Papers by J.L. González-Esteban

La presente investigación analiza la situación de la profesión periodística en una zona de alto r... more La presente investigación analiza la situación de la profesión periodística en una zona de alto riesgo como es Ciudad Juárez, en México. Dicho análisis se fundamenta en el conocimiento y análisis de la actividad formativa y de denuncia de la violencia y la corrupción a través de la Red de Periodistas de Juárez, fundada y regentada por mujeres periodistas. Un encuentro con periodistas de la Red y entrevistas en profundidad son las principales herramientas metodológicas para entender el sentido y valor de esta agrupación de periodistas juarenses. De igual modo, desde un plano cuantitativo se analiza en este artículo la estrategia de activismo y proyección internacional de la Red en sus redes sociales. Además, la investigación se completa con un análisis de contenido sobre la preponderancia y significado de la ‘nota roja’ en El Diario de Juárez, principal periódico de esta zona fronteriza que incluso tiene delegación en la ciudad norteamericana de El Paso. La cobertura de la violencia en zonas de alto riesgo da un especial valor a la actividad periodística en periódicos como el citado y al trabajo corporativo de esta agrupación de periodistas juarenses.

La presente investigación analiza la situación de la profesión periodística en una zona de alto r... more La presente investigación analiza la situación de la profesión periodística en una zona de alto riesgo como es Ciudad Juárez, en México. Dicho análisis se fundamenta en el conocimiento de la actividad formativa y de denuncia de la violencia y la corrupción a través de la Red de Periodistas de Juárez, fundada y regentada por mujeres periodistas. Un encuentro con periodistas de la Red y entrevistas en profundidad son las principales herramientas metodológicas para entender el sentido y valor de esta agrupación de periodistas juarenses.
De igual modo, desde un plano cuantitativo se analiza en este artículo la estrategia de activismo y proyección internacional de la Red en sus redes sociales. Además, la investigación se completa con un análisis de contenido sobre la preponderancia y significado de la ‘nota roja’ en El Diario de Juárez, principal periódico de esta zona fronteriza que incluso tiene delegación en la ciudad norteamericana de El Paso. La cobertura de la violencia en zonas de alto riesgo da un especial valor a la actividad periodística en periódicos como el citado y al trabajo corporativo de esta agrupación de periodistas juarenses.

The media environment has changed dramatically in the last few years. Audience fragmentation
and... more The media environment has changed dramatically in the last few years. Audience fragmentation
and online advertising atomisation have transformed existing business models and put into
question traditional media management practices. Now more than ever, policy makers and
editors are concerned about the future of newspapers. In this changing scenario, there are new
media models that attempt to promote and preserve public interest journalism. Among them,
non-profit institutions and community-funded platforms are the most innovative and relevant
alternatives. They promote audience involvement using what is known as crowdfunding, or they
are funded by grants received from wealthy millionaires. For these new models, profit margins
and income are unwelcome. Despite the fact that they could be regarded as non-business models,
they are actually changing the paradigm of public interest journalism while providing fresh ideas
for traditional media. The aim of this paper is to explain the nature of crowdfunding by describing
the context in which it takes place and considering its impact on journalism. We have created a
database to identify all the crowdfunding initiatives around the world. The results highlight the
emergence of these platforms and other systems that make possible crowdfunded journalism and
investigative reporting. Transparency, user involvement and control over where their money goes
tend to be the success factors of these initiatives.
The structure of the Spanish
online media market has experienced
a deep transformation througho... more The structure of the Spanish
online media market has experienced
a deep transformation throughout
2007-2009. One of the key factors
of change to be highlighted is
the rise of ‘native digital’ media,
which are trying to reach their share
in a market still dominated by the
online editions of traditional media.
This article analyses these several of
the initiatives at a national and regional
level, such as Soitu. Among
then, the case of Soitu stands out for
its innovative approach, despite the
fact that it closed down after a two
year period. It is argued that Soitu´s
example could be regarded as a
point of departure in the Spanish
‘native digital’ media.
Online media are undergoing a process
of change in both production and
distribution systems, in... more Online media are undergoing a process
of change in both production and
distribution systems, in the role of audiences,
in journalistic practices and in
business models. In the case of online
media which exclusively operate in the
web, with no print of broadcast matrix,
economic viability is even more complicated.
This paper analyses the business
models of three native online media in
Spain: Bottup, Periodismohumano and
Somos Malasaña. The conclusions outline
their strengths and weaknesses, as
well as the difficulties for the success of
these online initiatives.
This article‟s objective is to compare the self-regulation systems of the journalistic profession... more This article‟s objective is to compare the self-regulation systems of the journalistic profession in Austria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, France and Poland. From the analysis of several cases and the situation in these seven countries, several items are compared: the existence of ethical codes, of readers‟ and viewers‟ ombudspersons, of press and audiovisual councils, as well as the level of associations and trade unions in the journalistic profession. The results reveal the absences in the European systems as well as steps towards the implementation of self-regulation tools to regulate the journalistic profession, mainly in the field of print and broadcast media. In most of the analyzed European countries, online journalism lacks of self-regulation, except those initiatives which have been implanted in their matrix print or broadcast media.
After one year of the election victory of Barack Obama, the current president of the United Statu... more After one year of the election victory of Barack Obama, the current president of the United Status,
has a very high level of popularity, especially bearing in mind the current crisis that affects the
United States. This article, from the study of a particular state: North Carolina, explains the keys of
support, keys that are related to work done since the primaries and the Democratic Party behind in
an appropriate use of social networks, both virtual and real. To prove this hypothesis, we show the
results of an extensive field work carried out mainly with two networks that have focused their
efforts on strengthening the youth vote and women voters: Generation Engage and 'Moms for
Este capítulo permitirá, en primer lugar, que mostremos los rasgos específicos de los cibermedi... more Este capítulo permitirá, en primer lugar, que mostremos los rasgos específicos de los cibermedios de la Comunidad Valenciana, así como acotar el número de cibermedios existentes. A continuación, ahondaremos en la naturaleza y características de los principales medios autonómicos y locales en Internet, incluyendo el estudio específico de un caso ilustrativo, la ciudad de Elche. Por último, revisaremos también un territorio hasta ahora prácticamente inexplorado en lo que concierne a la Comunidad Valenciana: la existencia de una blogosfera de dimensión local que también conforma el espacio comunicativo valenciano en Internet.
Journal Papers by J.L. González-Esteban

El estudio del movimiento social del 15M y luego su canalización en un partido como Podemos, res... more El estudio del movimiento social del 15M y luego su canalización en un partido como Podemos, resulta de especial interés en diferentes campos como la sociología, la política y también el periodismo. En la misma línea, resulta de interés para su estudio la definitiva eclosión en el panorama político-mediático de Ciudadanos o la consolidación de una fuerza política local como Compromís en la Comunidad Valenciana. En este sentido, se han estudiado las coberturas informativas-opinativas que sobre estas formaciones políticas y el resto de formaciones tradicionales se realizaron en la Comunidad Valenciana durante la campaña electoral de las Elecciones Autonómicas de 2015 y que supusieron un cambio de Gobierno tras veinte años en el poder del Partido Popular. El presente trabajo se enmarca en el seno de la investigación del proyecto nacional de I+D Mediaflows (Ministerio Economía y Competitividad) que se centra en la influencia: quién influye sobre quién, de qué forma y con qué efectos. Nos centramos en los flujos por los que circula la información porque nos permite ver ese proceso de traslación de mensajes y combinación de agendas que intentan influir, todas ellas, sobre el espacio público. Buscamos ver cuáles son más influyentes y en qué dirección, o direcciones, se produce el flujo de transmisión de la información. En cuanto, a la metodología, se trabaja la vertiente cuantitativa utilizando la teoría del framing, para el análisis de discursos y contextos, y la cualitativa, utilizando fundamentalmente las herramientas del "focus group‟ y las entrevistas en profundidad. El objetivo principal ha sido analizar el liderazgo territorial de los partidos en la prensa local-tradicional de esta Comunidad: caso de la provincia de Castellón, el diario Mediterráneo, del grupo Zeta; en Alicante, el diario Información, del grupo Prensa Ibérica, y en la provincia de Valencia, el diario Las Provincias, del grupo Vocento. La investigación sirve para comparar la presencia y análisis del discurso de los líderes autonómicos en esos mismos periódicos locales. Unos son líderes de partidos ya consolidados y con años de trabajo en el Gobierno o la oposición, otros recién llegados, pero respaldados por marcas políticas pujantes que tienen detrás a líderes mediáticos como Pablo Iglesias o Albert Rivera.
Book Reviews by J.L. González-Esteban
Book Review 'Advertising Graphic Design: fundamental for the analysis and development of visual m... more Book Review 'Advertising Graphic Design: fundamental for the analysis and development of visual messages principles', published by professors Manuel Montes and Ricardo Vozmediano Vizcaníno-Laorga, and edited by Ommpress.
Papers by J.L. González-Esteban
De igual modo, desde un plano cuantitativo se analiza en este artículo la estrategia de activismo y proyección internacional de la Red en sus redes sociales. Además, la investigación se completa con un análisis de contenido sobre la preponderancia y significado de la ‘nota roja’ en El Diario de Juárez, principal periódico de esta zona fronteriza que incluso tiene delegación en la ciudad norteamericana de El Paso. La cobertura de la violencia en zonas de alto riesgo da un especial valor a la actividad periodística en periódicos como el citado y al trabajo corporativo de esta agrupación de periodistas juarenses.
and online advertising atomisation have transformed existing business models and put into
question traditional media management practices. Now more than ever, policy makers and
editors are concerned about the future of newspapers. In this changing scenario, there are new
media models that attempt to promote and preserve public interest journalism. Among them,
non-profit institutions and community-funded platforms are the most innovative and relevant
alternatives. They promote audience involvement using what is known as crowdfunding, or they
are funded by grants received from wealthy millionaires. For these new models, profit margins
and income are unwelcome. Despite the fact that they could be regarded as non-business models,
they are actually changing the paradigm of public interest journalism while providing fresh ideas
for traditional media. The aim of this paper is to explain the nature of crowdfunding by describing
the context in which it takes place and considering its impact on journalism. We have created a
database to identify all the crowdfunding initiatives around the world. The results highlight the
emergence of these platforms and other systems that make possible crowdfunded journalism and
investigative reporting. Transparency, user involvement and control over where their money goes
tend to be the success factors of these initiatives.
online media market has experienced
a deep transformation throughout
2007-2009. One of the key factors
of change to be highlighted is
the rise of ‘native digital’ media,
which are trying to reach their share
in a market still dominated by the
online editions of traditional media.
This article analyses these several of
the initiatives at a national and regional
level, such as Soitu. Among
then, the case of Soitu stands out for
its innovative approach, despite the
fact that it closed down after a two
year period. It is argued that Soitu´s
example could be regarded as a
point of departure in the Spanish
‘native digital’ media.
of change in both production and
distribution systems, in the role of audiences,
in journalistic practices and in
business models. In the case of online
media which exclusively operate in the
web, with no print of broadcast matrix,
economic viability is even more complicated.
This paper analyses the business
models of three native online media in
Spain: Bottup, Periodismohumano and
Somos Malasaña. The conclusions outline
their strengths and weaknesses, as
well as the difficulties for the success of
these online initiatives.
has a very high level of popularity, especially bearing in mind the current crisis that affects the
United States. This article, from the study of a particular state: North Carolina, explains the keys of
support, keys that are related to work done since the primaries and the Democratic Party behind in
an appropriate use of social networks, both virtual and real. To prove this hypothesis, we show the
results of an extensive field work carried out mainly with two networks that have focused their
efforts on strengthening the youth vote and women voters: Generation Engage and 'Moms for
Journal Papers by J.L. González-Esteban
Book Reviews by J.L. González-Esteban
De igual modo, desde un plano cuantitativo se analiza en este artículo la estrategia de activismo y proyección internacional de la Red en sus redes sociales. Además, la investigación se completa con un análisis de contenido sobre la preponderancia y significado de la ‘nota roja’ en El Diario de Juárez, principal periódico de esta zona fronteriza que incluso tiene delegación en la ciudad norteamericana de El Paso. La cobertura de la violencia en zonas de alto riesgo da un especial valor a la actividad periodística en periódicos como el citado y al trabajo corporativo de esta agrupación de periodistas juarenses.
and online advertising atomisation have transformed existing business models and put into
question traditional media management practices. Now more than ever, policy makers and
editors are concerned about the future of newspapers. In this changing scenario, there are new
media models that attempt to promote and preserve public interest journalism. Among them,
non-profit institutions and community-funded platforms are the most innovative and relevant
alternatives. They promote audience involvement using what is known as crowdfunding, or they
are funded by grants received from wealthy millionaires. For these new models, profit margins
and income are unwelcome. Despite the fact that they could be regarded as non-business models,
they are actually changing the paradigm of public interest journalism while providing fresh ideas
for traditional media. The aim of this paper is to explain the nature of crowdfunding by describing
the context in which it takes place and considering its impact on journalism. We have created a
database to identify all the crowdfunding initiatives around the world. The results highlight the
emergence of these platforms and other systems that make possible crowdfunded journalism and
investigative reporting. Transparency, user involvement and control over where their money goes
tend to be the success factors of these initiatives.
online media market has experienced
a deep transformation throughout
2007-2009. One of the key factors
of change to be highlighted is
the rise of ‘native digital’ media,
which are trying to reach their share
in a market still dominated by the
online editions of traditional media.
This article analyses these several of
the initiatives at a national and regional
level, such as Soitu. Among
then, the case of Soitu stands out for
its innovative approach, despite the
fact that it closed down after a two
year period. It is argued that Soitu´s
example could be regarded as a
point of departure in the Spanish
‘native digital’ media.
of change in both production and
distribution systems, in the role of audiences,
in journalistic practices and in
business models. In the case of online
media which exclusively operate in the
web, with no print of broadcast matrix,
economic viability is even more complicated.
This paper analyses the business
models of three native online media in
Spain: Bottup, Periodismohumano and
Somos Malasaña. The conclusions outline
their strengths and weaknesses, as
well as the difficulties for the success of
these online initiatives.
has a very high level of popularity, especially bearing in mind the current crisis that affects the
United States. This article, from the study of a particular state: North Carolina, explains the keys of
support, keys that are related to work done since the primaries and the Democratic Party behind in
an appropriate use of social networks, both virtual and real. To prove this hypothesis, we show the
results of an extensive field work carried out mainly with two networks that have focused their
efforts on strengthening the youth vote and women voters: Generation Engage and 'Moms for