações aprendam umas com as outras e contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas dinâmicas de aprendizagem intergeracional.
A participatory approach was used to reach the intricacies of children’s (a total of 41, mostly girls and aged 10-12) digital lives.
Findings suggest that online piracy is a morally acceptable activity among children and a worrying lack of knowledge and impunity may be governing such practices, which can occur in an anytime, anyplace context.
Additionally, old and new vectors of victimisation, vulnerability and harm are emerging, where the child can become, simultaneously, perpetrator and victim.
Kids Media Lab research project: technologies and learning of pre-school programming is part of a post-doctoral research at the University of Minho (Portugal), since September 2015. Educators and children involved in the research belong to 5 districts of Portugal (Aveiro, Braga, Coimbra, Porto and Viseu). The main objective of the research is to understand how children learn to program at pre-school age. The research followed a qualitative methodology based on case studies and the first data collection conducted during the 2016/2017 school year. The activities were carried out in 5 schools, with 114 children, of which 71 were the sample of this research. In the data collected we used Involvement Scale for Young Children, a grid validated by the Ministry of Education in Portugal. The results show a very active participation of children and educators, with great effort and learning, in several curricular areas, through computational thinking activities, programming and robotics. It is concluded that the participation of children was generally above level 4, on a scale of 1 to 5. The motivation in all the activities was always a constant and allowed learning in various curricular areas.