Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Instituto de Física Matemáticas
We study the dynamical generation of masses for fundamental fermions in quenched quantum electrodynamics, in the presence of magnetic fields of arbitrary strength, by solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation (SDE) for the fermion self-energy... more
We discuss and compare two alternative perturbation approaches for the calculation of the period of nonlinear systems based on the Lindstedt-Poincaré technique. As illustrative examples we choose one-dimensional anharmonic oscillators and... more
Working in the linear sigma model with quarks, we compute the finite-temperature effective potential in the presence of a weak magnetic field, including the contribution of the pion ring diagrams and considering the sigma as a classical... more
We study the dynamical generation of masses for fundamental fermions in quenched quantum electrodynamics in the presence of weak magnetic fields using Schwinger-Dyson equations. Contrary to the case where the magnetic field is strong, in... more
Gauge theories have been a corner stone of the description of the world at the level of fundamental particles. The Lagrangian or the action describing the corresponding interactions is invariant under certain gauge transformations and... more
- by Alfredo Raya
Through an explicit calculation for a Lagrangian in quantum electrodynamics in (2+1)-space-time dimensions (QED 3 ), making use of the relativistic Kubo formula, we demonstrate that the filling factor accompanying the quantized electrical... more
We compute the pion inclusive transverse momentum distribution assuming thermal equilibrium together with transverse flow and accounting for finite size effects and energy loss at the time of decoupling. We compare to data on mid-rapidity... more
- by Alfredo Raya
We calculate the condensate and the vacuum current density induced by external static magnetic fields in (2+1)-dimensions. At the perturbative level, we consider an exponentially decaying magnetic field along one cartesian coordinate.... more
We study the electron propagator in quantum electrodynamics in lower dimensions. In the case of free electrons, it is well known that the propagator in momentum space takes the simple form S F (p) = 1/(γ · p − m). In the presence of... more
It has been recently realized that in peripheral heavy-ion collisions at high energies, a sizable magnetic field is produced in the interaction region. Although this field becomes weak at the proper times when the chiral phase transition... more
We derive approximate expressions for the dispersion relation of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation in the case of strong nonlinearities using a method based on the Linear Delta Expansion.
Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement are two crucial features of Quantum Chromodynamics responsible for the nature of the hadron spectrum. These phenomena, presumably coincidental, can account for 98% of the mass of our... more
We study the analytical structure of the fermion propagator in planar quantum electrodynamics coupled to a Chern-Simons term within a four-component spinor formalism. The dynamical generation of parity-preserving and parity-violating... more
We study the non-perturbative phenomena of Dynamical Mass Generation and Confinement by truncating at the non-perturbative level the Schwinger-Dyson equations in Maxwell-Chern-Simons planar quantum electrodynamics. We obtain numerical... more
Schwinger-Dyson equations (SDE) are an ideal framework to study non perturbative phenomena, like dynamical mass generation (DGM). Loss of gauge invariance is an obstacle to achieve fully reliable predictions from these equations. Through... more
- by Alfredo Raya