What is mid-card application form?
The Unified Multi-Purpose ID (MID) is a four-in-one identification card that Filipinos can use to transact with government agencies such as the Social Security System (SSS), Government Service Insurance System (ISIS), Philomath, and Paging Fund. The MID is also accepted as a valid ID in all other transactions. This makes it one of the most powerful IDs in the Philippines. But unlike getting a passport, a MID card application is quite simpler and easier even for fresh college graduates who are starting out in their first job.
What is the Purpose of mid-card application form?
The purpose of the application is to acquire the MID Card, which allows the owner to transact in government offices and agencies, like SSS, ISIS, Paging and Phil health. The card itself is considered a valid ID document, from domestic airports to banks. After filling the form and filing it the applicant can apply for a loan, cash advance in ISIS Gaps/Kiosk, you can or use it on your SSS transactions, Paging and Phil health.
When is mid-card application form Due?
There is no particular due date for applying. However, the application form should be filled in advance.
Is mid-card application form Accompanied by Other Documents?
The applicant should fill out the application form online in advance, so he or she doesn’t miss any information needed, like your SSS Number etc. Active members can surely process their application anytime at working hours and days. Every applicant needs two Valid IDs (photocopy and original) to add to the application.
What Information do I Provide in mid-card application form?
Applying for a MID card there are important things to keep in mind before you start filling the application. The applicant has to film the form personally; The applicant has to make sure to meet all MID requirements and be eligible for MID card; All the applicants should have no existing SSS ID or MID cards; Pay at least one-month SSS contribution; Provide a valid date of coverage (the date you started as an active SSS member); Provide an original or certified true copy of the following: passport, driver’s license, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) card, or Seaman’s Book.
If you don’t have any of those IDs, check here the other IDs and documents accepted.
Where do I Send mid-card application form?
If you are a government employee, go to the ISIS Enrollment Center; If you are a private employee or self-employed or OF — you might be an SSS member so go to the SSS branch; If you are both SSS and ISIS member, go to the ISIS so that your MID that will have the banking facility feature of the card Plus.