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This paper focuses on reading skills in piano classes, teaching and pedagogy. It was written in Portuguese and accounts the ideas presented by Antoine De La Garanderie on learning processes, namely his work Pédagogie des Moyens D'Apprendre.
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Berlioz, a career in a period of emancipation for artists, when the monetary issues dictate many of the composer's choices. Odds and praises marked Berlioz's life and production.
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    • Music History
My second written work for the module Psychology of Music. Two themes proposed by my teacher, Dr. Daniel Oliveira, the first one on work methodologies of instrumental and vocal groups, the second one about the role of the body in... more
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      Educational PsychologySociology of the Body
Christian comunities are engaging across the globe in campaigns for preserving and caring the environment. This concern for a better and sustainable world is not new, nor unique to evangelicals. Rather to rely exclusively on the biblical... more
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    • Environmental Sustainability
The present communication aims to describe the main framework of an intervention project in the school library of a music conservatoire in the city of Braga. It consists on an exhibition of musical dioramas within a pedagogical context... more
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      Music EducationMusicologyEducational psicology
A presente exposição é uma atividade inovadora no Conservatório. Tem havido mostras de vários trabalhos no domínio das Expressões. No entanto, “O diorama musical chega ao conservatório” apresenta uma organização e uma narrativa muito... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyMuseum Studies
Durante os idias 11 e 12 de julho, tive a felicidade de participar, como formando, num conjunto de painéis com individualidades do mundo da Composição e da Análise, e onde foram abordados temas considerados prementes para aquelas áreas.... more
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A group of six master students engaged with a classroom with youngsters aged 11-13 yo. in a cultural and instructional activity recalling a circus. The present document is a report and a collaborative reflection about the steps taken to... more
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    • Circus Studies
O presente trabalho apresenta-se estruturado em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo pretende introduzir o leitor no contexto biográfico de João Domingos Bomtempo. Este capítulo, destinado ao professor pretende constituir-se como um... more
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      Music EducationMusic HistoryMusicologyClassical piano music
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    • Curriculum and Instruction
This report presents the conception, implementation and research of the Intervention Project, which took place at the Conservatório de Música de Calouste Gulbenkian in Braga, Portugal as an exposition of dioramas. It also presents a... more
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    • Art
A realização deste trabalho beneficiou da participação de muitas pessoas que colaboraram com os seus conhecimentos e a experiência, mas também com o seu entusiasmo e alegria. Assim, gostaria de exprimir os meus reconhecidos... more
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    • Humanities
Sex education is a process that accompanies individuals throughout their lives. The sociocultural changes of recent decades have revealed the need for a formal sex education that allows young people to relate with each other in a... more
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    • Humanities
A educação sexual é fundamental na promoção da saúde sexual dos adolescentes, e a escola é, de acordo com a legislação portuguesa, a responsável pela sua abordagem formal. É objetivo deste estudo avaliar o impacto de um programa de... more
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      PsychologySexuality education
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