University of Michigan
Climate & Space Department
We present initial results from the first community-wide effort to compare global plasma interaction model results for Mars. Seven modeling groups participated in this activity, using MHD, multi-fluid, and hybrid assumptions in their... more
This paper reviews the use of accelerometer data for determining atmospheric density during the Mars Global Survey and Mars Odyssey missions and provides preliminary results from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter aerobraking operations. For... more
We present initial results from the first community-wide effort to compare global plasma interaction model results for Mars. Seven modeling groups participated in this activity, using MHD, multi-fluid, and hybrid assumptions in their... more
Venus Express (VEX) has been monitoring key nightglow emissions and thermal features (O 2 IR nightglow, NO UV nightglow, and nightside temperatures) which contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the global dynamics and circulation... more
In this study, we develop a best fit description of Titan's upper atmosphere between 500 km and 1500 km, using a one-dimensional (1-D) version of the three-dimensional (3-D) Titan Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model. For this modeling,... more
The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Application (MERRA) is a reanalysis designed to produce an improved representation of the Earth’s hydrologic cycle. This study examines the representation of deep convective clouds in... more
This study investigates the resonated diurnal impact of the surface wind forcing from several atmospheric wind products, including CCMP (Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform), ERA Interim, NCEP-2 (NCEP-DOE AMIP-II Reanalysis), MERRA... more
We propose, and quantify from first principles, two novel HO x -regenerating unimolecular reactions in isoprene oxidation, which are estimated to yield in pristine tropical forest conditions about 0.7 HO 2 and 0.03 OH radicals per... more
- by Lam NGUYEN
The potential energy surface for the O( 3 P) + C 2 H 4 reaction, which plays an important role in C 2 H 4 /O 2 flames and in hydrocarbon combustion in general, was theoretically reinvestigated using various quantum chemical methods,... more
A comparative theoretical study is presented on the formation and decomposition of R-hydroxy-alkylperoxyl radicals, Q(OH)OO • (Q ) RR′C:), important intermediates in the oxidation of several classes of oxygenated organic compounds in... more
The product distribution of the reaction of acetic acid, CH 3 COOH, with hydroxyl radicals, OH, was studied experimentally and theoretically. Mass-spectrometric measurements at 290 K and 2 Torr of He of the CO 2 yield versus the loss of... more
The potential energy surfaces of dithioformic acid and its functional isomer, dithiohydroxy carbene, in both neutral and ionized states have been investigated using ab initio molecular orbital calculations at both (U)-MP2 and (U)QCISD(T)... more