Papers by Baltazar Fernandes
Esta investigação decorre de uma proposta para a apresentação de um estudo de opinião sobre "gest... more Esta investigação decorre de uma proposta para a apresentação de um estudo de opinião sobre "gestão dos serviços de saúde". Todos sabemos que abundam opiniões sobre esta temática. Das mais às menos fundamentadas. Todavia, são raros ou nulos os que vinculam a opinião do cidadão! Então, com base neste pressuposto, resolvemos lançar um inquérito de opinião na plataforma eletrónica "SurveyMonkey". Neste alinhamento, optamos por um questionário simples, de fácil abordagem, que não demorasse mais de três minutos a preencher. Deste modo e, para a sua disseminação, utilizamos as redes sociais, particularmente o facebook, conseguindo-se dezenas de partilhas logo no primeiro dia. Ao terceiro dia de disponibilidade, desativamos o acesso, pois tínhamos 287 questionários preenchidos.
In this approach, we devote particular attention to the different software’s that focus ... more Abstract
In this approach, we devote particular attention to the different software’s that focus on textual analysis, that in one way or another, they have contributed to the development of social sciences in a general way and for the social representations in a particular sense.
However, in the course of current economic and financial constraints, in which the schools in general and students in other particular way struggle, this approach was segmented between free software and those involving the acquisition of an installation license.
Thus, we intend to make it clear that it will not be because of lack of free work tools, that high quality academic projects will no longer be developed, which it will reflect a significant reduction in costs in the economic-related budgets of universities

This study focuses on the creation of the Local Health Unit of the Alto Minho, EPE. A process tha... more This study focuses on the creation of the Local Health Unit of the Alto Minho, EPE. A process that started in October 2008, from which resulted the mergin of two existing hospitals in the district of Viana do Castelo, with all the health centers in this geographical area.
However, this fusion process involved a point of radical change, particularly for employees of health centers that were confronted against a backdrop of irreversible change, as opposed to normative contexts of some decades, which they were used to.
Thus, it was from this changing scenario, that we believe we have a breeding ground for research in the social representations in organizational contexts of normative break with the on-going existing practices.
This study fits conceptually in the social representations theory, but also anchors itself on the contributions of the change theory and the theory of resources (the Resource Based View).
The collection of the content of social representations was based on two methodologies, which by not being different ended being complementary to each other. In the foreground it was made a collection of contents of social representations through the inductive term ULSAM and, second, we use the logo as an inductive term, focusing on the ideas and thoughts, feelings and emotions that it aroused.
For this purpose, we used two samples of probabilistic type. The first 450 employees and the second of 108 elements, which reflect two studies with different methodologies of analysis but complementary.
Subsequently, in regard to the content analysis and the internal structure of social representations, we used for the same purpose two different softwares, in the first case and the EVOC SMI and in the second case the Factorial Analysis of Principal Components which can be achieved from different software but here the choice fell on SPSS.
In this study, we tried to make clear, the importance of traditionally used software in studies of social representations, making a comprehensive demonstration of its use, as well as the of the advantages of the use of complementary and alternative methodologies for gathering and analyzing the content and structure of social representations.
However, we understand also that it is appropriate to listen and analyze what those responsible for determining and implementing this change process had to say on the subject now in a retrospective view, using for this purpose the structured interview, which focused on the same assumptions that we had for the other employees.
Thus summarizing the different representations identified through the methodologies presented here, seeking to notice the marks and the evidence left by this whole route, where qualitative and quantitative methodologies mingle to the same go, both with regard to social representations as to the culture and organizational commitment of employees ULSAM.
And from here it is concluded that, under the view held by social representations, there are two approaches to the central core. One taken by less differentiated groups (nurses, technical assistants and professional assistants) and another taken by most differentiated groups (doctors and technicians). Thus we can say, that there are two different social representations, which means that from the managerial point of view that also have managerial different approaches. It also became clear that employees are more concerned with the issues of labor and its results than the true implications of the change.
Reconhecimento ótico de caracteres ou OCR, é um método que nos permite fazer o reconhecimento de ... more Reconhecimento ótico de caracteres ou OCR, é um método que nos permite fazer o reconhecimento de um texto mesmo quando o arquivo é uma imagem. Com esta tecnologia conseguimos de forma rápida e eficiente recuperar documentos antigos, tornando-os editáveis e posteriormente reconverte-los no formato que melhor nos interessar, como por exemplo e-book ou formato papel.
Manual de apoio ao software Iramuteq, simples e interativo, para análise do corpus textual. Tradu... more Manual de apoio ao software Iramuteq, simples e interativo, para análise do corpus textual. Tradução e formatação livre do manual de apoio em francês da autoria de Lucie Loubère e Pierre Ratinaud.
Neste artigo focalizamos a vantagem competitiva nos recursos capazes de tornarem as organizações ... more Neste artigo focalizamos a vantagem competitiva nos recursos capazes de tornarem as organizações mais competitivas, ao invés de outra lógica que focaliza a sua abordagem do lado do produto.
Conference Presentations by Baltazar Fernandes

Numa sociedade ultra concorrencial, em constante transformação, onde a metainformação se transfor... more Numa sociedade ultra concorrencial, em constante transformação, onde a metainformação se transformou num ativo imensurável, existem, neste contexto, fraquezas e potencialidades, que importa acautelar. Nesta apresentação, focalizamos, o que nos parece mais pertinente, para a implementação do Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados em contextos de prestação de Cuidados de Saúde. Desde logo, admitimos, que é um palco complicado! Deste modo, percebemos, que a sua implementação nos merece superior sabedoria e não menos cautelas. Todavia, na certeza, que serão as organizações públicas a corporizar e cimentar este processo. Realisticamente, a sua implementação é uma obrigatoriedade. Ao contrário do que já lemos, mitigar a sua implementação, trás mais custos que benefícios. Arrastar este processo para alem do razoável, não nos parece fazer sentido! Na abordagem que aqui realizamos, não sobrepomos nenhum dos ângulos de eventual abordagem: normativo, informático, profissional, de entre outros, dado que todos eles têm a sua importância relativa, e, é nossa obrigação, aborda-los pela mesma latitude. Importa então que o RGPD, corporize um ativo, de cada uma das organizações de saúde, que garantem a privacidade e a confidencialidade da informação que produzem, tornando a segurança dos dados, numa vantagem competitiva. Baltazar Fernandes [email protected]
Books by Baltazar Fernandes
Nesta abordagem dedicamos particular atenção aos diferentes abordagens e softwares para análise d... more Nesta abordagem dedicamos particular atenção aos diferentes abordagens e softwares para análise das Representações Sociais focalizados na análise textual, que de uma ou doutra maneira tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento das ciências sociais de forma geral e das representações sociais de forma particular.
Drafts by Baltazar Fernandes

Representação Social do Coronavírus, 2020
Baltazar Fernandes Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação REPRESENTAÇÃO SOCIAL DO CORONAVÍRUS Resumo E... more Baltazar Fernandes Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação REPRESENTAÇÃO SOCIAL DO CORONAVÍRUS Resumo Esta pesquisa, de natureza exploratória, é baseada na teoria das representações sociais (Moscovici, 1961, 2001) e incidiu na mudança brusca de hábitos, operada na população portuguesa, na sequência da implementação de três estados sucessivos de emergência, resultantes da Pandemia provocada pelo coronavírus e no consequente confinamento social a que os Portugueses foram obrigados durante quarenta e cinco dias. Assim e em contexto de Teoria de Representações Sociais, seguimos a ideia da aproximação estruturalista proposta por Abric (1993, 2001,2003). Deste modo, para identificação e análise da estrutura dos elementos centrais e periféricos da Representação Social referente ao coronavírus e à forma como os diferentes elementos se ligam e hierarquizam entre si, servimo-nos de duas técnicas: a análise prototípica e a classificação hierárquica descendente. Da análise da amostra (n=322), não representativa, e dos resultados obtidos, analisados através do software Iramuteq, ficam identificados os diferentes elementos e o seu posicionamento na estrutura representativa. Palavras-chave: coronavírus, representações sociais, doença. INTODUÇÃO Esta investigação decorre da recente pandemia do novo coronavírus e da sua difusão em massa desde o seu aparecimento em dezembro, na cidade de Wuhan, capital da Província de Hubei, na China Continental e do seu confinamento local para um alastramento global. Um tema novo, que diária e continuadamente é divulgado e massificado, em todo o Mundo, por todos os meios de comunicação social. Politicamente, criou radicalismos exacerbados, particularmente pelos Presidentes dos Estados Unidos e Brasil que, habitualmente, à tarde contradiziam o que de manhã tinham dito. Das celebridades ouvimos tontices, no que respeita ao isolamento ou confinamento social, ou no limite à forma como o vírus se propaga. A disseminação do vírus, rapidamente, apanhou a Europa desprevenida de tal maneira que a Itália, particularmente, nos seus territórios a norte, mal tiveram tempo para contar os mortos. Num outro instante, a peste alastrou pela França adentro e atravessou a Espanha e, nos dois últimos dias de fevereiro anunciava-se a sua chegada a Portugal, trazida destes dois últimos países e cuja confirmação foi feita nos dois primeiros dias de março. Estima-se que, no final da primeira semana do mês de abril, havia pelo Mundo mais de 1,6 milhões de infetados e mais de 100 mil pessoas tinham morrido. Calcula-se também, que pela mesma altura, 90% da população mundial, de uma ou de outra forma, estava em isolamento social.
Papers by Baltazar Fernandes
In this approach, we devote particular attention to the different software’s that focus on textual analysis, that in one way or another, they have contributed to the development of social sciences in a general way and for the social representations in a particular sense.
However, in the course of current economic and financial constraints, in which the schools in general and students in other particular way struggle, this approach was segmented between free software and those involving the acquisition of an installation license.
Thus, we intend to make it clear that it will not be because of lack of free work tools, that high quality academic projects will no longer be developed, which it will reflect a significant reduction in costs in the economic-related budgets of universities
However, this fusion process involved a point of radical change, particularly for employees of health centers that were confronted against a backdrop of irreversible change, as opposed to normative contexts of some decades, which they were used to.
Thus, it was from this changing scenario, that we believe we have a breeding ground for research in the social representations in organizational contexts of normative break with the on-going existing practices.
This study fits conceptually in the social representations theory, but also anchors itself on the contributions of the change theory and the theory of resources (the Resource Based View).
The collection of the content of social representations was based on two methodologies, which by not being different ended being complementary to each other. In the foreground it was made a collection of contents of social representations through the inductive term ULSAM and, second, we use the logo as an inductive term, focusing on the ideas and thoughts, feelings and emotions that it aroused.
For this purpose, we used two samples of probabilistic type. The first 450 employees and the second of 108 elements, which reflect two studies with different methodologies of analysis but complementary.
Subsequently, in regard to the content analysis and the internal structure of social representations, we used for the same purpose two different softwares, in the first case and the EVOC SMI and in the second case the Factorial Analysis of Principal Components which can be achieved from different software but here the choice fell on SPSS.
In this study, we tried to make clear, the importance of traditionally used software in studies of social representations, making a comprehensive demonstration of its use, as well as the of the advantages of the use of complementary and alternative methodologies for gathering and analyzing the content and structure of social representations.
However, we understand also that it is appropriate to listen and analyze what those responsible for determining and implementing this change process had to say on the subject now in a retrospective view, using for this purpose the structured interview, which focused on the same assumptions that we had for the other employees.
Thus summarizing the different representations identified through the methodologies presented here, seeking to notice the marks and the evidence left by this whole route, where qualitative and quantitative methodologies mingle to the same go, both with regard to social representations as to the culture and organizational commitment of employees ULSAM.
And from here it is concluded that, under the view held by social representations, there are two approaches to the central core. One taken by less differentiated groups (nurses, technical assistants and professional assistants) and another taken by most differentiated groups (doctors and technicians). Thus we can say, that there are two different social representations, which means that from the managerial point of view that also have managerial different approaches. It also became clear that employees are more concerned with the issues of labor and its results than the true implications of the change.
Conference Presentations by Baltazar Fernandes
Books by Baltazar Fernandes
Drafts by Baltazar Fernandes
In this approach, we devote particular attention to the different software’s that focus on textual analysis, that in one way or another, they have contributed to the development of social sciences in a general way and for the social representations in a particular sense.
However, in the course of current economic and financial constraints, in which the schools in general and students in other particular way struggle, this approach was segmented between free software and those involving the acquisition of an installation license.
Thus, we intend to make it clear that it will not be because of lack of free work tools, that high quality academic projects will no longer be developed, which it will reflect a significant reduction in costs in the economic-related budgets of universities
However, this fusion process involved a point of radical change, particularly for employees of health centers that were confronted against a backdrop of irreversible change, as opposed to normative contexts of some decades, which they were used to.
Thus, it was from this changing scenario, that we believe we have a breeding ground for research in the social representations in organizational contexts of normative break with the on-going existing practices.
This study fits conceptually in the social representations theory, but also anchors itself on the contributions of the change theory and the theory of resources (the Resource Based View).
The collection of the content of social representations was based on two methodologies, which by not being different ended being complementary to each other. In the foreground it was made a collection of contents of social representations through the inductive term ULSAM and, second, we use the logo as an inductive term, focusing on the ideas and thoughts, feelings and emotions that it aroused.
For this purpose, we used two samples of probabilistic type. The first 450 employees and the second of 108 elements, which reflect two studies with different methodologies of analysis but complementary.
Subsequently, in regard to the content analysis and the internal structure of social representations, we used for the same purpose two different softwares, in the first case and the EVOC SMI and in the second case the Factorial Analysis of Principal Components which can be achieved from different software but here the choice fell on SPSS.
In this study, we tried to make clear, the importance of traditionally used software in studies of social representations, making a comprehensive demonstration of its use, as well as the of the advantages of the use of complementary and alternative methodologies for gathering and analyzing the content and structure of social representations.
However, we understand also that it is appropriate to listen and analyze what those responsible for determining and implementing this change process had to say on the subject now in a retrospective view, using for this purpose the structured interview, which focused on the same assumptions that we had for the other employees.
Thus summarizing the different representations identified through the methodologies presented here, seeking to notice the marks and the evidence left by this whole route, where qualitative and quantitative methodologies mingle to the same go, both with regard to social representations as to the culture and organizational commitment of employees ULSAM.
And from here it is concluded that, under the view held by social representations, there are two approaches to the central core. One taken by less differentiated groups (nurses, technical assistants and professional assistants) and another taken by most differentiated groups (doctors and technicians). Thus we can say, that there are two different social representations, which means that from the managerial point of view that also have managerial different approaches. It also became clear that employees are more concerned with the issues of labor and its results than the true implications of the change.