Abstract Digital system designs are the product of valuable effort and know-how. Their embodiments, from software and hardware description language program down to device-level netlist and mask data, represent carefully guarded... more
- by Igor Markov
Abstract In this invited note we describe Capo, an open-source software tool for cell placement, mixed-size placement and floorplanning with emphasis on routability. Capo is among the fastest academic placers and scales to millions of... more
- by Igor Markov
Abstract Instances of the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) arise in many areas of circuit design and verification. These instances are typically constructed from some human-designed artifact, and thus are likely to possess much... more
- by Igor Markov
Abstract Increasingly popular reuse-based design paradigms create a pressing need for authorship enforcement techniques that protect the intellectual property rights of designers. We develop the first intellectual property protection... more
- by Igor Markov
Abstract Large macro blocks, predesigned datapaths, embedded memories, and analog blocks are increasingly used in application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) designs. However, robust algorithms for large-scale placement of such designs... more
- by Igor Markov
Abstract In this work we propose a new error-correction framework, called CoRe, which uses counterexamples, or bug traces, generated in verification to automatically correct errors in digital designs. CoRe is powered by two innovative... more
- by Igor Markov
Abstract We study alternatives to classic Fiduccia-Mattheyses (FM)-based partitioning algorithms in the context of end-case processing for top-down standard-cell placement. While the divide step in the top-down divide and conquer is... more
- by Igor Markov
Abstract In a realistic design flow, circuit and system optimizations must interact with physical aspects of the design. For example, improvements in timing and power may require the replacement of large modules with variants that have... more
- by Igor Markov
Abstract We explore the use of signatures, ie, partial truth tables generated via bit-parallel functional simulation, during soft error analysis and logic synthesis. We first present a signature-based CAD framework that incorporates tools... more
- by Igor Markov
In the context of physical synthesis, large-scale standard-cell placement algorithms must facilitate incremental changes to layout, both local and global. In particular, flexible gate sizing, net buffering and detail placement require a... more
- by Igor Markov
Abstract Circuit reliability is an increasingly important design consideration for modern logic circuits. To this end, our work focuses on the evaluation of circuit reliability under probabilistic gate-level fault models that can capture... more
- by Igor Markov