Papers by Pedro Antonio Amores Bonilla
Dykinson eBooks, Feb 19, 2024

Contextos educativos, Mar 27, 2024
Dada la crisis de los grandes paradigmas interpretativos del pasado es pertinente implementar, en... more Dada la crisis de los grandes paradigmas interpretativos del pasado es pertinente implementar, en el aula, situaciones de aprendizaje basadas en el análisis de las mentalidades populares. Con el objetivo de dotar al alumnado de las herramientas conceptuales para comprender el mundo actual y las relaciones sociales y de género en su perspectiva histórica, cabe un cambio historiográfico y epistemológico basado en el uso de diferentes fuentes. La nueva legislación educativa impele a reenfocar los contenidos de forma competencial mediante el recurso a las emociones y cogniciones. La Historia social de la Edad Moderna se trabaja mediante ciertos saberes básicos con el objetivo de desarrollar las competencias específicas. desde Situaciones de Aprendizaje desarrolladas sobre la empatía histórica en miniproyectos sobre la caza de brujas. Este acercamiento histórico a las relaciones de género excluyentes y a la brujería y su persecución suscita situaciones de empatía al comparar estos procesos con las experiencias vitales del alumnado. Respecto de los objetivos, cabe acercarse a la construcción del género desde la significatividad psicológica mediante la metodología cooperativa y desde los miniproyectos. Se generan situaciones de empatía para comprender de forma más operativa el fenómeno en su contexto histórico.

Contextos educativos: Revista de educación, ISSN 1575-023X, Nº 33, 2024 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Monográfico: Nuevas miradas para la enseñanza de la Historia social y cultural en la Edad Moderna, 2024
Given the crisis of the great interpretative paradigms of the past, it is pertinent to implement,... more Given the crisis of the great interpretative paradigms of the past, it is pertinent to implement, in the classroom, learning situations based on the analysis of popular mentalities. With the aim of providing students with the conceptual tools to understand the current world and social and gender relations in their historical perspective, there is a historiographical and epistemological change based on the use of different sources. The new educational legislation impels to refocus the contents in a competency way through the use of emotions and cognitions. The Social History of the Modern Age is worked through certain basic knowledge with the aim of developing specific skills. from Learning Situations developed on historical empathy in mini-projects on witch hunts. This historical approach to exclusionary gender relations and witchcraft and its persecution raises situations of empathy when comparing these processes with the life experiences of students. Regarding the objectives, it is necessary to approach the construction of gender from psychological significance through the cooperative methodology and from the mini-projects. Situations of empathy are generated to understand the phenomenon in its historical context in a more operational way.

Given the crisis of the great interpretative paradigms of the past, it is pertinent to implement,... more Given the crisis of the great interpretative paradigms of the past, it is pertinent to implement, in the classroom, learning situations based on the analysis of popular mentalities. With the aim of providing students with the conceptual tools to understand the current world and social and gender relations in their historical perspective, there is a historiographical and epistemological change based on the use of different sources. The new educational legislation impels to refocus the contents in a competency way through the use of emotions and cognitions. The Social History of the Modern Age is worked through certain basic knowledge with the aim of developing specific skills. from Learning Situations developed on historical empathy in mini-projects on witch hunts. This historical approach to exclusionary gender relations and witchcraft and its persecution raises situations of empathy when comparing these processes with the life experiences of students. Regarding the objectives, it is necessary to approach the construction of gender from psychological significance through the cooperative methodology and from the mini-projects. Situations of empathy are generated to understand the phenomenon in its historical context in a more operational way.

Contextos educativos. Revista de educación, 2024
Given the crisis of the great interpretative paradigms of the past, it is pertinent to implement,... more Given the crisis of the great interpretative paradigms of the past, it is pertinent to implement, in the classroom, learning situations based on the analysis of popular mentalities. With the aim of providing students with the conceptual tools to understand the current world and social and gender relations in their historical perspective, there is a historiographical and epistemological change based on the use of different sources. The new educational legislation impels to refocus the contents in a competency way through the use of emotions and cognitions. The Social History of the Modern Age is worked through certain basic knowledge with the aim of developing specific skills. from Learning Situations developed on historical empathy in mini-projects on witch hunts. This historical approach to exclusionary gender relations and witchcraft and its persecution raises situations of empathy when comparing these processes with the life experiences of students. Regarding the objectives, it is necessary to approach the construction of gender from psychological significance through the cooperative methodology and from the mini-projects. Situations of empathy are generated to understand the phenomenon in its historical context in a more operational way.
El presente trabajo trata de ofrecer una posibilidad de abordaje de la perspectiva de género en 2... more El presente trabajo trata de ofrecer una posibilidad de abordaje de la perspectiva de género en 2º de la ESO mediante el recurso a las Novelas ejemplares de Cervantes como base para la aplicación del Flipped Classroom y del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos. Todo ello se aborda desde la consideración de que es posible cambiar las relaciones de género en la enseñanza mediante la didáctica crítica y mediante el tratamiento de las diferencias de género como constructos sociales y culturales.
Dykinson eBooks, Nov 4, 2022
Dykinson eBooks, Nov 4, 2022
La Historia habitada ACTAS DEL XV CONGRESO DE LA ASOCIACIÓN DE HISTORIA CONTEMPORÁNEA CÓRDOBA, DEL 9 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2021 Sujetos, procesos y retos de la Historia Contemporánea del siglo XXI, 2023
2.1.6. Como un cuento de hadas: un estudio de caso acerca de la influencia de los personajes de c... more 2.1.6. Como un cuento de hadas: un estudio de caso acerca de la influencia de los personajes de cuentos maravillosos (Ana Carolina Galiano Moyano; Elena Jiménez García) ……………………………………………….. 82 2.1.7. Entendimiento e intervención psicoeducativa del estrés postraumático en el aula (Susana Merino Lorente) .
2.1.6. Como un cuento de hadas: un estudio de caso acerca de la influencia de los personajes de c... more 2.1.6. Como un cuento de hadas: un estudio de caso acerca de la influencia de los personajes de cuentos maravillosos (Ana Carolina Galiano Moyano; Elena Jiménez García) ……………………………………………….. 82 2.1.7. Entendimiento e intervención psicoeducativa del estrés postraumático en el aula (Susana Merino Lorente) .
Educación con perspectiva de género, 2022
Clío: History and History Teaching., 2019
Las otras protagonistas de la transición. Izquierda radical y movilizaciones sociales, 2018, ISBN 978-84-949247-8-1, págs. 891-908, 2018
I Congrés d'Humanitats, Ciències Socials i Educació: Alacant, 1 i 2 de juny de 2018, 2019, ISBN 978-84-1302-038-9, pág. 69, 2019
Género y educación: escuela, educación no formal, familia y medios de comunicación.
Historia Actual Online, 2019
When dealing with the problem of the significance of learning history, it is common to prioritize... more When dealing with the problem of the significance of learning history, it is common to prioritize the logical and psychological aspects, leaving the meaning of such learning in the background, despite its link with students’ motivation. Although new trends in education legislation are aimed to resolve this issue through the introduction of key competences, these are insufficient from the perspective of critical didactics. In this essay, we will point out some reflections on the importance of current history when carrying out the teaching of history with greater meaning for the students and, therefore, with greater capacity for motivation, while promoting a critical spirit and contributing to the formation of our students’ identity.
Papers by Pedro Antonio Amores Bonilla