Papers by Jan Van den Bulck
De Gruyter eBooks, May 26, 2004

Epj Web of Conferences, 2019
Nowadays it is easier than ever before to produce films and videos and make them available to a w... more Nowadays it is easier than ever before to produce films and videos and make them available to a worldwide audience via platforms such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, among others. The European Space Agency (ESA), the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and other similar organisations constantly produce videos aimed at the general interested audience, and distribute them on through their social media channels. Different formats are offered such as educational, informative, news style, science stories, scientist profiles, behind-the-scenes, animations and data based animations. But which of these formats do really stick and why? A simple statistical analysis of 106 videos found on the ESA, ESO and NASA YouTube channels shows that videos based on animations and the representation of data, with little to no explanation and accompanied by music are the more popular in terms of views per month by about a factor of two compared to other types of videos. This can likely be explained by the higher entertainment value of such videos.

Journal of Applied Gerontology, Apr 11, 2023
Some have touted technology as a panacea for overcoming the isolation associated with COVID-19 mi... more Some have touted technology as a panacea for overcoming the isolation associated with COVID-19 mitigation policies; yet, these tools are not widely adopted by older adults. With data from the COVID-19 supplement to the National Health and Aging Trends Survey, we conduct adjusted Poisson regression modeling to examine digital communications use during COVID-19 and feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults (65+ years of age). Adjusted Poisson regression revealed that those who reported frequent use of video calls with friends and family (aPR = 1.22, 95% CI:1.06–1.41) and with healthcare providers (aPR = 1.22, 95% CI:1.03–1.45) were more likely to report feelings of anxiety than those not using these platforms; yet, reports of in-person visits with friends and family (aPR = 0.79, 95% CI: 0.66–0.93) and with healthcare providers (aPR = 0.88, 95% CI: 0.77–1.01) were associated with fewer feelings of depression and loneliness, respectively. Future research is needed to tailor digital technology to support older adults.

Springer eBooks, 2017
Dieses Kapitel thematisiert die Entwicklung der Kommunikationswissenschaft als eine Forschungsdis... more Dieses Kapitel thematisiert die Entwicklung der Kommunikationswissenschaft als eine Forschungsdisziplin in Flandern, dem nordlichen, niederlandisch-sprachigen Teil von Belgien. Es werden sowohl strukturelle Faktoren als auch die Rolle von Einzelpersonen analysiert. Die Studie verdeutlicht die Bedeutung von strukturellen und institutionellen Faktoren, die erheblich zur Entwicklung der Disziplin beigetragen haben. Hierbei wird auf die foderale politische Struktur des Landes eingegangen, die die Entscheidungsgewalt bezuglich der Hochschulbildung vom Belgischen Staat auf die flamischen und wallonischen Gemeinden ubertragt. Ebenso wird die „Versaulung“ der Gesellschaft genannt, eine bestimmte belgische Form der Konkordanzdemokratie, die die Burger ‘von der Wiege bis zur Bahre‘mittels unterschiedlicher religios-ideologischer Organisationen leitet, die sich bis in die Universitaten erstreckt. Des Weiteren wird der Kampf um die Legitimitat der Disziplin innerhalb der Sozialwissenschaften betrachtet und es wird eine bestimmte Deutung der Demokratisierung der Ausbildung thematisiert, welche zur langjahrigen Betonung der padagogischen statt der Forschungsaspekte flamischer Wissenschaft fuhrte. Darauf folgt ein Blick auf die wechselnden Schwerpunkte in der flamischen Kommunikationsforschung. Es werden die fruhen (1945–1970) Einflusse der Studien der deutschen Publizistik/Massenkommunikation und der US-amerikanischen „mass communications“ sowie die anschliesende Ausweitung und Neuorientierung bestehender Forschungstraditionen ab den 1970er-Jahren sowohl in Hinsicht auf theoretische Modelle als auch auf Medien und Inhalte beschrieben. Daraus entwickelte sich neben der Verbreitung der bereits existierenden Forschungstraditionen zur Massenkommunikation vor allem eine kritische, deutende Sichtweise. Das Kapitel schliest mit der These ab, dass die momentane internationale Orientierung flamischer Kommunikationswissenschaftler auf das fruhe starke Interesse ihrer Vorganger fur internationale Vorgange in dem Feld zuruckzufuhren ist.

This study examined the association between social media use and first-year college students' aca... more This study examined the association between social media use and first-year college students' academic self-efficacy in two large, research intensive universities in Flanders (N = 513) and the United States (N = 431). Given cultivation and social cognitive theories' premises that consistent media messages can shape attitudes and beliefs about self and other, perceptions of others' academic ease (or the perceptions of how difficult it is for peers to do well in college) was included as a mediator. For the U.S., Twitter was directly and indirectly associated with selfefficacy. In the Flanders sample, both Facebook and Twitter had significant direct and indirect effects on self-efficacy. The results' opposite directionality (e.g., Twitter's positive direct effect, Facebook's negative direct effect) suggest the two media operate differently. Contextual differences and theoretical implications for media effects research are discussed along with practical implications for the first-year transition.
Annals of the International Communication Association, Jan 2, 2018
While most studies on attitudinal media effects are concerned with a comparable scientific questi... more While most studies on attitudinal media effects are concerned with a comparable scientific question they do not always coincide in their theoretical approach. In the present paper, we show that this state of affairs has caused controversies about the meaning and testability of specific types of attitudinal media effectsin particular, framing, cultivation, priming, and persuasion effects. We argue that such disagreements are misguided and could be prevented by adopting four Principles as a meta-theoretical basis for all studies on attitudinal media effects. We show what these Principles imply for theory formulation, and we discuss how they relate to empirical falsification procedures.
CBGS-Publicaties 2000 Editorial Secretary Dr. Edmond Lambrechts, Head Family and Welfare Section ... more CBGS-Publicaties 2000 Editorial Secretary Dr. Edmond Lambrechts, Head Family and Welfare Section In this series, replacing the CBGS Monographs as from 1999, the findings are published of surveys or other extensive studies carried out by or through the CBGS. The authors are responsible for the contents of their contributions. Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Thérèse Jacobs, Director general Dr. Fred Deven, Head of the Family Formation Section Dr. Edmond Lambrechts, Head of the Family and Welfare Section Dr. Ronald Schoenmaeckers, Head of the Demographic ...
Media Psychology, Nov 13, 2017
Psychology & Health, Oct 3, 2018
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Jun 1, 1999
This article elaborates on research suggesting that the VCR is a time shifting device leading to ... more This article elaborates on research suggesting that the VCR is a time shifting device leading to more selectivity. It argues that time shifting can lead to time reduction or time filling and that selectivity can entail diversification or concentration of the TV diet. In both cases, however, no significant difference in TV viewing may occur as well. Data from a representative sample of 909 Flemish respondents showed no evidence of time‐reduction. The VCR is mainly used as a time‐filling device. VCR‐use does not seem to lead to ...
Papers by Jan Van den Bulck